On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging our conscious and unconscious aspects. Energy drops into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mode.
This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher self/subconscious. Get that 95% of your brain on board for future goal setting and planning.

Write down what you’re releasing, then burn as you visualize and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.

New Moons are about Manifesting so plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions/affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in GEMINI. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.

To take it a step further draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fueling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Feel and see your vision as if in the present. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.

Focus on areas and approaches that GEMINI rules, such as;

Speaking, writing

Quick thinking





Shoulders, arms, and hands-and lungs






Nervous/restless mental energy

Social connections



I easily say what I need to say, to those I need to say it.

I easily express myself in a way others hear and respond positively.

I easily listen and truly hear what others have to say.

I easily have a sense of open, nonjudgmental curiosity regarding new ideas and information.

I easily find the facts and information I seek.

I am easily aware of and in control of my mind and thoughts.

I easily meditate …… minutes daily.

My mind is as clear, sharp and objective as a diamond.

I am easily in control of my use of communication & digital devices & utilize them to my best advantage.

I easily have an endless supply of fresh, creative ideas for any situation and implement the best.

I easily find myself making social connections with variety and great rapore.

Mindset Mastery 

I’m not sure when we’ll hit ‘peak manifesting’ awareness, however, I’m sure this decade will be remembered for it..and unicorns. Gemini is all about our mental faculty-the rational mind, our thoughts, ideas, and mindset. On topic and the perfect time to revisit the connection our thoughts have to our reality, and therefore it’s role in manifesting it.


Psychonaught 101 

Is your mind your inner twin? Its contents are projected out into our life mirroring its narrative and re-enforcing the very thoughts that created that perceptive lens- creating a feedback loop. One twin looks out from inside while the other looks back in reflecting it. Get your twins on board to change up the game-Gemini is a trickster, and so is our mind, and our perception of reality. Gemini is highly changeable and versatile- a mutable air sign with wings on her feet and head indicating her speed of movement- we can harness that adaptability and change up our game via our mind. We don’t have to keep hitting the ball back- change up your inner mental game and play to win!


Courtney Act – this months practice 

I’m sure you’re already aware so this is a reminder- next time you catch your self out with thoughts that aren’t worthy of your precious life here, simply step aside from them, let them go, clear the mental space and redirect the internal convo. The more you catch, clear and redirect the easier it becomes until it’s automated-like learning to drive a car! From this position, you’ll get your systems (reticular activating system-and the rest!) in alignment with what you actually want, and are more likely to manifest what you’re focused on, up shift the vibe you’re putting out – and your face/body language will communicate an entirely different story as well. People will smile because you’ll be smiling-from the inside!


La Lunas Planetary hookup

Mars, the planet of action suggests we find clever new approaches to Comms, our old ways are outdated-Mars combining (conjunct) with the South Node in Aquarius suggests we ditch the detached, over-analytical, science-y approach-and perhaps be aware of any push or aggressiveness in how we communicate. How can you soften your message so others can pick up on what you’re laying down?
Mercury in emotionally sensitive Cancer encourages us to feel before we speak-Compassionate speech, as the Dalai Lama (who has Sun in Cancer) might always recommend.


The north node in feisty Leo encourages us to communicate from a personal perspective, creatively with flair and drama-its ok to be noticed! What ideas are you most interested in, not what you think everyone wants…Let your intentions SHINE- if they wouldn’t win an Oscar, it’s time for a re-write!


In love and clarity,

Vanessa Montgomery


Geek Facts:

Exact at 5:43 am, June 14, 2018. AEST

New Moon ☾ conjunct Sun ☉ 22° Gemini ♊︎
Semi-square ∠ north node ☊ Leo ♌︎ 6°
Wide conjunction ☌ to Mercury ☿ 2° Cancer ♋︎

*credits- I’d like to acknowledge the late Jan Spiller, a pioneer in modern classic Astrology for her work, specifically her book ‘New Moon Astrology: using new moon power days to change and revitalise your life’. I’ve drawn on her teachings of setting intentions and shared many of them in my new moon blogs (with tweaks of my own), as well as privately setting my own intentions accordingly.

TWIN PEAKS : Gemini New Moon 

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, both their lights blocked from our sight, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.

This makes rich soil for contacting your inner/higher self/subconscious, planning and setting foundations and goals for your path.

Write down what you are releasing, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in GEMINI. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other at their extreme ends of mutual polarity.

To take it a step further, draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. What ever seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.
Focus on areas and approaches that GEMINI rules, such as:

  • Messages
  • Communication & its devices
  • Short trips
  • Duality
  • The Rational Mind
  • Logic
  • Thinking
  • Tricksters
  • Curiosity
  • Gossip
  • Chatter
  • Short trips
  • Transport
  • Motion/activity
  • Gadgets
  • Social Media
  • Writing


  • I easily percieve both the unity and duality in all of creation.
  • My mind is clear, active and nimble.
  • My mind is my Faithful and able servant, not my master.
  • I easily see things from all angles in a complete view.
  • I am presented with all the facts before making decisions.
  • I easily use technology to facilitate connectivity and engagement.
  • Information I need always presents easily.
  • I easily find myself asking the correct questions that bring me the answers I seek.
  • I easily find I can adapt and think on my feet, with accurate and intelligent response.

Seeing the duality in all things rather than just one point or aspect.

An air sign, Gemini rules the rational mind, which as we now know thanks to modern science (and ancient wisdom) is highly adaptable and changeable. Just like Gemini. Our mind is like a diamond or prism, which can take information from the senses and process it in all manner of ways. Our senses give us raw material, but our mind is really where all the action takes place. The perceptions, judgements, perspectives, they all happen here.
This is great news as it means you can hold a multitude of outlooks all at once, play around with them.
The Lions Gaze

Here’s a challenge I learnt this week. Catch a thought, and rather than following it outbound like a dog chasing a stick you’ve thrown, be the LION.

If you throw a stick for a lion, it will turn its piercing gaze on YOU. Use the lions stare to follow the thought BACK to where it originated. STARE IT DOWN. Your mind will throw constant sticks for you to chase like a dog, however Gemini is cheeky and doesn’t like following rules, you can use this to your advantage and make the most of this Gemini New Moon to take firm control of your faculties! Gemini is the messenger who is the only one that can travel into other realms, She is ready to carry your messages or bring you what you seek, you need only ask.

Alternately meditate and watch what comes up out of nothingness. Your mind can be your best friend, or worse than the most annoying friend once you realise Hello, it gives you NO space, relentlessly plays tricks and you have to apply some boundaries to get peace!
Meditation and mindfulness is becoming commonplace, with a multitude of apps now available to help you on your way its never been more accessible. Just 3 minuets a day is a start. (Rule of thumb is one minute for every birthday you’ve had). If you want to really see what it can do, try a Vipassana 10 day silent mediation retreat, the benefits are beyond imagination and you’ll be left wanting more. The retreats are free, not tied to any religion, and found all over the world. Next level? 3 months learning and practicing meditation in an ashram, yes please!


New Moon conjunct Sun 4 degrees Gemini.

5:44 a.m AEST. May 26, 2017.

Semi square Venus19 degrees Aries

Inconjunct Pluto 19 degrees Capricorn
Grande trine between venus and Uranus in Aries, South node in Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius

Flowing up to a kite pattern with the North node in Aquarius at the top, sextile Saturn in Sagittarius and Venus in Aries.

May you see from your clear light mind,

Vanessa Montgomery


DOUBLE VISION : Full Moon Gemini

The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.
Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the GEMINI New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

Refresh your memory, heres the last New Moon Gemini Post…


This Moon illuminates the mind, ideas, facts and all things communications. Make sure you’ve got your facts straight before you fire off flaming arrows or jump to conclusions…Gemini also rules doubles and short journeys…going anywhere? Doubling up into a terrible twosome? Or are you noticing both sides of the coin under the full Moons light?

In a polarity with the Sun in Sagittarius this is occasion to balance pure fact with expansive vision and find true meaning.

If you’ve been waiting on information so you can move forward, it’s likely to be revealed around this time. Any information that comes to light, don’t judge it if its not quite want you wanted to hear, see the opportunity in it and look for an even better outcome. If its exactly what you needed or wanted to know, fantastic!

Shoulder the boulder…

This full Moon sweats it out in a tight spot (T-Square) with the planet of wounding and healing, Chiron. It could be ouch, the information you get…look for the healing that needs to take place…take the opportunity to change past habits and choose a new way you may never have thought of before.

Saturn, planet of discipline, is focusing the thought power of expansive Sun in Sagittarius making the usual party a more somber yet potentially more likely to end in a pay day if you do the work. Any plans for expansion or study wont go super nova, wont be as glam as you’d like. However, forgo the limo downtown, take the seemingly humble bus, keep at it, again, do the work and you’ll end up where you plan to go. Always sensible advice, with this combo any less will leave you roadside without a ride.
Think outside the box…

Uranus the planet of sudden change, and the unexpected lends a hand to hit refresh on your perspective, put the effort in to find a higher solution to any problems, impasse or stuck ideas and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. (Aries Uranus sextile Gemini Moon, Trine Sun in Sag). What at first may seem like a thorn in your side could transform into your lucky day!

This Full Moon is also trine Shaker and mover Mars in detached and socially oriented Aquarius. Remember the power innumbers. Jupiter in dynamic duo Libra provides luck in the power of two. This is a great air sign combo, meaning communication is the key.

The power of thought, ideas and the mind are on your side if you reach out. Does your mind need a good fluffing up like a feather pillow thats been slept on for way too long without stimulation? If so this is the time to feed your mind, connect on all levels with different types of people in various ways. Be open now and voila, hello limitless possibilities.

Personally I’m seeing the effects of the above…a course I’d plannned to study (starting in 2 days!) has been cancelled, so I’ll be doing what looks like a less glamorous version, yet it ticks all the boxes, with no frills. I’m hoping my advice is right and and it’ll be just right!

To an open mind and the holy grail,
Vanessa Montgomery

Geek Facts :

  • Full Moon 22 degrees, 25 minutes, Gemini
    Moon Opposite Sun in Sagittarius (conjunct Saturn)
    Moon Square Chiron in Pisces, 20 degrees
    Moon sextile Uranus in Aries, Retrograde 20 degrees
    Moon Trine Jupiter in Libra, 18 degrees
    Moon trine Mars in Aquarius 25 degrees
    Moon quincunx Venus in Aquarius, 7 degrees


On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you.  

Write them down, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.
New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in GEMINI.

Focus on areas and approaches that GEMINI rules, such as:

  • Social ease and mobility
  • Messages
  • Communications
  • Disseminating ideas
  • The Rational Mind/Intellect
  • Just the facts M’am
  • Integrating thoughts and ideas
  • Fast, broad and light/shallow
  • Transport
  • Diamond Clarity
  • Healthy Curiosity
  • Relationships based on proximity eg, neighbor, sibling.


  • ‘I easily find the right information at the right time’
  • ‘I easily connect with the right people at the right time’
  • ‘I easily find myself exchanging diverse ideas and points of view with others in ways that are mutually rewarding’
  • ‘I consciously look for and enjoy variety in my life’
  • ‘I easily try new things, new perspectives and new points of view’
  • ‘I have and utilise the cleverness to navigate life in a way that’s in my overall best interests’
  • ‘I easily find myself using charm, tact, courtesy and wit in all my social interactions, in a way that allows others to feel validated, heard and loved’
  • ‘I easily find the right mechanic that keeps my car in peak condition at a fair price’
  • ‘I easily reflect and have a crystal clear dialogue and healthy integration of all parts of myself, now’

Gemini is an air sign, therefore it rules the intellect. In this case the rational mind, dissemination of ideas and integration of a wide range of seemingly unrelated ideas.

Like a butterfly that flits from one flower to the next, Geminis function best when they have the freedom to go between seemingly divergent groups of people, disseminating and cross pollinating ideas.

A strength of Gemini is adaptability, versatility and the ability to keep moving without becoming bogged down. This function becomes a drawback when Gemini is too shallow, fickle, erratic, scattered, flakey, or gossipy. If this is you, balance the flighty air with some grounding earth..introduce heartier, warming foods into your diet, set regular hours, and get adequate sleep. In the Indian natural health system of Ayurveda, this quality would be referred to as out of balance ‘vata’. Google that for more grounding ideas on how to balance yourself to best use your fabulous gifts.

The area in your chart ruled by Gemini points to the area of your life where you need free flowing ideas, and can apply the diamond like clarity of dispassionate rational intellect to view situations from every facet, then share your ideas with others. You may also have many avenues in this area of life and be highly social.

For instance, Gemini on your second house cusp of values and resources often indicates more than one income source, as well as, ahem, double standards! Most likely you make your money from your bright ideas or social mobility rather than your physical labours or strength. Graphic design, sales or marketing would be obvious choices for this placement.

The book, ‘Celestine Prophesy’ is a great read for practicing an intuitive style of finding the right information you may be looking for, and connecting with those you need to connect with. The basic premise being, if someone stands out to you, go over and say hi..they have a message for you and in equal exchange, you have something of value to share with them. Do this as an exercise on a night out, a set week, or set month. You’ll be amazed. I pushed past my own limits and tried, it, totally beyond known reason it somehow works. Caveat-if the person standing out to you reminds you of someone negative, dark or a bad experience, the message is ‘stay away!’.

On an internal level, the psychotherapy called ‘focussing, on a felt sense’, as outlined by Ann Wieser Cornell is a super simple and fabulous approach to dialoguing with fractured, exiled or conflicting parts of self. The premise being that simply acknowledging those parts with a non judgemental, interested curiosity and hearing their message, healing can then take place by those parts transforming and integrating.
Have a fabulous and informative month,

I hope you find the answers you seek!
With Crystal Clarity,

Vanessa Montgomery




SAGITTARIUS, it may not be all systems go just yet but lock n load, your ruler, Jupiter has just gone direct. While Mars is still retro in your sign, dramatic course corrections will continue to take place, go with it. You may feel like your wheels are spinning, but smoke usually preludes a fire so be open to change. Once these two planets go direct you’ll know exactly where to head and what to do.

VIRGO, since Jupiter is in your sign this means there’s some systems that are ready to go now..yet with Action planet Mars and task master Saturn retro in Sag, Squaring your sign, there are still hoops you need to jump through. However, luck is on your side so you’ll notice some positive forward motion in plans that have either been stalling or eluding you. Your ruler Mercury is retrograde, there’s more information that needs to come to light before all roads are clear and you can make a strategic move for the gold.

GEMINI, your ruler Mercury is still retro. Don’t stress out, just send your call into the deep space that is your higher mind and be open to what comes back. You’ll get your answer. Also Mars and Saturn retro in sag are opposing your sign. Once they go direct you’ll spot your direction.

CAPRICORN, your ruler is still retro, so hold on there, keep reviewing, restructuring and rebuilding..tear down what’s not authentic or working and be ready to rebuild an empire that reflects who you really are and what you know you have been put on this earth to craft.



What’s your Astro SUPER POWER?

Do you use it for Good or for Eeevillll?

watch video HERE to FIND OUT

We all have certain traits shared by our Zodiac signs.  These traits need to and will be met, however it’s your choice to have your needs met in a way that sustains and serves you while serving others in win win scenarios.  If you can make a career out of your superpower, even better.

We visit each zodiac sign from Aries to Pisces for a look behind their Lycra, then interview Pisces Super Hero Cherry about how she has made a great living and lifestyle from her natural SuperPower.

Don’t Shoot the Messenger : Moon in Gemini

When the Moon is in Gemini our collective mood urges us to communicate..last minute Xmas well wishes to even the furthest relative or long lost pal will certainly be happening. We’ll be wondering what every one is up to for the holidays and where the party is…texting/messaging to get the answers!
Keep it light and bright, and do party hop if you have the opportunity. Drop by friends and neighbours, to say hi.

Gemini is a sign of communication in a light, bright, specific way. It’s the messenger of the zodiac. If you follow the principle of connecting with those that stand out to you, remind you strongly of someone (in a positive way), or just have the gut instinct to call someone, go say hi and see what message they have for you, or you for them. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. At this time of year people are often more open to others in the Xmas spirit so it’s a great time and mood to action this intuitive practice. Don’t be shy, have a try.




Full of Ideas
Like Chatting

The Full Moon in Gemini has us feeling more open to communication. So many thoughts bubble to the surface and messages come to us from all sorts of places. Our emotional energy is to share the knowledge/love.
Phones will be ringing, digi devices dinging.

Take advantage of the Gemini flavoured mood over the next couple of days to jot down any great ideas that come to mind and schedule social engagements.



Gemini Moon+Capricorn Sun=Cheeky Business!

..&..Creates a mood of sociability as it teams up with Venus in fellow air sign (communication) Aquarius.  You’ll find yourself catching up with friends, especially women friends, texting, quick calls, coffee dates, or even trying something new.

Gemini is the trickster, like the smart kid in class that is so far ahead of everyone else she throws out tricks to trip up everyone behind her just for laughs and to stay on their toes-best cure for complacency ever..therefore the mood is also playful and inquisitive.

With the Sun traveling through professional Capricorn, follow any urges or hunches in promoting your business or professional interests/ up with peers with like-minded interests and shoot the breeze/network.

Both Gemini and Aquarius can encompass the spectrum of gender.. if you find your wardrobe needs expanding to break out of some rigid gender definition that is too tight for your whole being, now is a great time to do it..