On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging our conscious and unconscious aspects. Energy drops into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mode.
This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher self/subconscious. Get that 95% of your brain on board for future goal setting and planning.

Write down what you’re releasing, then burn as you visualize and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.

New Moons are about Manifesting so plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions/affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in GEMINI. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.

To take it a step further draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fueling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Feel and see your vision as if in the present. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.

Focus on areas and approaches that GEMINI rules, such as;

Speaking, writing

Quick thinking





Shoulders, arms, and hands-and lungs






Nervous/restless mental energy

Social connections



I easily say what I need to say, to those I need to say it.

I easily express myself in a way others hear and respond positively.

I easily listen and truly hear what others have to say.

I easily have a sense of open, nonjudgmental curiosity regarding new ideas and information.

I easily find the facts and information I seek.

I am easily aware of and in control of my mind and thoughts.

I easily meditate …… minutes daily.

My mind is as clear, sharp and objective as a diamond.

I am easily in control of my use of communication & digital devices & utilize them to my best advantage.

I easily have an endless supply of fresh, creative ideas for any situation and implement the best.

I easily find myself making social connections with variety and great rapore.

Mindset Mastery 

I’m not sure when we’ll hit ‘peak manifesting’ awareness, however, I’m sure this decade will be remembered for it..and unicorns. Gemini is all about our mental faculty-the rational mind, our thoughts, ideas, and mindset. On topic and the perfect time to revisit the connection our thoughts have to our reality, and therefore it’s role in manifesting it.


Psychonaught 101 

Is your mind your inner twin? Its contents are projected out into our life mirroring its narrative and re-enforcing the very thoughts that created that perceptive lens- creating a feedback loop. One twin looks out from inside while the other looks back in reflecting it. Get your twins on board to change up the game-Gemini is a trickster, and so is our mind, and our perception of reality. Gemini is highly changeable and versatile- a mutable air sign with wings on her feet and head indicating her speed of movement- we can harness that adaptability and change up our game via our mind. We don’t have to keep hitting the ball back- change up your inner mental game and play to win!


Courtney Act – this months practice 

I’m sure you’re already aware so this is a reminder- next time you catch your self out with thoughts that aren’t worthy of your precious life here, simply step aside from them, let them go, clear the mental space and redirect the internal convo. The more you catch, clear and redirect the easier it becomes until it’s automated-like learning to drive a car! From this position, you’ll get your systems (reticular activating system-and the rest!) in alignment with what you actually want, and are more likely to manifest what you’re focused on, up shift the vibe you’re putting out – and your face/body language will communicate an entirely different story as well. People will smile because you’ll be smiling-from the inside!


La Lunas Planetary hookup

Mars, the planet of action suggests we find clever new approaches to Comms, our old ways are outdated-Mars combining (conjunct) with the South Node in Aquarius suggests we ditch the detached, over-analytical, science-y approach-and perhaps be aware of any push or aggressiveness in how we communicate. How can you soften your message so others can pick up on what you’re laying down?
Mercury in emotionally sensitive Cancer encourages us to feel before we speak-Compassionate speech, as the Dalai Lama (who has Sun in Cancer) might always recommend.


The north node in feisty Leo encourages us to communicate from a personal perspective, creatively with flair and drama-its ok to be noticed! What ideas are you most interested in, not what you think everyone wants…Let your intentions SHINE- if they wouldn’t win an Oscar, it’s time for a re-write!


In love and clarity,

Vanessa Montgomery


Geek Facts:

Exact at 5:43 am, June 14, 2018. AEST

New Moon ☾ conjunct Sun ☉ 22° Gemini ♊︎
Semi-square ∠ north node ☊ Leo ♌︎ 6°
Wide conjunction ☌ to Mercury ☿ 2° Cancer ♋︎

*credits- I’d like to acknowledge the late Jan Spiller, a pioneer in modern classic Astrology for her work, specifically her book ‘New Moon Astrology: using new moon power days to change and revitalise your life’. I’ve drawn on her teachings of setting intentions and shared many of them in my new moon blogs (with tweaks of my own), as well as privately setting my own intentions accordingly.

DOUBLE VISION : Full Moon Gemini

The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.
Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the GEMINI New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

Refresh your memory, heres the last New Moon Gemini Post…


This Moon illuminates the mind, ideas, facts and all things communications. Make sure you’ve got your facts straight before you fire off flaming arrows or jump to conclusions…Gemini also rules doubles and short journeys…going anywhere? Doubling up into a terrible twosome? Or are you noticing both sides of the coin under the full Moons light?

In a polarity with the Sun in Sagittarius this is occasion to balance pure fact with expansive vision and find true meaning.

If you’ve been waiting on information so you can move forward, it’s likely to be revealed around this time. Any information that comes to light, don’t judge it if its not quite want you wanted to hear, see the opportunity in it and look for an even better outcome. If its exactly what you needed or wanted to know, fantastic!

Shoulder the boulder…

This full Moon sweats it out in a tight spot (T-Square) with the planet of wounding and healing, Chiron. It could be ouch, the information you get…look for the healing that needs to take place…take the opportunity to change past habits and choose a new way you may never have thought of before.

Saturn, planet of discipline, is focusing the thought power of expansive Sun in Sagittarius making the usual party a more somber yet potentially more likely to end in a pay day if you do the work. Any plans for expansion or study wont go super nova, wont be as glam as you’d like. However, forgo the limo downtown, take the seemingly humble bus, keep at it, again, do the work and you’ll end up where you plan to go. Always sensible advice, with this combo any less will leave you roadside without a ride.
Think outside the box…

Uranus the planet of sudden change, and the unexpected lends a hand to hit refresh on your perspective, put the effort in to find a higher solution to any problems, impasse or stuck ideas and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. (Aries Uranus sextile Gemini Moon, Trine Sun in Sag). What at first may seem like a thorn in your side could transform into your lucky day!

This Full Moon is also trine Shaker and mover Mars in detached and socially oriented Aquarius. Remember the power innumbers. Jupiter in dynamic duo Libra provides luck in the power of two. This is a great air sign combo, meaning communication is the key.

The power of thought, ideas and the mind are on your side if you reach out. Does your mind need a good fluffing up like a feather pillow thats been slept on for way too long without stimulation? If so this is the time to feed your mind, connect on all levels with different types of people in various ways. Be open now and voila, hello limitless possibilities.

Personally I’m seeing the effects of the above…a course I’d plannned to study (starting in 2 days!) has been cancelled, so I’ll be doing what looks like a less glamorous version, yet it ticks all the boxes, with no frills. I’m hoping my advice is right and and it’ll be just right!

To an open mind and the holy grail,
Vanessa Montgomery

Geek Facts :

  • Full Moon 22 degrees, 25 minutes, Gemini
    Moon Opposite Sun in Sagittarius (conjunct Saturn)
    Moon Square Chiron in Pisces, 20 degrees
    Moon sextile Uranus in Aries, Retrograde 20 degrees
    Moon Trine Jupiter in Libra, 18 degrees
    Moon trine Mars in Aquarius 25 degrees
    Moon quincunx Venus in Aquarius, 7 degrees