CAPTAIN: Capricorn Full Moon

It’s a full Moon in Earth sign Capricorn today. Re-visit intentions if you set them when the moon was new in Capricorn, 6 months ago. Where are you at with them at this stage of your journey? If not, send them out now to be revealed under the bright light of this full Moon- at the 1/2 way point, & peak of its cycle.

Capricorn is a sign of career, ambition, hard work and working toward accomplishment of long term goals. Use this energy to set your goals and make a practical plan on how to get there. Reverse engineer to a point that you can get some traction on now.

The Moon as we know, governs our emotional life, what makes us feel safe, nurtured and a sense of belonging/family & home.

The Moon is in a challengeing aspect (square) to wounded healer Chiron in sensitive Pisces. What do you need to heal in order to have those needs met? This includes needs for your own ambition and career, as these things can give us a great sense of personal accomplishment as well as security. Being in an Earth sign, that includes material security, as well as the credit we have from our reputaiton. position and skills.

Saturn rules Capricorn, and its currently merged (conjunct) with the Moon. Saturn can limit and isolate as well as focus. Today could feel a little lonely or like hard work unless you embrace the opportunity it provides for focus. Uranus is an a favourable aspect (trine) suggesting we lean into change and try something new. Saturn is retrograde, (as is Mars, Jupiter and Neptune). Don’t be surprised if you need to go back and do a fresh take on a few things. You may need to re-visit some old habits in order to clear them, now’s the time. While Saturn is usually more like hard work than fun, it does reward any work done, so do the emotional work and it will be worth it. What kind of tangible action can you invest and what tangible results will you  accomplish?

Potential is all around you, yet if its not congruent with your beliefs you wont even see it. Opening up your mind and setting intentions helps get your unconcious on board to navigate a new pathway. Doing the emotional work, and opening up your beliefs about what you deserve & can achieve is key to this process. Do the work, as Byron Katie says, and you’ll reap the benefits.
Happy Full Moon!

Vanessa Montgomery


Full Moon 6 Capricorn 2:53pm 28 July AEST

Conjunct Saturn retrograde 5 Capricorn

Square Chiron 2 degrees Aries

Trine Uranus 1 degree Taurus

YOU DO YOU 🦁 Leo Full Moon + Eclipse

🔥Oh that burnin’ ring of fire🔥

🌑    🌒  🌓 🌕 🌖  🌗  🌘    🌑

I went down down down as the flames grew higher 🔥

This Full Moon is the culmination of the 2 new Moons in Fire sign Leo from last August. Look out for what’s manifesting for you from seeds planted then. (you’ve been writing yr New Moon intentions right?!)🦄

Of course this La Luna has to make a grand entrance, she’s a Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse vision of Luna light. Expect theatrics, grand entrances, solos, monologues and High drama ala LEO. ⚡️☄️⭐️💫 The best night of the year for a party ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Also a time to shamelessly self promo. Get your money maker up in lights! ✨✨✨✨✨say it loud and say it proud.
Focus on the area this Moon lights up in your birth chart.

Thanks to a series of eclipses, last August bought some change that may have burnt at the time, yet cleared the way for new growth. Or it may have ignited the spark that’s now a full bodied creative child thats being birthed.
Leo rules creative self expression, our inner child, romance and a warm loving open heart.

Where are you at with that in your life? Look to find evidence already existing in your life that reflects your hearts desires, and feel gratitude for it. That way the universe (and your subconscious) knows what to keep delivering ❤️🔥💋💃🏼💃🏻🎶🎸🎨work from the positive and give thanks to the benefits in all the change and challenge that made it possible. 🦋

Full Moons ask we balance our emotional and security needs with our conscious development  of self. The Sun sitting in polarity to me oriented Leo Moon requests we give awareness to our group and humanitarian contribution. Who are we in a group context as opposed to our raw unadulterated creative selves.  This month the Sun is linked to both the South node and Venus (conjunct) suggesting we share our ability to create love and beauty infused with detatchment and space.

An itchy glitch to the Moon from wounded healer Chiron (semi-square) may have us raging about a thorn in our paw. Slow down and step aside for a moment to reflect on what that past hurt is thats nagging at you for attention. Let it go and move forward. Take your destiny clean and drama free.  Let your  inner child off the hook and let go of ghosts of the past.  Get creative and change your story.  See how free and liberated you really can really be. You’re the artist and designer of your own life. What kind of art will it be? In every moment you have a multitude of choices available to you, you choose!

The ‘house’ this Moon falls in your birth chart reveals more information about what area of life is highlighted by these lunar beams.


Happy full Moon Lion Hearted 🦁X O

Vanessa Montgomery



Geek Facts:
Full Moon exact @ 11:26 PM AEST, 11 degrees Leo. 31 Jan.
Conjunct north node in Leo.
Sun Conjunct south node Aquarius, and Venus
Sun Semi square Chiron (apply self love and compassion)



FIRE BRAND 🔥 Aries Full Moon

It’s FULL MOON FEVER again with a lovely n large La Luna calling for us to burn our baggage to better focus on what’s real and now.


Like sea life drawn up from the depths into view by lunar light, our instinctual, emotional nature presses in. Fiery feels are at full beam.

Full Moons are a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in ARIES. What harvest are you reaping? How are your emotional and safety needs being met? Are you being nurtured? Is it a Full Moon feast or famine?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for
28 March, 2017

BLAZE : Aries New MOON 


Burn Baby Burn

This months Full Moon is in a super awks position that calls us to transform or die trying. (Square Pluto in Capricorn). Box your way out of inner emotional broils if there’s any baggage pulling you back into an emotional pit you thought you’d cleared a few rounds ago. Fight the good fight and be prepared to face some tar babies. That deeper gunk can be gruelling to shake off. You’ve got to feel it to heal it as they say. At least with Aries it’ll be a quick fight, altho it may be deep, dark and dirty with Pluto in the ring.

The key is to shred what no longer serves emotionally. Step up to the plate and take on responsibility for your deepest evolution. This Full Moon is about being self made, you’re worth the extra mile. Get some grit, find traction and take your best shot!


The Sun in the opposite sign of Libra demands a balanced account. That bat sh*t cray with tar on its wings needs closer inspection. Look at both sides and all points of view. Mercury conjunct Sun in Libra is about a fair analysis. How can you bring into balance the part of you that wants relationship harmony and lilting melodies, with the final-countdown-solo-extreme-Me-Me-Me-ME-f*ck off- part of you? Pluto will force release regardless.


Further highlighting the theme

Jupiter is rallying in favour of dynamic duos in a show down against Uranus cattle prodding nuptial bliss in favour of solo one up man ship – I’m joining a gym to blow off extra steam! Essentially, find the balance and don’t see saw between togetherness and blazing independence.


Shadow Boxing


Check for secondary gains..if you’re bemoaning being single, or chasing the unavailable = still single, are you avoiding fears around losing the benefits of being solo? Sometimes there’s a reason we unconsciously avoid relationships. There may be fear about the drawbacks of relationships or we may go from extreme Miss independance and loving it to married and bickering (or much worse),  pining for free wheeling solo good times (or at least sanity). It’s as if only one side can ‘win’ at a time.

The solution is to honestly appraise your beliefs about both sides and see how you can have the best of both worlds. How can you keep your love of independance alive while also enjoying  the wonders of coupling up? Poke, prod and tease the truth from your heart and mind, it’s easier to see under the light of a Full Moon…failing that I’m a huge advocate of the therapists chair.


If nothing else this week will be high energy and rather exciting vibes.

Fierce Love,

Vanessa Montgomery



Geek Fact Checker :

Sydney 4:39 am Oct 6 | L.A 10:39 am Oct 5 | N.Y 1:39 pm| London 6:39 pm


Full Moon 12 degrees Aries

Opposite Sun 12 degrees Libra, Mercury 10 degrees Libra

Square Pluto 16 degrees Capricorn




ON STRANGER TIDES ⭐️ Aquarius Full Moon + Partial Lunar Eclipse

It’s FULL MOON FEVER again with a lovely n large La Luna calling for us to shed our flotsam and jetsom to better focus on what’s real and most essential.

Like sea life drawn up from the depths into view by lunar light, our instinctual, emotional nature presses in. Feels are at full beam.

Full Moons are a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in AQUARIUS. What harvest are you reaping? How are your emotional and safety needs being met? Are you being nurtured? Is it a Full Moon feast or famine?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for Jan 28, 2017.

Click Here : Genius Peculiarity : Aquarius New Moon



This Full Moon involves a partial eclipse that asks us to reset our relationship to groups, tech or just emotional detachment. Is your safety mechanism to split and run? It may be time to access your leadership potential by either mentoring or modelling more healthy and sustainable ways of handling our emotions. Perhaps lending some detachment to a situation thats been super intense.


Take the Helm

Action is required (Mars conj Sun in Leo) so don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Is it time to introduce new precedents in your emotional connections? Relate differently? Truely be yourself so connections are authentic? Perhaps something hasn’t met your expectation. How can you re-invent the situation to serve the needs of those involved? How can you do things differently to gain better results?


Strength in Numbers

The cost of living has skyrocketed with so many western countries pricing out new home owners and job markets crushing traditional career paths and ways of earning a living. I’m so passionate about people, especially women, pooling resources. There’s strength in numbers. In terms of buying land and co-op sharing facilities, time share work on the property etc more people could be living far more rewarding and interesting lives. How about pooling finances for investment or pooling other resources, talents etc. Rather than think solo and vertical, think group and horizontal. Just think about it, brain storm the potentials, you could radically change your life if you can radically change the way you think. All it takes is that one genius shift. Get outside of the ‘how its always been done, traditional’ box.  Lucky planet Jupiter adds extra positive energy for equal partnerships so give it all you’ve got.


Geek Fact Checker :

Sydney – Aug 8, 2017. 4.10 a.m  |  California – Aug 7, 2017. 11.10 a.m

New York – Aug 7, 2017. 2.10 p.m | London – Aug 7, 2017. 7.10 p.m

Moon 15 degrees Aquarius,

opposite Sun 15 degrees Leo, conjunct Mars 11 degrees Leo

Moon Trine Jupiter 17 degrees Libra

Sun Sextile Jupiter 17 degrees Libra


In solidarity,
Vanessa Montgomery


MASTER BLACK ⭐️ Capricorn Full Moon

It’s FULL MOON FEVER with a lovely n large La Luna calling for us to shed our flotsam and jetsom to better focus on what’s real and most essential.

Like sea life drawn up from the depths into view by lunar light, our instinctual, emotional nature is more apparent and conscious.

The full Moon is a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in CAPRICORN. What harvest are you reaping? How are your needs being met? Is it a Full Moon feast or famine?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for Dec 29, 2016.

Just do your BEST Darling : New Moon Capricorn 

Urge to Purge

Pluto the planet of transformation flanks this Full Moon in Capricorn. Pluto is the ultimate truth sayer. It foretells of razing everything unessential back to the absolute bone. If your emotional scaffolding isn’t build on sure ground, Pluto will get to work. If you no longer need your scaffolding or crutches, yet havn’t shed them to stand strong in your own right, the’ll be torn down with or without your permission. Let them go, you are ready.

The urge to purge or let go in order to transform is a strong theme this month. Have you realised you’ve let something go in your life (or have been resisting), or a foundation stone of your life has been removed? Capricorn is about stepping up, with Pluto in the mix you’ll be stepping up into your power in some way, taking the baton, the mantle. You don’t need to lean on or rely on the past, this is the beginning of your first apparent steps at your next level. Move forward.


The Devil Inside

In traditional Astrology Pluto is seen as a ‘Malefic’. As evil doom and gloom because this phase of life can be confronting and challenging,  the more we resist the more painful, even terrifying it can be. Lets face it, life in the comfort lane is safe because we know what to expect, even if we know its not right for us anymore.

In modern Astrology, planets represent a psychological aspect of our nature as well as timing in terms of cycles of personal growth. The Area this Full Moon falls in your birth chart represents the area of life you’re ready to get down to some serious business in.

Capricorn is the Devil card in Tarot, as Christianity demonised previous values on natures intelligence and abundance. We hold the key to our own chains. This Moon could see us facing and accepting some well repressed taboo truths about ourselves, our true nature and our needs so we may walk free.

If someone were to give you permission to do that, who would it be, and what would they say? Write it down as if they were speaking to you. This could also be a dialogue between your adult self, your inner child and even what you would say to you now from your death bed, at your oldest and hopefully wisest.



Since Full Moons are always in polarity with the Sun in the opposite sign, this month the Sun in Cancer is conjunct Mars. So Pluto Moon and Mars Sun are in a bust up that needs to find some sort of harmony between authoritarian dictatorship and tight yet warring clan like consciousness.

Pulling the tension into a ‘t-square’ configuration is Jupiter in Libra demanding we spread our wings in relationships. Break out of old patterns of the past. The tension could come from relationships or it could be the urge for more freedom, equality and justice (think the fight for equal marriage vs outworn concepts of family units, power hierarchies extending out to our own governmental system designed the way a hierarchical business or old school family unit is designed. Theres an imbalance of power which wastes an incredible amount of resources and favours the few).

How are you noticing this in your own life? How could you introduce more freedom and equality into your life without throwing out the baby with the bathwater in terms of your own security, family, home in a way that better balances work/career and vice versa?


Through the Looking Glass

Using my life as an example, the Full Moon/Pluto combo has fallen in my 8th house of death, sex and regeneration, also seen as other peoples resources that we benefit from like inheritance, working with others resources like an investment banker.
Literally one of the foundational people from a most impressionable time of life (15) has passed away. Johnathon was both patriarch and matriarch, a focal point for generations of a creative community who may have been disparate and less cohesive as a community without the pivotal base and personality he provided. He shone a light on an unlit path by modelling a way of living authentic to ones creative self expression while embracing others for theirs. I wouldn’t be who I am today without having known, and being greatly influenced by him and the community he had a hand in building.

At the same time I’ve let go of a partnership in which I needed more space than it had to give. Jupiter in Libra is in my 5th house of creative self expression and romance. Rather than let the Pluto/Mars bust up bruise, batter and waste resources (Sun Mars in my 2nd house of personal values, resources, security and $), we’ve brought in the grace bestowed by Jupiter in Libras luck by negotiating a fair deal thats a better fit, while maintaining absolute stability in terms of security and home. Letting go entirely of the past (Pluto Moon), of expectations (fantasy and delusion) and keeping what works, and what’s real (all we have is the present and potentially the future). The cycle of Jupiter in Libra in my 5th house can now be met without restriction, with some changes that challenge how things ‘ought to be done’, yet suit our individual personal needs.


Geek Fact Checker :


Sunday July 9, 2:06pm AEST

FULL MOON 17 degrees Capricorn
Conjunct Pluto 18 degrees Capricorn
Opposite Sun 17 degrees Cancer
Sun Conjunct Mars 22 degrees Cancer

Moon opposite Sun forming T-square Jupiter 14 degrees Libra


In Truth & Loving Kindness


Vanessa Montgomery





HIT ME WITH YR BEST SHOT ⭐️ Sagittarius Full Moon

The full Moon is a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in SAGITTARIUS. What harvest are you reaping?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for Nov 29, 2016.

CLICK HERE for previous New Moon in Sagittarius


Sagittarius Full Moon illuminates new horizons, expansion, adventure and friendship. Conjunct manifesting planet Saturn in Retrograde my educated guess is that while you may be pushing out of your comfort zone, (like it or not), remember to be humble and that corners you’ve skipped in the past may have you feeling you’re going backward to move forward. Saturn adds a serious note, conspiring for the chips to fall in a way where we have to do the work. Consolidate your knowledge.  Draw on prior learning, experience while taking it on the chin and doing the work, it can pay off greatly with an excellent flowing aspect (grande trine) hooking in Uranus and Venus with the North and south nodes of destiny. If you need to get with the times and step up online, do the work.

Feel nervous about expansion? Remind yourself that trying new things means moving into the unknown. The unknown triggers our fear mechanism. Hence the saying ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. If you don’t have some trepidation mixed with excitement you need to cast your goal further. Think of it as an adventure or quest on the path of your personal holy grail. Invest in a coach if you need extra support or know how.
A tense aspect to Neptune in Pisces tempts us to either bail or don the rose tinted glasses (millennial pink in these times), don’t. Instead draw on your creativity to reinvent. Think Madonnas transformations and how consummately she owned each role she cast herself in.

The area or ‘house’ of your birth chart in which this Full Moon is transiting will be the area of focus for you. The chart for this Moon tells us career and public image is significant. By being ahead of the game and pushing yourself into larger more challenging roles that you know you’re ready for, you can establish yourself.

Accent your public/career image with a dose of authority and you may find a surprising and welcome addition to your bank balance.



Full Moon in Sagittarius. |. 11:09 pm AEST. |. 9 June, 2017


In comraderie and friendship,

Vanessa Montgomery



SUGER HIT : Libra Full Moon

It’s FULL MOON FEVER again with a lovely n large La Luna crooning for us to over-do the sweetness this month.
The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.

Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the LIBRA New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

Refresh your memory, heres the last New Moon LIBRA Post..

Refresh your Memory, click HERE

Libra loves partnering up, weather its a romantic twosome, a dynamic business duo or just a regular dance partner, look for your complimentary equal under the light of this full Moon.

Excessive and optimistic Jupiter is partnering up (conjunct) La Luna, pushing that partner seeking into over drive. Watch you don’t overdo the sugary sweets 🍭 in the perception that you lack enough sweetness in life.

The full Moon is always in polarity/opposite the this month as independent solo woman Aries. As she beats her chest and announces ‘Me FIRST’. Remember to find your sweetheart you need to balance that inner need for relationship, with the independent you. To be equal to another you need to have the distance and centerdness (is that a word??) to meet that special other so the see-saw doesn’t swing up and throw one of you out of the saddle! To be TWO you can’t fade into ONE. Libra is about balance, not merging, leave that up to Pisces!


Competition vs Collaboration

“Competition makes us faster, collaboration makes us better”.  Fyrefly.

The Sun in Aries is conjunct super sci-fi future oriented and electrifying Aries. How is that truely independent part of yourself? Getting ahead of yourself I hope..rocketing forward regardless of who you freak out with your intrepid path.

Transformer Pluto is tying into this Sun/Moon twosome as a 3rd wheel determined to rock the status quo and bring maximum stress to the party in a way that will make or break you into pushing through and owning your power. Own your personal power of self as well as self in partnership.


I’ll leave it on that note!


Vanessa Montgomery




Geek Fact Checker :

Full Moon exact at 4.07 pm, 11th April 2017 AEST

Full Moon 23 degrees Libra

Conjunct Retrograde Jupiter 21 degrees Libra
Opposite Sun 23 degrees Aries, Uranus 24 degrees Aries
Square Pluto 27 degrees Sagittarius
The ‘house’/area of life the planets fall provide extra information on where to expect events or perceptions to play out. Eg Full Moon in the 3rd house of mind/local environment could mean, find a local study buddy you feel emotionally connected with, while the opposite Sun in Aries in the 9th house of expansion could compel you to pursue some independent study or experience that expands your mind or world view.


The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.

Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the VIRGO New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?
Refresh your memory, heres the last New Moon VIRGO Post..


This Full Moon has some tense aspects as well as a super helpful one.

In short, you’re going to have to do some work to make the most of what it offers.
If you havn’t sorted, tidied and cleaned your way out of any uncomfortable feelings this Moon has bought up, I advise you to do that. As well as reflect and just feel your feelings.
Full Moons are always opposite the Sun. This month the Sun is conjunct Chiron the wounded healer and Mercury the planet of communication, all in watery, nebulous and deep feeling Pisces.


The Inner Critic

Chiron conjunct the Sun can mean wounding to the sense of self/ego as well as a person who is a sensitive healer due to their own wounding.
The Sun often represents our Paternal figure. The combo of Sun, Chiron and Mercury can be read as wounding from the way our Paternal father communicated with us. Perhaps he wasn’t supportive, perhaps he was critical, or for some he may have been down right nasty. In opposition to this months Full Moon you may experience a reprise of your inner critic, someone triggering old wounds, or they could seem to float up out of the distant past. Either way its time to heal.
The other side of Chiron Sun is that once you’re conscious of your own wounds you are able to go beyond the wall of self and ego, and recognise in others what you yourself have suffered from and learnt to heal, and so heal others. Where are you currently at on this path?

The Sun combo and Moon are in a very tense ‘t-square’ with Saturn in Sagittarius, further emphasising the paternal connection. The Mood is sombre, burdened and there may be either too much responsibility placed on you or you may be struggling to shirk your responsibility which isn’t working either.
Plans or emotional connections may seem blocked, however just do the work, shoulder your load/or set boundaries if someone else isn’t and the work will get you through. Be patient and persistent, yet gentle on yourself.

An easy trine between the Full Moon and Pluto, planet of regeneration, helps our feelings or some deep truth to surface in a way that helps us clear the path and cut dead wood in order to resurrect into authenticity.


To Heal it you’ve got to Feel it 

Since our perception of not only our experience, but of ourselves is simply a collection of memories, and the brain as been proven to be ‘plastic’ (highly adaptive), I want to remind you that you are the master creator of your reality. There is so much reading on that subject matter, with reams of scientific proof crossing into the mystical. If you find yourself repeating situations, critical self dialogue, feelings or a shitty version of reality or excuses and even you are sick of your own voice, you have a choice. Do the work, or keep complaining, blaming and finding excuses.
Virgo is an innately practical sign of service. Find the key to unchain yourself from any ‘story’ that doesn’t support the best possible you (and be honest about the hidden benefits of your story so far) so that you may be of service to yourself as well as others.

Often its the hardest work that reaps the most reward so I see this Full Moon as an opportunity for personal truth, cleansing and clearing of the soul.

Much Love & Compassion

Vanessa Montgomery


Geek Fact Checker :

Full Moon in Virgo 22 degrees

(In a grand T-square with..)

Opposite Sun in Pisces 22 degrees

Opposite Chiron in Pisces 24 degrees

Opposite Mercury in Pisces 27 degrees

Square Saturn in Sagittarius 27 degrees
Trine Pluto in Capricorn 19 degrees


“Let it all be animal, my life and death, hard and fast like that, anything but human…a lot I care, me with my red heart in the dark Earth and my tattooed feet following the animal ways.” Vali Myers


The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.
Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the LEO New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

Refresh your memory, heres the last New Moon LEO Post…
Click here for previous New Moon in LEO 2016


Leo Rules:

  • Creative Self Expression
    Bear Hugs
    Solar Plexus

This Full Moon is accompanied by a lunar eclipse as well as an harmonious aspect pattern involving stabilising and long range Saturn as well as Uranus bringing in new and exciting change. Don’t let opportunity slip by! The eclipsed full Moon brings up matters of the heart that need shifting. What do you need to let go of in order to step into some big love and leadership?

How can you tap into leadership from your center that inspires those around you or the collective (polarity with Sun opposite in Aquarius).

Rather than respond to external stimulus i.e media attempts at manipulating your perceptions into constricting emotions, ie fear, distrust, separatism, survival mode…ie, don’t buy into drama..Lead from your center (google ‘locus of control’). Imagine a web of people operating from their own centers, connected to each other from their source. That would make a strong fabric of society, and one much more pleasant to be a part of. This is an expression of balancing the polarities of Leo and Aquarius.

Can you step into your creative role in service thats both life sustaining in the luxurious manner Leo loves as well to those that require your creative services rendered? Both sides need equal measure so make a commitment now not to short change either yourself or your clients.

“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are an excellent leader”

Dolly Parton

For those who’ve struggled to unleash their inner creative beasts, this is the time to set your wheels in motion. This moon is so stable and its cheering you on, no judgement! You know what you’d love to do, lets do it! Leo is a fire sign and fire needs to make its self known, so Dance, paint, mosaics, illustration, ceramics, murals, design, whats your avenue of choice?

Leo is an interpersonal sign and one of big love. Time to love yourself and with equal measure to bestow the energy of that love on those who surround you.
Leo can be animalistic and experiential (appreciate with bear hugs and applause), while the polarity of Aquarius is detached, conceptual and literary.

My commitment this Full Moon is to delete words from my vocabulary that limit, constrict and minimize as the larger and warmer I allow myself to shine the greater the benefit to others.

Have you noticed women are generally socialised in a self minimising way, and I’m no exception. Words, tone, images, body language, facial expression, convey so much. Lets be mindful of what we’re saying with all those tools of communication and express our selves in the best possible light. The words I’m letting go of are ‘just’, ‘try’ and ‘please’. How will you be turning up the heat?

The world is a large stage, this life is big enough for you to give it an academy award winning performance, so give it!

In warmth and love,

Vanessa Montgomery


Geek Fact Checker :
Full Moon at 22 degrees Leo. 11 Feb 2017, 10.29 a.m AEST

Kite aspect pattern..
Mystical Rectangle aspect pattern..

Trine Uranus in Aries
Trine Saturn in Sagittarius
Opposite Sun in Aquarius
Sextile Jupiter in Libra

Full Moon Eclipse Chart;



The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.

Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the CANCER New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

Refresh your memory, heres the last New Moon CANCER Post…

Click to read last New Moon in Cancer


Cancer cares. The Dalai Lama is a Cancer Sun, enough said.

This Moon should help you define whats really important to you. Been struggling with decisions? Just think about what really captures your heart and theres your answer. First thought best thought. Don’t try to talk yourself down.

Feelings are central to this Moon. Notice what tips your sensitivity meter, especially around areas that Cancer rules..home, family, food, security…

Currently we seem to be hitting a bell curve in terms of food habits, especially vegan/vegetarian and generally healthy wholesome foods. Thanks to social media we’re realising we’ve been conned by marketing and now have enough information to make our own choices for the health of ourselves and our loved ones. There’s a new level of awareness that translates to concern for animals suffering.
What care factor is highlighted for you at the moment?



I’m not going to lie, there’s a lot of tension tied into this full Moon. With shock of the new Uranus in Aries and enthusiastic Jupiter in Libra the meat in the sandwich, Pluto muscles into a conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn forming ‘a grand square’.

In short, balance home and family with your place in the world. That place in the world, your duty to this life will be demanding attention.

Jupiter will push your relationship buttons and Uranus will be whipping you to break free. The ‘grand square’ is a bit like feeling drawn and quartered.



There’s an easy flow from the Cancer Moon to healing Chiron and a compassionate Mars in watery Pisces. Lean into what action you can take to heal yourself. Be kind to yourself. Choose your reality by choosing to open up your perception to the moment (mindfulness) rather than play old tapes that result in repetition. Use your sensitivity to connect beyond your everyday mundane logistics and touch base with your higher potential as well with others you come into contact with. No judgement, just an open mind with positive expectation. Let me know how it goes.



This months Sun in Capricorn opposite Moon in Cancer,  for me has highlighted the relationship between big industry and the basics of human rights and family.

Specifically the clothing industry and the animal products food industry.  Those at the top have power they are hoarding and abusing while those at the bottom are crushed, living as slaves.  Their suffering is out of proportion to the value we place on thier product ie a $5 top at a fast fashion chain or a life for a piece of steak on our plate.  Our power to make a difference is cumulative and much of it lies in simple spending power. I choose to make the difference I can make. Home and business need balance, not only in our own lives, but for our global family, for the powerless and the voiceless.


With Love & Care,

Vanessa Montgomery