FEEL ME ⭐️ Cancer New Moon

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, both their lights blocked from our sight, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.
This makes rich soil for contacting your inner/higher self/subconscious, planning and setting foundations and goals for your path.
Write down what you are releasing, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in CANCER. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other at their extreme ends of mutual polarity.


To take it a step further, draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. What ever seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that CANCER rules, such as:

  • Home
    Emotional Security
    Internal emotional frame of reference
    Sensitivity to others feelings
    Changing Moods
    Childhood Nostalgia
    Mother / Mother figure
    Home Business/small business
    Comfort food



  • “I easily find myself living in the right happy home for me, exactly where I need to be, at a price I can easily afford”
  • “I experience security, joy, love, nurturing and nourishment in my home”
  • “I easily find myself listening to and honouring my gut instincts to the letter”
  • “I have a deep inner sense of love, security and safety”
  • “I easily protect myself in wholesome ways”
  • “I easily become conscious of my early childhood conditioning in a way that liberates me into new healthier patterns”
  • “I easily find myself experiencing a reciprocal feeling of caring in all my relationships”
  • “I easily find myself being vulnerable in a way that evokes positive acceptance from others”
  • “I easily find myself consciously aware of how I’m feeling in various life situations”
  • “I consciously, consistently find myself communicating my feelings in responsible, appropriate ways”
  • “I easily find myself experiencing the tenderness of deeply caring about someone else”


This Months New Moon finds communication planet Mercury sidled up close for a group hug. One things for sure, we’ll all be talking about our feelings!  Feeeel your feelings.  Slather on the compassion. One of the best peices of advice anyone ever gave me, and one I can’t share enough.   Then talk about them.  Write them down in a journal if you prefer them to remain private.  Feelings are meant to flow, or they back up like a canel or river becoming fetid then overflowing causing chaos. Feel them and let them flow, let them go.

Chiron the planet of healing our wounds, and sometimes straight up wounding is in peace-out-Pisces, forming a tense aspect (square) to the New Moon/Sun and Mercury. This suggests there are/is an emotional wound or componant that needs tending. If anything is triggered for you its simply an opportunity to dig it out, talk it out, journal it out so you can step up to the next level. See a professional to help with techniques and tools, and to guide you if you really want to pull out any thorns for good, or move forward in your life where you may have been stagnating for fear of pain.  You become the healer of others in the same predicament once you graduate a challenge.



On another note, the sign of Cancer rules babies and mothers..those experiencing this New Moon in an easy flow (trine or sextile, conjunction) may find they have a new baby to care for (fur baby anyone?) or are perhaps someones new object of nurturance. Notice a new mother figure in your midst?


Mommy Dearest

Mother issues? The square to chiron suggest you have an enforced opportunity to heal here. Make the best of it rather than let the opportunity slip away. Not easy but always worth it.


Lets get Specific

If you know the ‘house’ or area of your life this Moon falls in, you can set specific intentions for that. Eg 2nd house is values and money..which could be committing to nurturing and valuing gut instincts, your nurturing capacity to help your earning capacity so that these things grow together and you set your intention, vision and goals on harnessing them. In the 7th house of partnerships you would set intentions on having that cosy home environment with a partner who gives and receives nurturance, whom you always feel safe and emotionally secure with, and likes some good cuddle time on the couch. In the 10th this could be a seedling new business or business/career opportunity. With New Moons you may only realise in retrospect that a change, person or circumstance has grown into something great.

Where does the New Moon fall for you? Have you noticed any endings = new beginnings, or felt like its time to start something you’re ready to put a lot of love and care into growing?


With Care & Love,


Vanessa Montgomery




New Moon 24 June, 12:30 pm AEST , at 2 degrees Cancer

Conjunct Mercury at 5 degrees Cancer

Square Chiron at 28 degrees Pisces



The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.

Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the CANCER New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

Refresh your memory, heres the last New Moon CANCER Post…

Click to read last New Moon in Cancer


Cancer cares. The Dalai Lama is a Cancer Sun, enough said.

This Moon should help you define whats really important to you. Been struggling with decisions? Just think about what really captures your heart and theres your answer. First thought best thought. Don’t try to talk yourself down.

Feelings are central to this Moon. Notice what tips your sensitivity meter, especially around areas that Cancer rules..home, family, food, security…

Currently we seem to be hitting a bell curve in terms of food habits, especially vegan/vegetarian and generally healthy wholesome foods. Thanks to social media we’re realising we’ve been conned by marketing and now have enough information to make our own choices for the health of ourselves and our loved ones. There’s a new level of awareness that translates to concern for animals suffering.
What care factor is highlighted for you at the moment?



I’m not going to lie, there’s a lot of tension tied into this full Moon. With shock of the new Uranus in Aries and enthusiastic Jupiter in Libra the meat in the sandwich, Pluto muscles into a conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn forming ‘a grand square’.

In short, balance home and family with your place in the world. That place in the world, your duty to this life will be demanding attention.

Jupiter will push your relationship buttons and Uranus will be whipping you to break free. The ‘grand square’ is a bit like feeling drawn and quartered.



There’s an easy flow from the Cancer Moon to healing Chiron and a compassionate Mars in watery Pisces. Lean into what action you can take to heal yourself. Be kind to yourself. Choose your reality by choosing to open up your perception to the moment (mindfulness) rather than play old tapes that result in repetition. Use your sensitivity to connect beyond your everyday mundane logistics and touch base with your higher potential as well with others you come into contact with. No judgement, just an open mind with positive expectation. Let me know how it goes.



This months Sun in Capricorn opposite Moon in Cancer,  for me has highlighted the relationship between big industry and the basics of human rights and family.

Specifically the clothing industry and the animal products food industry.  Those at the top have power they are hoarding and abusing while those at the bottom are crushed, living as slaves.  Their suffering is out of proportion to the value we place on thier product ie a $5 top at a fast fashion chain or a life for a piece of steak on our plate.  Our power to make a difference is cumulative and much of it lies in simple spending power. I choose to make the difference I can make. Home and business need balance, not only in our own lives, but for our global family, for the powerless and the voiceless.


With Love & Care,

Vanessa Montgomery



On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you.
Write them down, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.

New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in CANCER.
Focus on areas and approaches that CANCER rules, such as:


  • Home/Family
    Mother/Mother issues
    Internal Frame of Reference



  • I easily find myself listening to and honouring my gut instincts
  • I easily create and enjoy an atmosphere in my home that supports the highest version of myself
  • I easily create and feel an overriding sense of safety and security in every area of my life
  • I easily find myself joyously learning and growing from all significant events that happen in my life
  • I easily ask for and receive help in a way that’s empowering for myself and others
  • I easily find myself co-creating intimacy in a way that’s healthy for me
  • I easily experience empathy and constructive emotional closeness with others
  • I easily have healthy food and nourishment habits
  • I consciously and consistently find myself communicating my feelings in responsible, appropriate ways
  • I easily find myself defining goals that empower me to rise to the highest version of myself

The place in our natal chart ruled by Cancer is the area of our lives where we tend to care for and nurture others. Yet in order to be the best we can be we also need an atmosphere of emotional safety and nurture ourselves. Eg if you have Cancer ruling the 6th house of daily routine, work and health, you will find that you function best in a supportive and nurturing environment that has a feeling of family. Without it your health will suffer and you won’t feel fulfilled in your workplace or daily duties.


One of the most famous Cancerians of our time is his Holiness the Dalai Lama. With a byline which is quite simply to practice compassion, love and care for others, he practices what he preaches.
He has dedicated his life to teaching us how to grow the humanity in our humanness, as well as to the plight of not only the Tibetan people but any one in need of your compassionate heart, including yourself.


He says it best here

With Love & Respect,
Vanessa Montgomery


What’s your Astro SUPER POWER?

Do you use it for Good or for Eeevillll?

watch video HERE to FIND OUT

We all have certain traits shared by our Zodiac signs.  These traits need to and will be met, however it’s your choice to have your needs met in a way that sustains and serves you while serving others in win win scenarios.  If you can make a career out of your superpower, even better.

We visit each zodiac sign from Aries to Pisces for a look behind their Lycra, then interview Pisces Super Hero Cherry about how she has made a great living and lifestyle from her natural SuperPower.

Sugar Rush! : Full Moon in Cancer for XMAS 

It’s a Full Moon in Cancer just in time for Xmas. The full moon is great for parties and gatherings.

Cancer rules family of origin, so for the fam Xmas dinner tonight it couldn’t be more perfect energy.
There may well be tears as vulnerability will definitely be highlighted. Just feel your feelings, let it out and connect via any vulnerability that arises. Cry.

Try not to just eat yr feelings with all that fab Xmas fare…eat it, but feel yr feelings too. ; )
Enjoy the love and expand that connection out beyond yr own self, family, community, country, into the wider world..

To do this, visualise and feel your own heart/love…expand out further and further. Enjoy the expanded feeling then slowly bring all that global love back again until you feel it centered back in your own heart. This exercise will leave you with a beautiful glow. Experience our oneness, knowing that we are all connected.

MOON in CANCER: I’ll Cry if I Want To



When the Moon is in the Zodiac sign of Cancer our emotional consensus turns homeward toward our family of origin. The things that make us feel safe and nurtured are the things we feel make a home.
Therefore, enjoy a big shared meal with your closest and dearest that either are or feel like family. Go back to your roots and tap into some emotional sustenance. The flavours, sounds, smells of youth and childhood are very comforting at this time.

Because Cancer is a sign of nurturing and caring for those closest whom they love it, is a sign that is nousey in growing business as well. If you have any area you’d like to nurture, now’s the time to give it the love and water it needs to see it sprout.

Think Cancerian Richard Branson who has made his fortune on providing and making accessible what others have needed. He treats his clients as special people that are familiar and close.

Bon appetite !


MOON in CANCER…2.5 days

Sun in Pisces+Moon in Cancer = the sensitive poet, private, and did I mention sensitive…

The Moons transits only last 2.5 days.  They are fast moving and transitory, yet still seem to affect our emotional moods deeply. Today the Moon is in its home sign of Cancer, which means it can function more naturally and directly.  Take advantage of the home and family loving sign and do some thing to nuture yourself at a foundational level…That means good home cooked food, family time with those who warm the cockles of your heart, and that you can relax around.

There’s a watery ambiance as the Sun is also in Pisces, as well as Neptune and Chiron..Those with a lot of Air and Fire in there charts may be feeling as though they are swimming in a pool and can’t quite gear up to their usual cracking pace.  Those with more water or Earth in their birth charts will feel quite at home.  You’ll find this astro climate supportive of your natural state, which will translate as having a good easy flow, or cry. 

Tune into your emotions and notice them, without judgement..say hi!  Just let them be, so they can flow..Where are you feeling them, and what do they feel like? What it the quality like? damp, wet, flowy, swirly, a  solid mass???..Do they change once you notice and acknowledge them?

By not acknowledging, accepting and allowing our emotions to flow, they can become stagnant and seep out in ways that don’t support us…We can also acquire addictions as a way to stuff down the emotions which naturally want to flow, yet we can’t accept..This may be the day to look at habits that don’t support or nourish you,  like smoking, excessive drinking, binge eating,  or caramel popcorn…focus on the cause and let your feelings flow their natural way with out throwing any rubbish in the stream, ie judgements.

Your Birth Chart – The house of your chart ruled by the sign of Cancer is an area of your life you approach emotionally and cautiously.  Often you may have a mother figure in this area, eg if Cancer is on your 3rd house of mind and early learning, it would benefit you to have a mentor or teacher who is also quite nurturing like a mother.  If on the 7th house of relationship you’ll be wanting those things from your partner or close one on one friendships.