SPLASH 🌊 Pisces New Moon 

*Image-Miley Cyrus? 

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging our conscious and unconscious aspects. Energy drops into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mode. This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher self/subconscious. Get that 95% of your brain on board for future goal setting and planning.

Write down what you’re releasing, then burn as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.
New Moons are about Manifesting so plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions / affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in PISCES. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.

To take it a step further draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Feel and see your vision as if in the present. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that PISCES rules, such as;

  • Spiritual oneness
  • Unconditional love
  • Transcending the material
  • High Art
  • Imagination
  • Belief
  • Trust
  • Surrender
  • Illusion
  • Fantasy
  • Confusion
  • Chaos
  • Empathy
  • Emotional sensitivity
  • HSP’s
  • Psychic sensitivity
  • The Ocean

“I easily find myself replacing fantasy with constructive action to bring about the things that I want in my life”

“I easily find myself embracing chaos as a creative state that leads to peace of mind and serenity”

“I consciously and consistently experience the loving bliss within me”

“I am easily completely self realised in a consistent, stable and grounded way”

“I easily connect with my higher self and follow her guidance”

“I easily find my sensitivity works for me in my highest interest, assisting my evolution”

“I easily surrender all worries and anxieties into the healing hands of a higher power”

“I easily trust that everything that occurs in my life is working toward my highest potential”

“I am consistently connected to source”

“I easily experience the healing and evolutionary power of unconditional love”

“I easily understand that everyone is doing the very best they can, with the information and tools they have”.

*image – Book by Joanna Gray, Published by Quadrille Publishing

PEAK UNICORN. This trend for which most of this decade will be remembered for has a distinctly Piscean flavour..all that millennial pink, happy fantasy and soft pastels act as a buffer against other harsh realities. Find and draw on your own inner version of Unicorn to catalyse the spiritual healing offered by shamanic planet Chiron (also known as the wounded healer). There’s gold in your feels if you let them and love them back to health and harmony.

Let the water flow and allow your inner know.

This months new Moon is in water sign Pisces. The last sign of the zodiac she’s a sign of completion and transcendence. Hyper sensitivity lends a finely tuned read on our own emotions, and others to seemingly psychic proportions. That same sensitivity enables achieving a spiritual platform beyond mundane, waking consensus reality. We live in a world of duality which is reflected in Astrology. Polarity, there are always two sides to every thing, EVERY time. The trick is to find it and use it to balance out a perception, belief or paradigm we need to bring into balance to better serve our highest potential. Iron out delusions and fantasies with non judgment, to the pure truth of the matter.

If you find yourself experiencing the shadow side of Pisces such as victim mentality, poor boundaries, lack of a healthy ego, delusion, confusion, addiction, escapism and helplessness. Use the new Moon energy to let go by honoring the out come those strategies were enabling. Next, transform these tendencies by finding their opposites and cultivating them.

Bliss out Babez,

Vanessa Montgomery


Geek Facts:

17 March, 11:11pm AEST

New Moon in Pisces at 26 degrees

Conjunct Sun 26 degrees Pisces
Conjunct Chiron 28 degrees Pisces

Trine Jupiter Retrograde 23 degrees Scorpio

Square Mars 29 degrees Sagittarius

CHARMING 🌸 Libra New Moon


On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.
This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher self/subconscious. Get that 95% of your brain on board for future goal setting and planning.
Write down what you’re releasing, then burn as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in LIBRA. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.


To take it a step further draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that LIBRA rules, such as;

  • Equal partnerships
    High Art
    Polite society


  • I easily attract partnerships that compliment and support the highest version of me.
  • I easily create fortuitous collabs.
  • I easily maintain working partnerships that create both abundance and joy in my life.
  • All of my partnerships bring me joy, love, health and peace.
  • I easily negotiate with others, finding the best solution/outcome/strategy for both parties.
  • I easily create peace, beauty, harmony and love in my environment.
  • I easily co-operate with others in a healthy way for the best possible outcome.
    I am at ease in social situations.


Relationship balance

This month it will take some balancing to maintain harmonious partnerships. Uranus is the planet of surprise factors, sending bolts out of the blue when we’ve become stuck, complacent or have just plain ‘settled’. Exactly opposite the New Moon brings changes to relationships. We need to make sure we’re following our own unique and courageous path. Are you liberating your genius? If you’ve been holding back to keep the peace then I suggest you make some moves to have it both ways or your apple cart will be tumbled for you! It’s time to update your relationship operating system.


I did it my way

If you’ve been avoiding relationships to maintain your precious freedom, this Moon asks you to consider your own unique approach to cozying up. One size doesn’t fit all so why not go bespoke in the Bae department.

Oppositions tend to represent inner conflict. One part of ourselves wants bae times, the other total independance, for what ever reason. Avoiding relationship can look like chasing someone who is unavailable. Own the part in yourself that needs independance or personal space, so you can find balance and partnership.


In the shadows

Both Jupiter and Mercury in Scorpio are conjunct the new Moon so anything you’ve been brushing under the rug is likely to come out. Deal with it or out yourself before someone else does it for you. This is a great opportunity to clear the air so you can have your cake and eat it too. Make friends with any shadow parts of yourself in terms of the hidden benefits of co-dependancy and let them go. Negotiate a fair deal as well as take any needed action on your own terms. Get clear on what you need to grow in terms of partnerships so you can get on with popping corks and pouring the bubbly.


Let’s get controversial

The ‘me too’ social awareness campaign is exposing how prevalent sexual harassment and abuse against woman is in society. We’ve all endured our boundaries imposed on in some way, countless times. On the topic of what’s right and wrong for us individually, I hope this campaign goes next level. So what can we do individually? Considering new Moons are prime time to plant intentions I would think we pre plan some strategies to whip out when we notice something is either not quite right, or totally off the Richter scale.


Rather than focus on the victimhood of feeling powerless, what can we do in some of these situations? Rather than taking a perspective that its not safe externally ie ‘Men are dangerous’ (disempowering), I say we own our power and take the perspective that we are strong, we are safe and we are willing to do what it takes to protect ourselves and each other (empowering). That kind of commitment comes across in body language and says ‘don’t even try’. When you have the actual skills and strategy to take action, the ‘back off’ sign goes neon.


So who do you call out and how? Uranus in Aries could certainly represent sudden and shocking unwanted advances. It can also represent the action we need to take when we know our line is being crossed. Psychologically when you fight rather than take a passive role putting trust in the abuser, you will come out miles ahead. Uranus in Aries suggests we bring the fight in, throw them off, make it totally not worth their while to mess with you (if possible).

Most women aren’t taught how to be loud, forward, make waves, upset people, let alone fight and be aggressive. In fact that part of our nature tends to be heavily criticised and repressed. In the law of balance, unless we level up this part of ourselves we’ll continue to be seen as easy targets that don’t fight back, and guess what, harassment will continue. It’s about balance, if we don’t own it, it comes at us externally (I’m speaking generally here). I’d love socialpreneurs to see the business opportunity in this campaign and come up with some serious hacks that teach women how to bust out their scary spice when they need to. Let’s keep the conversation, and action flowing. And remember, demonising others continues the unbalanced polarity, continuing the cycle.
Own. Your. Power.


Lets get really honest with ourselves

Is there any kind of shadow component we can own in terms of having harassed, abused, dissed or disrespected another person in our lives? Any time we’ve not protected another person that may have needed us to speak up on their behalf? Another woman? It’s important to consider these angles in self reflection to help liberate ourselves and break patterning.


In co-operation, peace and harmony,
Vanessa Montgomery

Geek Facts:


Sydney 5:12 a.m,  20th Oct. ’17

New Moon conjunct Sun at 26 degrees Libra
Opposite Uranus 26 degrees Aries Retrograde
Conjunct Jupiter 2 degrees Scorpio
Conjunct Mercury 3 degrees Scorpio


FIRE BRAND 🔥 Aries Full Moon

It’s FULL MOON FEVER again with a lovely n large La Luna calling for us to burn our baggage to better focus on what’s real and now.


Like sea life drawn up from the depths into view by lunar light, our instinctual, emotional nature presses in. Fiery feels are at full beam.

Full Moons are a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in ARIES. What harvest are you reaping? How are your emotional and safety needs being met? Are you being nurtured? Is it a Full Moon feast or famine?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for
28 March, 2017

BLAZE : Aries New MOON 


Burn Baby Burn

This months Full Moon is in a super awks position that calls us to transform or die trying. (Square Pluto in Capricorn). Box your way out of inner emotional broils if there’s any baggage pulling you back into an emotional pit you thought you’d cleared a few rounds ago. Fight the good fight and be prepared to face some tar babies. That deeper gunk can be gruelling to shake off. You’ve got to feel it to heal it as they say. At least with Aries it’ll be a quick fight, altho it may be deep, dark and dirty with Pluto in the ring.

The key is to shred what no longer serves emotionally. Step up to the plate and take on responsibility for your deepest evolution. This Full Moon is about being self made, you’re worth the extra mile. Get some grit, find traction and take your best shot!


The Sun in the opposite sign of Libra demands a balanced account. That bat sh*t cray with tar on its wings needs closer inspection. Look at both sides and all points of view. Mercury conjunct Sun in Libra is about a fair analysis. How can you bring into balance the part of you that wants relationship harmony and lilting melodies, with the final-countdown-solo-extreme-Me-Me-Me-ME-f*ck off- part of you? Pluto will force release regardless.


Further highlighting the theme

Jupiter is rallying in favour of dynamic duos in a show down against Uranus cattle prodding nuptial bliss in favour of solo one up man ship – I’m joining a gym to blow off extra steam! Essentially, find the balance and don’t see saw between togetherness and blazing independence.


Shadow Boxing


Check for secondary gains..if you’re bemoaning being single, or chasing the unavailable = still single, are you avoiding fears around losing the benefits of being solo? Sometimes there’s a reason we unconsciously avoid relationships. There may be fear about the drawbacks of relationships or we may go from extreme Miss independance and loving it to married and bickering (or much worse),  pining for free wheeling solo good times (or at least sanity). It’s as if only one side can ‘win’ at a time.

The solution is to honestly appraise your beliefs about both sides and see how you can have the best of both worlds. How can you keep your love of independance alive while also enjoying  the wonders of coupling up? Poke, prod and tease the truth from your heart and mind, it’s easier to see under the light of a Full Moon…failing that I’m a huge advocate of the therapists chair.


If nothing else this week will be high energy and rather exciting vibes.

Fierce Love,

Vanessa Montgomery



Geek Fact Checker :

Sydney 4:39 am Oct 6 | L.A 10:39 am Oct 5 | N.Y 1:39 pm| London 6:39 pm


Full Moon 12 degrees Aries

Opposite Sun 12 degrees Libra, Mercury 10 degrees Libra

Square Pluto 16 degrees Capricorn




PEAK FEELS :🌊🌊 Pisces Full Moon

It’s FULL MOON FEVER again with a lovely n large La Luna calling for us to shed our flotsam and jetsom to better focus on what’s real and most essential.

Like sea life drawn up from the depths into view by lunar light, our instinctual, emotional nature presses in. Feels are at full beam.

Full Moons are a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in PISCES. What harvest are you reaping? How are your emotional and safety needs being met? Are you being nurtured? Is it a Full Moon feast or famine?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for
27 Feb, 2017

FLUSHED : Pisces New Moon


Let there be Unicorns

This full Moon is mingling with (conjunct) mystical Neptune in watery Pisces, bringing in peak feels and either magic, illusion or a river full of tears, depending how you’re willing to both create and flow.
This is a chance to slip behind the curtains of everyday reality into a softer more blissful emotional space. Enhance the day by being with your love, floating in the ocean, dancing to your favourite tunes, perhaps a crystal bowl sound bath or tapping in via mediation. Enjoy the blissful vibrations.

A helpful aspect from Pluto in Capricorn indicates a relatively easy transition into what it takes to transform dross and open to flow. You may push and prod to achieve some clarity however blocks will easily budge.

If you’ve cleaned your fishbowl, wiped your windshield, and opened your heart, you will be in a unique position to welcome in something divine. If not you could find yourself in the same old soup for another lap, so no time like the present.  Emotional healing is a key phrase for this one.

Minor tension from both Sun and Moon to disruptive Uranus in Aries spells upheavals that may need adjusting to.



As always Full Moons are about polarities. The Sun is in the opposite sign of Earth sign Virgo, requesting the Pisces emotional traits of boundlessness and creative potential be balanced by the conscious practical container of boundaries, routine, discernment, service and organisation.


Geek Fact Checker :


Full Moon Exact 6 Sept, 2017, 5:02 pm AEST | LA 6 Sept, 12:02 am
New York, 6 Sept 3:02 am | London 6 Sept, 8:02 am

Full Moon 13 degrees Pisces
Opposite Sun 13 degrees Virgo
Trine sextile PLuto 16 degrees Capricorn


In Love and Infinite Freedom
Vanessa Montgomery


FIRE POWER 🔥 2nd Leo New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse

If it doesn’t make you feel fabulous – Don’t do it – Don’t buy it – Don’t keep it

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, both their lights blocked from our sight, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.
This makes rich soil for contacting your inner/higher self/subconscious, planning and setting foundations and goals for your path.
Write down what you are releasing, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in LEO. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other at their extreme ends of mutual polarity.


To take it a step further, draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive, see and feel like you’re already there, rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that LEO rules, such as:


  • Love & Romance
    Creative Self Expression
    Celebration & play/fun (unleash your inner child)
    Tempering arrogance


I easily attract and experience happy, healthy romantic relationship.

In Romance I easily find myself in relationship sharing honestly with one who resonates with my true inner spirit.

I easily find myself expressing my creativity for its own sake, regardless of end results.

I easily find myself following the path dictated by my own inner joy and happiness.

I easily find myself involved in activities that evoke my passion and vital energy.

I easily find myself taking the steps that bring more vitality and joy into my life.

I easily find myself putting others on centre stage in a way that creates positive mutual energy.

True self confidence permeates every facet of my life.

I easily allow the inner radiance of my being to shine outwardly in all situations.


Burn Baby Burn

Two New Moons in Leo in a row, line up your ducks, that’s a lot of fire power..
Review and tweak your last list of intentions, you get a second shot at this.

Be open to going out on a limb past your usual comfort zone as lightening strikes you creatively, romantically or in terms of leadership. If you need to put something to rest in those areas, this is the time to cut loose an anchor that may be holding you back. Uranus, planet of sudden change and great leaps forward is in a favourable (trine) aspect to the New Moon, embrace the shock of the new.


Total Eclipse : Will Trump be TRUMPED

This eclipse has been at the tips of everyones lips across the Astro inter web as it’s path will be visible across the U.S. It also hits Trumps chart at a critical point (Conjunct Ascendant). I’m not going to guesstimate what that will mean, however its interesting that Trump has proven to be a loose cannon in terms of some Leo key words, ego, self promotion and leadership (for better or worse). A solar eclipse means the Moon, which represents our emotions and what we need to feel safe, for a short time trumps the light of the Sun which of course represents consciousness and ego. Will Trump be trumped?


Spotlight on your Inner Creative

For the rest of us, solar eclipses can reset our ego and perceptions. When you turn the light out, whats there in the dark?
The more intangible yet just as valid part of ourselves that we’ve learnt to give less value to can become more apparent.

This could be a wonderful time to reset emotionally, let go of the constrictions of ego, get in touch with your feels and open up to flow. How can you truely express yourself authentically from the heart? Music, art, dance, writing, inspired leadership? Can you love with the pure open heart of a child?

Those that cling to outward symbols of success and control could be facing some home truths. If you have avoided this area of life or find your inner self hard to face it could all be feeling overwhelming if not a little cataclysmic. If you’ve denied yourself the balance of shining your light externally, you’ll have a few home truths to face and release as well. Don’t let the world miss out on your personal brand of creative contribution!

Eclipses run in cycles of 19 years so what ever theme was happening for you around 22 Aug 1998, and 22 Aug 1979 will continue to unfold under this eclipse.


Captain your own Ship

By using the sensations of our body we can anchor into the present moment as our body only exists in the now. This is the basis of mindfulness. Our mind however has deep memory into the past. By linking into memory we can anchor it into the present via our bodily sensations and emotions, building a positive into the present moment. This simple method and theory puts you back in the drivers seat, in creative control of the present, past and future. Try the following..

⭐️If things get a little to hot to handle remember to breath, long deep breath in, long sloooow breath out, from your diaphragm.
⭐️Get into your body and feel into your solar plexus area, think of a time you felt really centred in your power, really in flow, everything felt right, feel that feeling and let it grow, grow that feeling of confidence, let it radiate out like a golden light. Stay with it and build on it as much as you like.
⭐️Next feel into your heart, remember a time when you felt loved unconditionally, this can be with a person, a pet or an admiring audience! Feel how that felt and bring it into the present by bringing it into your body..let it expand out. What sensations are you feeling? Stay with it as long as it feels good and know the world loves you, and you can love the world.


Geek Fact Checker :


Australia 4:31am 22 Aug | Los Angeles 11:31am 21 Aug | New York 2:31 pm 21 Aug | London 7:31pm 21 Aug

Sun Conjunct Moon 28 degrees Leo
Conjunct north node Leo 24 degrees, Mars Leo 20 degrees, Mercury Retrograde Virgo 8 degrees
Trine Uranus 28 degrees Aries


Love for all your dark, hidden and rejected parts as much as for your celebrated light and golden parts,

Vanessa Montgomery



P.S hug your inner child!!

FEEL ME ⭐️ Cancer New Moon

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, both their lights blocked from our sight, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.
This makes rich soil for contacting your inner/higher self/subconscious, planning and setting foundations and goals for your path.
Write down what you are releasing, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in CANCER. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other at their extreme ends of mutual polarity.


To take it a step further, draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. What ever seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that CANCER rules, such as:

  • Home
    Emotional Security
    Internal emotional frame of reference
    Sensitivity to others feelings
    Changing Moods
    Childhood Nostalgia
    Mother / Mother figure
    Home Business/small business
    Comfort food



  • “I easily find myself living in the right happy home for me, exactly where I need to be, at a price I can easily afford”
  • “I experience security, joy, love, nurturing and nourishment in my home”
  • “I easily find myself listening to and honouring my gut instincts to the letter”
  • “I have a deep inner sense of love, security and safety”
  • “I easily protect myself in wholesome ways”
  • “I easily become conscious of my early childhood conditioning in a way that liberates me into new healthier patterns”
  • “I easily find myself experiencing a reciprocal feeling of caring in all my relationships”
  • “I easily find myself being vulnerable in a way that evokes positive acceptance from others”
  • “I easily find myself consciously aware of how I’m feeling in various life situations”
  • “I consciously, consistently find myself communicating my feelings in responsible, appropriate ways”
  • “I easily find myself experiencing the tenderness of deeply caring about someone else”


This Months New Moon finds communication planet Mercury sidled up close for a group hug. One things for sure, we’ll all be talking about our feelings!  Feeeel your feelings.  Slather on the compassion. One of the best peices of advice anyone ever gave me, and one I can’t share enough.   Then talk about them.  Write them down in a journal if you prefer them to remain private.  Feelings are meant to flow, or they back up like a canel or river becoming fetid then overflowing causing chaos. Feel them and let them flow, let them go.

Chiron the planet of healing our wounds, and sometimes straight up wounding is in peace-out-Pisces, forming a tense aspect (square) to the New Moon/Sun and Mercury. This suggests there are/is an emotional wound or componant that needs tending. If anything is triggered for you its simply an opportunity to dig it out, talk it out, journal it out so you can step up to the next level. See a professional to help with techniques and tools, and to guide you if you really want to pull out any thorns for good, or move forward in your life where you may have been stagnating for fear of pain.  You become the healer of others in the same predicament once you graduate a challenge.



On another note, the sign of Cancer rules babies and mothers..those experiencing this New Moon in an easy flow (trine or sextile, conjunction) may find they have a new baby to care for (fur baby anyone?) or are perhaps someones new object of nurturance. Notice a new mother figure in your midst?


Mommy Dearest

Mother issues? The square to chiron suggest you have an enforced opportunity to heal here. Make the best of it rather than let the opportunity slip away. Not easy but always worth it.


Lets get Specific

If you know the ‘house’ or area of your life this Moon falls in, you can set specific intentions for that. Eg 2nd house is values and money..which could be committing to nurturing and valuing gut instincts, your nurturing capacity to help your earning capacity so that these things grow together and you set your intention, vision and goals on harnessing them. In the 7th house of partnerships you would set intentions on having that cosy home environment with a partner who gives and receives nurturance, whom you always feel safe and emotionally secure with, and likes some good cuddle time on the couch. In the 10th this could be a seedling new business or business/career opportunity. With New Moons you may only realise in retrospect that a change, person or circumstance has grown into something great.

Where does the New Moon fall for you? Have you noticed any endings = new beginnings, or felt like its time to start something you’re ready to put a lot of love and care into growing?


With Care & Love,


Vanessa Montgomery




New Moon 24 June, 12:30 pm AEST , at 2 degrees Cancer

Conjunct Mercury at 5 degrees Cancer

Square Chiron at 28 degrees Pisces


YOU HAD ME AT HELLO ⭐️ Venus in Taurus

Venus has moved from her fiery Warrior Goddess incarnation in Aries to Earthy Goddess vibes in sensual Taurus.

From an Astrological perspective, the planet Venus signifies how we relate, & what we’re attracted to. In general she has ‘rulership’ over areas such as values and therefore finance, art, romantic love and what we find pleasurable. (Know this and its a great way to win hearts and therefore minds 😉❤️). The sign hosting Venus adds a filter or overlay. In Taurus the overlay is one of both pleasure and the practical hard work that goes into setting up a solid material foundation for your flavour of pleasure. Taurus Venus likes to indulge in and enjoy all those things she’s worked so hard for.

This month Venus in Taurus can help us plan and make practical steps toward manifesting our desires as well as enjoying the many pleasures in our daily lives. Since Taurus is co-ruled by Venus, this combo is as smooth and creamy as melted Belgian chocolate.

Venus begins her sojourn by reigning in the fire from a grande trine (super cosmic ease & gifts) from Make-it-happen Saturn in Sagittarius & The North node of Destiny in self expressive Leo. This cosmic hook-up enables Venus to ground some solid moves so make the most of the cosmic energy and either say yes when opportunity knocks or knock on doors and make your own!

It’s all about the collab with Venus, who can you partner with to move you both toward your dreams? Uranus is still conjoined with Venus, hot wiring a jump to the next level. Push your usual comfort zone, 💫 TIP- do things differently for new and different results.

The ‘house’ Venus is gracing in your birth chart shows us where to expect this smooth operator to be serenading us, for example ; either we’ll meet her in the form of a neighbour (3rd house) colleague (6th house), or we’ll be the one working the charm with networking career moves (10th house). I’m hosting her in my 12th house so I’m expecting some fab dreams, smooth progressive meditations and practical/financially viable downloads from the collective conscious.
With pleasure,


Vanessa Montgomery





FLUSHED : Pisces New Moon

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, both their lights blocked from our sight, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative and quiet mood. This makes rich soil for contacting your inner/higher self, planning and setting foundations for your path.
Write down what you are releasing, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in PISCES. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other at their extreme ends of mutual polarity.

Focus on areas and approaches that PISCES rules, such as:

  • Spiritual connection
    Unconditional love/non judgement
    Ultra fine sensitivity
    Beyond the material world
    Inner vision
    Crown Chakra

“I easily find myself replacing fantasy with constructive action to bring about what I want in my life”.
“I easily find myself embracing chaos in a way that brings about peace of mind and serenity”.
“I easily experience the connection and bliss of universal love”.
“I easily embrace and express my spiritual side”.
“I am easily highly attuned while remaining grounded and centred”.
“I easily hear and trust my inner guidance/intuition”.
“I easily face reality with vision and clarity, knowing my inner voice is always correct”.


This New Moon is conjunct the South Node, along with a Solar eclipse. The south node is our karmic past, a place we tend to wallow as its familiar, yet so overdone its overripe, tending to lead to bellyache. The antidote is to take those gifts, in this case, Piscean in nature, and apply Virgo organisation, precision and practical application to engage the North node. The north node is a direction we are meant to develop, which has been underdone, therefore is unfamiliar territory and a road we tend to resist (because its so unfamiliar). However it tends to get us where we need to go.
The south node in Pisces shadow side, all the traits no longer serving you, are ready to be flushed. Time to clean your fish tank, wipe your windscreen and reset your consciousness.


Addictions, dependencies, apathy, escapism, excuses, victim mentality or martyrdom..Personally I’m really feeling the apathy and just want to sit in forest rock pools and meditate! Its time to acknowledge truths, without judgement so we can accept, release and move forward.


What has made your fish tank cloudy? And what can you do to clean it up?
What is your most potent goal? Ok, so draw up a list or reverse engineer what you can do to make it happen/move closer to it. Some of the same old excuses coming up as to why this can’t happen? Thank the fearful part of yourself, give yourself love and acceptance or what ever it is you feel you lack and want from something/someone else, step aside and continue.


Make a plan, a timetable, a start and finish date.
We all know what it is that really makes us sing, what we’d rather be doing. Make like a Virgo and chunk it down. Hire a virtual assistant to help you or get a coach to keep you on track. Make yourself accountable. In the west most of us have little to no excuse and everything to gain.


Mercury is conjunct the New Moon as well, with a solar eclipse impacting this New Moon phase I would read that as primarily resetting your perceptions. Mercury in Pisces is super impressionable. It’s fine tuned to the subtle. Reset your thinking by hitching it closer to your intuitive insights. Remember ‘first thought, best thought’. Catch yourself second guessing and step back to the original thought, this is often gleaned from your subconscious awareness, which is waaaay ahead of the perceptive abilities of conscious awareness.


Happy New Moon,
Vanessa Montgomery


Astro Geek Fact Checker :

Exact on 27 Feb 2017, 12.58 am AEST

New Moon in Pisces 8 degrees, 12 seconds
Conjunct South Node Pisces 3 degrees
Conjunct Mercury Pisces 1 degrees
Opposite North Node Virgo 3 degrees

Neptune Pisces 11 degrees
Chiron Pisces 23 degrees


“Let it all be animal, my life and death, hard and fast like that, anything but human…a lot I care, me with my red heart in the dark Earth and my tattooed feet following the animal ways.” Vali Myers


The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.
Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the LEO New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

Refresh your memory, heres the last New Moon LEO Post…
Click here for previous New Moon in LEO 2016


Leo Rules:

  • Creative Self Expression
    Bear Hugs
    Solar Plexus

This Full Moon is accompanied by a lunar eclipse as well as an harmonious aspect pattern involving stabilising and long range Saturn as well as Uranus bringing in new and exciting change. Don’t let opportunity slip by! The eclipsed full Moon brings up matters of the heart that need shifting. What do you need to let go of in order to step into some big love and leadership?

How can you tap into leadership from your center that inspires those around you or the collective (polarity with Sun opposite in Aquarius).

Rather than respond to external stimulus i.e media attempts at manipulating your perceptions into constricting emotions, ie fear, distrust, separatism, survival mode…ie, don’t buy into drama..Lead from your center (google ‘locus of control’). Imagine a web of people operating from their own centers, connected to each other from their source. That would make a strong fabric of society, and one much more pleasant to be a part of. This is an expression of balancing the polarities of Leo and Aquarius.

Can you step into your creative role in service thats both life sustaining in the luxurious manner Leo loves as well to those that require your creative services rendered? Both sides need equal measure so make a commitment now not to short change either yourself or your clients.

“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are an excellent leader”

Dolly Parton

For those who’ve struggled to unleash their inner creative beasts, this is the time to set your wheels in motion. This moon is so stable and its cheering you on, no judgement! You know what you’d love to do, lets do it! Leo is a fire sign and fire needs to make its self known, so Dance, paint, mosaics, illustration, ceramics, murals, design, whats your avenue of choice?

Leo is an interpersonal sign and one of big love. Time to love yourself and with equal measure to bestow the energy of that love on those who surround you.
Leo can be animalistic and experiential (appreciate with bear hugs and applause), while the polarity of Aquarius is detached, conceptual and literary.

My commitment this Full Moon is to delete words from my vocabulary that limit, constrict and minimize as the larger and warmer I allow myself to shine the greater the benefit to others.

Have you noticed women are generally socialised in a self minimising way, and I’m no exception. Words, tone, images, body language, facial expression, convey so much. Lets be mindful of what we’re saying with all those tools of communication and express our selves in the best possible light. The words I’m letting go of are ‘just’, ‘try’ and ‘please’. How will you be turning up the heat?

The world is a large stage, this life is big enough for you to give it an academy award winning performance, so give it!

In warmth and love,

Vanessa Montgomery


Geek Fact Checker :
Full Moon at 22 degrees Leo. 11 Feb 2017, 10.29 a.m AEST

Kite aspect pattern..
Mystical Rectangle aspect pattern..

Trine Uranus in Aries
Trine Saturn in Sagittarius
Opposite Sun in Aquarius
Sextile Jupiter in Libra

Full Moon Eclipse Chart;



The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.

Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the CANCER New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

Refresh your memory, heres the last New Moon CANCER Post…

Click to read last New Moon in Cancer


Cancer cares. The Dalai Lama is a Cancer Sun, enough said.

This Moon should help you define whats really important to you. Been struggling with decisions? Just think about what really captures your heart and theres your answer. First thought best thought. Don’t try to talk yourself down.

Feelings are central to this Moon. Notice what tips your sensitivity meter, especially around areas that Cancer rules..home, family, food, security…

Currently we seem to be hitting a bell curve in terms of food habits, especially vegan/vegetarian and generally healthy wholesome foods. Thanks to social media we’re realising we’ve been conned by marketing and now have enough information to make our own choices for the health of ourselves and our loved ones. There’s a new level of awareness that translates to concern for animals suffering.
What care factor is highlighted for you at the moment?



I’m not going to lie, there’s a lot of tension tied into this full Moon. With shock of the new Uranus in Aries and enthusiastic Jupiter in Libra the meat in the sandwich, Pluto muscles into a conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn forming ‘a grand square’.

In short, balance home and family with your place in the world. That place in the world, your duty to this life will be demanding attention.

Jupiter will push your relationship buttons and Uranus will be whipping you to break free. The ‘grand square’ is a bit like feeling drawn and quartered.



There’s an easy flow from the Cancer Moon to healing Chiron and a compassionate Mars in watery Pisces. Lean into what action you can take to heal yourself. Be kind to yourself. Choose your reality by choosing to open up your perception to the moment (mindfulness) rather than play old tapes that result in repetition. Use your sensitivity to connect beyond your everyday mundane logistics and touch base with your higher potential as well with others you come into contact with. No judgement, just an open mind with positive expectation. Let me know how it goes.



This months Sun in Capricorn opposite Moon in Cancer,  for me has highlighted the relationship between big industry and the basics of human rights and family.

Specifically the clothing industry and the animal products food industry.  Those at the top have power they are hoarding and abusing while those at the bottom are crushed, living as slaves.  Their suffering is out of proportion to the value we place on thier product ie a $5 top at a fast fashion chain or a life for a piece of steak on our plate.  Our power to make a difference is cumulative and much of it lies in simple spending power. I choose to make the difference I can make. Home and business need balance, not only in our own lives, but for our global family, for the powerless and the voiceless.


With Love & Care,

Vanessa Montgomery