SPLASH 🌊 Pisces New Moon 

*Image-Miley Cyrus? 

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging our conscious and unconscious aspects. Energy drops into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mode. This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher self/subconscious. Get that 95% of your brain on board for future goal setting and planning.

Write down what you’re releasing, then burn as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.
New Moons are about Manifesting so plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions / affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in PISCES. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.

To take it a step further draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Feel and see your vision as if in the present. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that PISCES rules, such as;

  • Spiritual oneness
  • Unconditional love
  • Transcending the material
  • High Art
  • Imagination
  • Belief
  • Trust
  • Surrender
  • Illusion
  • Fantasy
  • Confusion
  • Chaos
  • Empathy
  • Emotional sensitivity
  • HSP’s
  • Psychic sensitivity
  • The Ocean

“I easily find myself replacing fantasy with constructive action to bring about the things that I want in my life”

“I easily find myself embracing chaos as a creative state that leads to peace of mind and serenity”

“I consciously and consistently experience the loving bliss within me”

“I am easily completely self realised in a consistent, stable and grounded way”

“I easily connect with my higher self and follow her guidance”

“I easily find my sensitivity works for me in my highest interest, assisting my evolution”

“I easily surrender all worries and anxieties into the healing hands of a higher power”

“I easily trust that everything that occurs in my life is working toward my highest potential”

“I am consistently connected to source”

“I easily experience the healing and evolutionary power of unconditional love”

“I easily understand that everyone is doing the very best they can, with the information and tools they have”.

*image – Book by Joanna Gray, Published by Quadrille Publishing

PEAK UNICORN. This trend for which most of this decade will be remembered for has a distinctly Piscean flavour..all that millennial pink, happy fantasy and soft pastels act as a buffer against other harsh realities. Find and draw on your own inner version of Unicorn to catalyse the spiritual healing offered by shamanic planet Chiron (also known as the wounded healer). There’s gold in your feels if you let them and love them back to health and harmony.

Let the water flow and allow your inner know.

This months new Moon is in water sign Pisces. The last sign of the zodiac she’s a sign of completion and transcendence. Hyper sensitivity lends a finely tuned read on our own emotions, and others to seemingly psychic proportions. That same sensitivity enables achieving a spiritual platform beyond mundane, waking consensus reality. We live in a world of duality which is reflected in Astrology. Polarity, there are always two sides to every thing, EVERY time. The trick is to find it and use it to balance out a perception, belief or paradigm we need to bring into balance to better serve our highest potential. Iron out delusions and fantasies with non judgment, to the pure truth of the matter.

If you find yourself experiencing the shadow side of Pisces such as victim mentality, poor boundaries, lack of a healthy ego, delusion, confusion, addiction, escapism and helplessness. Use the new Moon energy to let go by honoring the out come those strategies were enabling. Next, transform these tendencies by finding their opposites and cultivating them.

Bliss out Babez,

Vanessa Montgomery


Geek Facts:

17 March, 11:11pm AEST

New Moon in Pisces at 26 degrees

Conjunct Sun 26 degrees Pisces
Conjunct Chiron 28 degrees Pisces

Trine Jupiter Retrograde 23 degrees Scorpio

Square Mars 29 degrees Sagittarius

PEAK FEELS :🌊🌊 Pisces Full Moon

It’s FULL MOON FEVER again with a lovely n large La Luna calling for us to shed our flotsam and jetsom to better focus on what’s real and most essential.

Like sea life drawn up from the depths into view by lunar light, our instinctual, emotional nature presses in. Feels are at full beam.

Full Moons are a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in PISCES. What harvest are you reaping? How are your emotional and safety needs being met? Are you being nurtured? Is it a Full Moon feast or famine?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for
27 Feb, 2017

FLUSHED : Pisces New Moon


Let there be Unicorns

This full Moon is mingling with (conjunct) mystical Neptune in watery Pisces, bringing in peak feels and either magic, illusion or a river full of tears, depending how you’re willing to both create and flow.
This is a chance to slip behind the curtains of everyday reality into a softer more blissful emotional space. Enhance the day by being with your love, floating in the ocean, dancing to your favourite tunes, perhaps a crystal bowl sound bath or tapping in via mediation. Enjoy the blissful vibrations.

A helpful aspect from Pluto in Capricorn indicates a relatively easy transition into what it takes to transform dross and open to flow. You may push and prod to achieve some clarity however blocks will easily budge.

If you’ve cleaned your fishbowl, wiped your windshield, and opened your heart, you will be in a unique position to welcome in something divine. If not you could find yourself in the same old soup for another lap, so no time like the present.  Emotional healing is a key phrase for this one.

Minor tension from both Sun and Moon to disruptive Uranus in Aries spells upheavals that may need adjusting to.



As always Full Moons are about polarities. The Sun is in the opposite sign of Earth sign Virgo, requesting the Pisces emotional traits of boundlessness and creative potential be balanced by the conscious practical container of boundaries, routine, discernment, service and organisation.


Geek Fact Checker :


Full Moon Exact 6 Sept, 2017, 5:02 pm AEST | LA 6 Sept, 12:02 am
New York, 6 Sept 3:02 am | London 6 Sept, 8:02 am

Full Moon 13 degrees Pisces
Opposite Sun 13 degrees Virgo
Trine sextile PLuto 16 degrees Capricorn


In Love and Infinite Freedom
Vanessa Montgomery


LOVE IN : Full Moon Pisces+Eclipse

The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.

Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the PISCES New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

For your revision, this was the post for the New Moon in PISCES…
Total Eclipse of the Heart : New Moon Pisces+Eclipse  | ASTRO ALL-STARZ

Total Eclipse of the Heart : New Moon Pisces+Eclipse 

This Moon Features an eclipse, which tend to come in cycles.  Think back to what was happening around Sept 1997 for more clues on current circumstance.  For me I had begun my first year os formal studies in fashion design and absolutely eclipsed it.  So I am looking partly at the directions that creative part of me needs to be tracking on now.

What were you doing then that was stand out at the time or an incredible struggle? How are you tracking with that in your life?  Does it need re-visiting, re-invigorating,  re-invention? Think deep soul expressive urges and inclinations that perhaps you need to use your own steam to breath new life into. Consider the big questions like ‘what is my purpose’, and remember ‘first answer, best answer’.

  • At Full Moons the polarity of the opposite sign, in this case, the Sun in Virgo, comes into play.
  • We need to balance the Sun, the Ego principle (left brain functioning), which is our interface with this this material world, with our emotional and instinctual, less rational side (right brain functioning).
  • Experience doesn’t have to make sense to be meaningful, as long as it’s meaningful and heart felt for you personally.

Balance your discriminating, organising of the material world with cosmic, non material awareness. Float in the void, if you will. Tune into all that exists beyond the physical external, see a movie, float in the sea, paint or listen to music to bliss out. True rewards and accomplishments are found at a centre point, encompassing the entire spectrum so balance the polarity and you’ll strike a workable harmony.

This Moon is conjunct Chiron which tells us there is some emotional healing and or wounding at play. Perhaps some wounds or wounding situation has reappeared in order to be soothed and healed.  This is a GREAT time to see a healer that you intuitively know is right for you. Yes you read that correctly, ‘intuitively’, work that gut instinct as well as notice your subtle awareness of synchronicity. Someone knows a great healer, you feel intrigued? Make an appointment if it ‘feels’ right.  Give it a go, like everything this way of manoeuvring in the world only gets better with practice.
Mars in Sagittarius is in a tense aspect so you’ll know it when you feel it.  Sagittarius Mars impatiently, impulsively, rashly pushes for us to find meaning and expansion in our lives. Research, get educated or just get energetic to burn off some emotional steam.

Sagittarius is a fire sign and wants to DO EVERYTING, and do it  yesterday, the tension here is that you have to FEEL it as well as take action ..which can take time.  Slow down or you may burn yourself, have an accident or say something you really will wish you hadn’t.

Notice your responses to outer stimuli, then notice what your perception is that generates pain, then your response. If you get in on that loop consciously you’ll be headed in the right direction. Once in, take a step back into observer mode. Open it up. Get creative here, what other new angles can you see this situation from? And what other new modes of response could you be generating?

The past is always on feed back loop and it demands healing as well as truth. Patterns that are uncomfortable will continually rise up to ensnare us until we start to recognise that we can step out and choose a new way to view them, and identify less with them. Take the birds eye view, connect out with the greater larger mass of souls and allow love to emerge ahead of other more constrictive emotional options. Applying the feeling of

Love generally feels warm and expansive to most people. To tap in, think of something that makes you feel that love connection, then apply it to this moment. Allow it to take centre stage in your body and awareness, you’ll find it dissolves all boundaries, borders and obstacles.

Let me know how this Full Moon turned out for you by leaving a comment below or joining the conversation over at Astro All-Starz on Facbook. Also if you know anyone this may benefit please share this with them.


Cheers and enjoy the Love Vibrations,
Vanessa Montgomery


How are ya’ll finding this tense planetary ‘3’s a crowd’ at the moment?
Saturn conj Mars in Sag for a power headache, aggressive boundary control or just really tight thighs and hips?

All pushed to a head by the unattainable ‘shoulds’ and expectations indicated by the square to rarified Neptune in Pisces that has us wanting the ultimate everything.

I for one have all of the above plus sudden bad skin..Mars is heat and anger, Saturn is boundaries, hence, the skin as boundary between our perceived self and rest of creation.

Saturn is the ultimate in manifest creation and the boundary we are able to perceive that enables us to function rationally in this world, total left brain function…Neptune is like the ultimate in non manifest and the ability we have to also operate beyond this rational, logically perceived world..total right brain unity consciousness (see this blog for more deets on unity consciousness http://www.anhglobal.org/en/node/591) Get these two in harmony and you have a beautiful balance of left and right brain platforms that you can toggle between, thereby achieving a more whole experience possible for a human being.

Both bliss and worldly comforts/success. These two in square mean the two polar opposites are blindsiding each other in our consciousness, yet pushing for integration.

The areas in your chart these two are found indicate which areas of life you’re experiencing the conflict. The problems will most likely reveal as expectations, and shoulds.

It’s worth the battle to get these two parts of self and areas of life into some kind of mutually beneficial operating platform.

The book ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ could be applied to these two parts of self, or operating systems preference of left over right or right over left brain outlook.

The area of life Saturn and Mars are currently affecting for you is where you’ll be patrolling the perimeter like a muscled up Doberman with a bloodlust for freedom. Any perceived threat to said freedom will set you off and have you cuffing intruders, interrogating and your best impression of police brutality. Best you put out a warning sign, enter at your own risk. Fire signs will be particularly prone to combustion. If you get your head bitten off, back away slowly, let them cool off and don’t lock horns unless chargrilled looks good on you.

The area of your life (house of your natal chart) transited by Neptune will be where you expect nothing less than unity consciousness, unicorns, goddesses/gods and the ultimate nature of reality to just explode all around you. Or at least what ever your ideal of perfection is in that house, with out any actual effort from you. You’ll also be very sensitive, empathetic, and loving, finding the bliss in everything and one, a channel for artistic or spiritual endeavour.. or the shadow side, questionable boundaries, drained or draining it, or victimy/martering yourself or just failing at mundane reality ie, income and daily life, escapism through addiction (drugs, alcohol, t.v, virtual reality/internet, food).

And these two sides of your life are currently competing for you to favour one, when in fact you’re evolution calls you to  balance them to win the lotto on life.

Watch for justifications you might be using to OK your own behaviour while blaming others that do similar..look deeper under behaviour and actions for the values you’re trying to achieve, and why who ever is upsetting you isn’t meeting those values. This enables you to become more aware of what you really want, so you can find healthier ways to communicate and achieve what’s important to you.  This approach allows you to let go of needing to control others into meeting your values and appreciate theirs.

Let me know how you go and what works best for you!

HOW: I look through the biggest pity party stories I’m currently running on loop and work through the list from the Sobbiest or angriest one down, breaking them apart, pulling out the ‘shoulds’ and opening up the polarities to see the real picture in its entirety. From where I realise my original position was just a speck on the radar of reality and feel gratitude for regaining my position in true reality. (Yes there are super simple techniques for doing this).

‘The truth will set you free’ as they say.

Ain’t that the truth!

Cheers to team effort!

Vanessa Montgomery



What’s your Astro SUPER POWER?

Do you use it for Good or for Eeevillll?

watch video HERE to FIND OUT

We all have certain traits shared by our Zodiac signs.  These traits need to and will be met, however it’s your choice to have your needs met in a way that sustains and serves you while serving others in win win scenarios.  If you can make a career out of your superpower, even better.

We visit each zodiac sign from Aries to Pisces for a look behind their Lycra, then interview Pisces Super Hero Cherry about how she has made a great living and lifestyle from her natural SuperPower.

Total Eclipse of the Heart : New Moon Pisces+Eclipse 

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you.

Write them down, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.

New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write down up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in Pisces.

Focus on areas and approaches that Pisces rules, such as:
The Cosmic Mind/Mystic

Universal Love


Super sensitivity/psychic awareness

Dissolution and refinement of the material

No Boundaries

The Artist


‘I easily find myself replacing fantasy with constructive action to bring about the things that I want in my life.’
‘While stable and grounded in my earthly life I open up to the intelligence of the Cosmic mind, experiencing and knowing complete oneness’
‘I let go of all past hurts, and allow pure bliss to fill me’
With the New Moon in Super Sensitive Pisces, and the additional reset action of a Solar Eclipse, we have a potent cocktail for manifesting our dreams.

Pisces rules the most subtle and all encompassing of spheres, the oneness of all things. It’s mystic to say the least, hence why great art and revelation often comes with this sign.

The area in your natal chart that is ruled by Pisces indicates the area of your life you can tune into the faith and belief that is associated with the Mystic Mind and Universal Consciousness. Go to find out where that is (free site) or book in with me for more illumination.

Aspects adding detail to this New Moon also includes letting go of perceived wounds, grounding yourself in your body and taking both the control and responsibility for your own spiritual journey. It’s ok to have some sort of boundary or structure in place to support the part of you or area of your life where you feel the urge to merge with Universal Consciousness, or at least beyond your everyday, acquired personality and ego based identity.
Cheers, and Happy Manifesting,

Astro All-Starz



Day Dream Believer : Sun in Pisces

The Sun is the aspect of ourselves that is here to SHINE, it brings things to conscious light…the Sign it’s in is the flavour or level, HOW we shine..the house of our birth chart we find it in shows us the area of life this light of consciousness is illuminating. WHERE we shine.

Furthermore, the aspects other planets make to the Sun give us more indications of help and hinderance we experience in life. Aspects detail what we have integrated and what we struggle with on the path to enlightenment or self realisation/unfolding. This help or hinderance, flow or obstacle can often appear in the external world, seemingly unrelated, yet usually reflects an inner aspect of ourselves or our perception that can be integrated or transformed.

The Transiting Sun is currently in Pisces..The Pisces Motto is ‘I believe’ and the urge for most PISCEANS is one of surrendering the self to the greater Unknown. We can all benefit from this transit by allowing the Suns illumination to take us beyond our everyday selves, while fully conscious, to catch a glimpse of what it really feels like to be part of the whole, or to see the whole as part of us. Pisceans do the best far off dreamy stare, have you noticed?..often accompanied by a glass of vino, etc.
Meditation, art, music, what ever takes you beyond yourself is best utilised as a tool at this time.

Using the solar calendar/year, Pisces represents the complete dissolution of your year..This is a time to have wound up projects..let go of anything not working..reflect and allow the gestation of what can be begun in Aries, the sign of initiating new beginnings.

The Sun makes its yearly conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, the sign it rules, amplifying the potential to connect consciously with the greater consciousness, so check in and fire up the flotation tank, get out into nature, charge up yr track listings on Spotify, book in to a 10 day mediation/yoga retreat or simply take time out to go beyond yourself while keeping your eyes open.

Take note of your dreams as well, you could uncover some serious gold if you ask specific questions each night before sleep.
Which area of your life is the Sun currently illuminating?

You can go to http://www.astro.com for free or book in for a more detailed consultation with me.


Transcendental Time : Moon in Pisces


Non local



The Moon is in the the final zodiac sign of Pisces. This means wind down, allow all this past lunar month has bought to integrate.

See what comes to you, you could be surprised if you keep an open, non judgmental mind..make sure not to limit any nuggets that come through.
To do this allow yourself to find that sweet dream zone..eg touch base with yr higher power/higher mind..this is where art and nature can help.
Listen to music that takes you beyond your everyday self, situation, mind…watch the ocean waves and bliss out..get out yr pencil n paper and just draw what comes to you..you get the picture.

Also altruistic acts take us beyond our immediate everyday needs, so you could go help out at an animal shelter or soup kitchen, it’s win win.
This way you’ll b ready to start the new lunar cycle fresh once the Moon moves into Aries the initiator.



Like Sugar in Water

Go within, dive right in!


Take advantage of the monsoonal astro atmosphere and feel.
Feel everything.
Where do u begin and end?

Everything dissolves in Pisces like a sugar cube in water..what can u dissolve now?

Swim in oceans of love and let it rain pink sugar water if u wish. Dream the impossible dream, and plant your seeds of intention now so they may grow with the light of the New Moon, ripening in 6 months when the Full Moon is in Pisces.
Pisces rules fantasy and illusion, why not imagine yrself in yr ultimate vista?
Anything is possible.

Look to your dreams, mental wanderings and visions for insight.

Ever wanted to try meditation? Now is your chance, it should be one of the easiest and best times to drop out of ordinary waking consciousness into the timeless and rejuvenating place meditation takes us to. Lose yourself in the greater whole.  7 out of the 10 major planets are in this one sign of magical, mystical Pisces…  beckoning you to heed her siren call.


Perfectly Pisces Pop Tarts

Follow your Bliss!…

The Pisces party has now officially begun with the Sun having joined 4 other planets all in Pisces.  Once Venus arrives fresh from her airy sojourn through Aquarius you may find it difficult to resist the sirens call to merge and become one with everything!

Let your feet walk in light and may you see the highest vibration of all things..(while still knowing reality manifest)…