JU-JU 🔮 Scorpio New Moon

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.
This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher self/subconscious. Get that 95% of your mind on board for future goal setting and planning.
Write down what you’re releasing, then burn as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in SCORPIO. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.


To take it a step further draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that SCORPIO rules, such as;

  • Transformation & transcendence
    Deep feels & connection
    Deep change
    Navigating darkness
    Shared resources


“I easily find myself using my power constructively”

“I easily find myself working with group and work politics in a way that is beneficial to me and others”

“We easily all win”

“I easily release what no longer serves me, I let it go with love and gratitude”

“I own my own power”

“I allow deep change that serves the highest version of me, in the most enjoyable way for all concerned”

“I easily connect and maintain deep emotional bonds”

“I easily feel I am safe”



Today’s new Moon in the watery depths of Scorpio applies a soft touch. You may feel like staying in and even mending some bridges. If you’ve been feeling stagnant or some roiling in your depths an ease of healing is present so take time out to let your feels flow and transform. (New Moon Trine Chiron in Pisces).


Lets get provocative, ever wanted to try sex magic? Well this weekend is prime time. Sexual healing is highly favoured under the cosmic line line up as well so put on some slow beats and give it all you’ve got. Other forms of healing like holotropic breath work can help shake things up from your dark recesses, nooks and crannies.

If you’ve had a rough time of it this month know that we’re at the tale end of Scorpio season which tends to cut and clear dead wood if you hadn’t already. The key to Scorpio flavours is to expect the difficult and rejected parts of yourself to emerge.  Let them pass, don’t shove those uncomfortable feels back in their box. Shake it out and let your light shine through. You are powerful when you’re in alignment and your energy is focussed rather than split and spent on hiding, repressing or obsessing.

Commitments and bonds made in the fixed signs like Scorpio are lasting. Sexy Scorp is the sign of occult juju, so be careful what you wish for, as the saying goes. However if its right for you affirmations made on this new Moon can transform from your hidden underpinnings up.


Muchos Amore,
Vanessa Montgomery


Geek Fact Checker :


New Moon (conjunct Sun) 26 degrees Scorpio

Trine retrograde Chiron 24 degrees Pisces






On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you.

Write them down, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.
New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in SCORPIO.

Focus on areas and approaches that SCORPIO rules, such as:

  • Empowerment
  • Power
  • Transformation
  • Transcendence
  • Hidden Truths
  • Self Mastery
  • Intensity
  • Deep Bonding
  • Sex
  • Tribe
  • Shamanism
  • Crisis skills


  • I easily see the needs of others
  • I find myself working with the politics of my job in a way thats beneficial to myself and others.
  • I easily own and sit within my power as well as use it constructively
  • I easily find myself gaining power by taking full responsibility and control of my circumstances.
  • I easily find myself forgiving in a way thats empowering for me.
  • I easily release all baggage from my childhood and past relationships
  • I easily find myself experiencing mutual empowerment and transcendence in a way that’s healthy and happy for me.
  • I easily find myself accepting and master of my own emotional depth.
  • I easily find myself enjoying a deep sexual, passionate and transformative relationship with ……

Mercury, planet of communication is conjunct this new Moon, which lends and air of conscious mental delving or sharing. An easy flow (trine) to Neptune lends the chance for transcendence. Dreams really do come true. Do the work, the emotional scouring and purging. In more tangible words, ‘OWN.YOUR.SHIT’.

Face it, ferret through it consciously, be your own detective and look what ever you find square in the eye, thank it for its help so far, and release it. Your demons are you own and they’re as happy to leave you as you are to leave them. So let them go. Deep energy work is helpful, psychotherapy, or even ecstatic dance can be helpful now. Sex magic is particularly potent.

Currently I’m writing this New Moon Post in India. They’re just finishing up their biggest festival of the year, Diwali. It coincides with the New Moon in SCORPIO every year and celebrates coming out of the dark and into the light. A fantastic analogy for the energy available at this time.

Here’s an example. Today I was talking with one of the guests where I’m staying in Kerala, a lovely fellow Australian who happens to be a school principle on health leave due to a broken knee.

The break happened when she slipped on her bathroom tiles..what was she thinking about at that moment? She was thinking about a staff member under her directorship who she is struggling to accept (due to something she did), and find a place of overview that her position demands. This has been an obsession and she’s not wanted to go to work because of it. It has that much power over her.  What are the benefits of the breakage? She gets 7 months off work and away from facing the problem! Scorpio is absolutely ruthless in demanding you face your truth and do what you know you need to do for yourself.  If the principle had dealt with the problem she wouldn’t have unconsciously fallen and broken her knee to buy herself the freedom or avoidance she sought.

The work is still there to do but even bringing the scenario to light like that is a big step in the right direction. The next step is to draw back her power. Find what in herself this woman represents, what shunned part, and bring it to light. What actually is the ‘issue’ in terms of her inner self, not the external story alone.

Plant the intention now to see, face and invest in yourself so you aren’t continually slapped about the face with it. Plant the seeds of transcendence, what ever and where that is for you.

Through courages deep sharing and bonding, freeing your wild sexual nature, risking your vulnerability or facing your deepest fears.

Let me know how it goes!! (I can keep a secret ; )
Personally I’m literally looking like I’ve been slapped in the face with my shadow ‘stuff’.

It’s emotional and harbouring its toxicity has toxified my blood and rendered my system incapable of efficient detoxification. It reads like a text book Scorpio story and I can admit it.

So for me this New Moon is all about following my own advice, dealing with it and doing the work to transform learnt relating habits and situations that don’t work for me, transcend and walk ‘right relating’, as the eastern scriptures say.


In respect for the deep,

Vanessa Montgomery


Drink from the Skull of your Enemies 

Client quote of the day

‘You know what’s wrong with society today..

No one drinks from the skull of their enemies anymore’.

In light of the recent full moon in Capricorn, I expect such a display would send a definite message of personal and professional BOUNDARIES.

Are your boundaries impermeable, do you Sally forth with the confidence that comes with aforementioned impermeable boundaries? 
Capricorn rules both boundaries and the skeletal structure.

How could you interpret this motif in a modern day setting that in no uncertain terms let’s others know where the line is so they don’t even ‘try it’.



What’s your Astro SUPER POWER?

Do you use it for Good or for Eeevillll?

watch video HERE to FIND OUT

We all have certain traits shared by our Zodiac signs.  These traits need to and will be met, however it’s your choice to have your needs met in a way that sustains and serves you while serving others in win win scenarios.  If you can make a career out of your superpower, even better.

We visit each zodiac sign from Aries to Pisces for a look behind their Lycra, then interview Pisces Super Hero Cherry about how she has made a great living and lifestyle from her natural SuperPower.

TRANSCENDENCE : Scorpio Full Moon 

This Full Moon lights up;

  • shared resources
  • your deepest darkest emotional depths
  • hidden demons and
  • your power to transform and transcend

Taurus represents the solid resources and values behind them that one has..Scorpio represents ‘I like what you’ve got, and I know just how best to utilise it’ or
Taurus ‘I love my body‘,
ScorpioI love your body‘.
It’s all about creating a win win solution or scenario.


What have you been wishing for, particularly what seeds of intent have you sewn and watered with action and attention over the last six months since the New Moon in Scorpio? Now we see the harvest. Is the resulting fruit succulent and juicy? Full of flavour and verve? Or is it rather stringy and barren? Is it even the variety or indeed what you thought you’d planted?

The Polarity between the full Moon in Scorpio is balanced by the Sun in Taurus, shared resources vs personal resources based on what you value most highly. What are your most precious assets and how can you bring them to the table to help yourself by helping others? How can you best give of yourself while combining with the best of others so that the greater is more than the individual?

Any old wounds or demons rearing their heads? Time to slay them. Know your own indestructibility, powers of survival and renewal and slay those inner beasts. Remember anything tormenting you from the external world is usually a mirror you’ve found to reflect what you need to transform within. Sometimes very hard to swallow but usually that’s the case. Scorpio running on the low road can include intense feelings of betrayal, abandonment, jealousy, covetousness, and rejection. Of course that’s exactly where to dig to release the massive reservoir of gold that is Scorpios promise.

If an individual seems to have an obsessive hold over you that you just can’t seem to shake, and you KNOW they’re just not all that, while you see yourself as a rational, cool calm and collected person in the rest of your life then try this imagery.

Visualise them as literally being in a mirror...so you know you should see yourself in the mirror, but you see them..then look at what they’re really representing..
identify the main traits that bother you, that’s really getting your goat.
Now let the image warp and be the goblin those traits represent to you.
Define why for you that’s so wrong.

Now the hard part…where do you display those traits in your own life? Or where do you kind of wish you could, but don’t? Is there anything you can own, in all honesty here?
What secondary benefits have you been receiving? That can be very hard to admit to, but part of liberation is seeing the entire truth and being ok with that.

Transcendence comes from owning and accepting aspects of ourselves which for some reason we understand as being not ok..even as simple as say, shameless self promotion, dancing with abandon, or even just having fun..and when we see others expressing that, it really can drive us batty!

Scorpio rules deep psychotherapy. The take on it I’ve just outlined is at the core of how we can make that key turn in a lock that’s kept us bound, finally and simply liberating us.
The imagery or method may vary but the essentials of the process are the same.
Shifting your perspective can illuminate corners that were hidden from yourself, opening up to the Eagles birds eye view as it were…

Define the problem
Own any secondary benefits
you may be reaping.

On the full Moon we have the chance to emerge from the deepest and darkest depths to fly light, high, over and beyond. Free, powerful and majestic, like the eagle. Use the light and power of this full Moon to LET GO, and FLY.

Vanessa Montgomery










Bringing Sexy Back : Mars in Scorpio

  • Jan 4 – Aug 2nd 2016

The Planet Mars indicates how we get things done, the sign it’s in indicates the flavour, quality, style of that action and energy.

Scorpio Style is do or die, forward thrusting, and often in the shadows and byways, hidden from view. Occult energy can be utilised at this time, think spells, incantations, Magical arts. Put your emotional energy into it and you’ll find this can be a period of personal power in terms of ambition and manifestation.
Transformative action, is a key phrase, the shadow of course is a death wish, destruction and the occassional stalking.

So be mindful, conscious of how you’re using your energy, and what you’re working toward.

Mars is in each sign every 2 years. This trip through Scorpio is set to be intense as Mars will enter Sagittarius then retrograde back through Scorpio, finally leaving on August 2nd.

This means you better have a great action plan, then be prepared to review and course correct at the retrograde. Scorpio Mars gets things done. Keep your eye on the prize and you have a great chance of achieving. So make sure it’s what you really want, and truly in your best interests.

Your natal chart indicates the area of life you are most likely to experience the power of this Mars in Scorpio Sojourn, and of course how best to direct it….To GET WHAT YOU WANT.


Moon in SCORPIO : The Witching Hour





While the Moon is moving through Scorpio, dig deep and cut dead wood. Purge. Only you know truly what you no longer require. Can you give me a good reason to lug that dead weight?

It’s time to release or transform, your call.
Cleanse and clear your inner space, be ruthless..ready to plant the seeds of liberation on the New Moon in Sagittarius.



Goodbye Scorpio!
Did u feel a shift, transformation over the last month as Scorpio had plunged u face to face with nasty, then the clearing of said nasty?…

The healing is in the feeling, as they say. And Scorpio encourages us to feel intensly with every ounce of passion we have.

Today we left the solar month of Scorpio as the Sun moves into fire sign Sagittarius.  However there are still a few planets residing in Sexy Scorp, including Saturn…which asks us to master the power of our passions and use them as the Alchemists did, transforming our emotional silt into gold.


Mercury in SCORPIO

Mercury  has been retrograde in Scorpio

Purging and transforming ideas/the mind..
Intense and probing super sleuth..
secrets found out!!

Any insights via dreams of late??

Any Secrets uncovered, slipped out??!!

Now that Mercury has moved direct again you can begin to put ideas into action that you have been working over or reconsidering.



Mars is in Scorpio

Driver, to the underworld and step on the gas!

When that big black limousine pulls up and it’s a Scorpio ruled Mars at the wheel, do you get in?  Usually, there are no free rides and this is no exception!

With action principle Mars under the influence, (of Scorpio) we all feel the urge to dive into what we found upsetting the balance during the Libran leg of Mars’s journey and seek to transform in order to get your rig back on the road and in top performance. No more bickering, no more sidestepping or adjusting, Scorpio wants the real deal.

Mars in Scorpio is sexy, it pushes for deep connection, and will wash away blocks that stand in the way of that union.  Are you ready to face what lies beneath in order to gain the benefits?

Scorpios urge to transform is constant.  There could be some behind the scenes movement, and some deep change.  If this is the case for you, go with the flow, let the flotsam of life wash away down the river.

So, what will you do when the limo, or is that a hearse, pulls up, and where will you ask the driver to take you?