Re-MASTERED : Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn


Time to CULL ideas, re-assess and come up with your most sturdy, water tight plan yet.
In Capricorn, Mercury (ruling the mind and particularly all forms of communications) likes to get serious, plan and make sure everyone is accommodated for.

Use the holidays to really let go of your day to day mundane logistics to gain a birds of view of what you really want to achieve for 2017 and beyond. Think enduring ideas and plans.  Stay open to a complete revision of what you thought you were going to do in 2017.
Work backwards and write up a step by step for how to, then stick to the plan. Capricorn is less flights of fancy and more cranking of gears and delegating.

Consider how you can get your ideas out and into the ring. Evaluate how you can you deliver inspiration as well a maturity and authority? Or is there study you need to complete to get you to the next level? Mercury travels back to late Sag where it seems we’ve missed a step or left something behind we need to bring back into our game play.

What will it take to be taken more seriously? Time to expand your vocab? Get on top of particular languaging? Or just get your site/social media looking more professional and purpose based.

The area of life this retrograde takes place in indicates the area of life needing planning and strategy.


This Retro may have us all regretting some shopping decisions made while the Sun’s been in impulsive and ‘more is more’ Sag, however you can always return, exchange or spread the love in a re-gift. Keep only what you really need to help achieve your top goals.


AEST-Mercury 15 degrees Capricorn Retro from Dec 20 to Jan 8th, back to 28 degrees Sagittarius.

Mercury clears the point it began retrograding on Jan 31. (Out of ‘shadow’).

I’ll be drawing up my goal, reverse engineering it in bullet point steps and writing it up like a pro geek on my white board. How will you re-vision you dreams, then reverse engineer, tips are always welcome!

Vanessa Montgomery



SAGITTARIUS, it may not be all systems go just yet but lock n load, your ruler, Jupiter has just gone direct. While Mars is still retro in your sign, dramatic course corrections will continue to take place, go with it. You may feel like your wheels are spinning, but smoke usually preludes a fire so be open to change. Once these two planets go direct you’ll know exactly where to head and what to do.

VIRGO, since Jupiter is in your sign this means there’s some systems that are ready to go now..yet with Action planet Mars and task master Saturn retro in Sag, Squaring your sign, there are still hoops you need to jump through. However, luck is on your side so you’ll notice some positive forward motion in plans that have either been stalling or eluding you. Your ruler Mercury is retrograde, there’s more information that needs to come to light before all roads are clear and you can make a strategic move for the gold.

GEMINI, your ruler Mercury is still retro. Don’t stress out, just send your call into the deep space that is your higher mind and be open to what comes back. You’ll get your answer. Also Mars and Saturn retro in sag are opposing your sign. Once they go direct you’ll spot your direction.

CAPRICORN, your ruler is still retro, so hold on there, keep reviewing, restructuring and rebuilding..tear down what’s not authentic or working and be ready to rebuild an empire that reflects who you really are and what you know you have been put on this earth to craft.


WHAT’UP?! : 5 Planets Retrograde

5 Planets Retrograde, Count ’em FIVE!

That’s What’s up.
That means a holy host of revision.

Are you finding delays, revisions, or plans akimbo?

Just go with it and embrace the change…tweakings, course corrections, stalling and sometimes expensive mistakes can be an annoying occurrence during retrogrades..the details of which depend on your personal astrologies relationship to the current heavenly bodies. However, with so many planets in reverse motion right now, most of us are bound to be touched by seemingly untimely events.

Advice. As always, read everything, twice! Practice patience and be open to doing what you know you need to do to allow the most your business, personal life, where ever you know you need it.

Key dates to keep an eye on:

MERCURY in Taurus

  • Retro – from 29 April @ 23 degrees Taurus
  • Direct – from 22 May @14 degrees Taurus
  • Out of Shadow zone- 8 June @ 23 degrees Taurus

MARS in Sagittarius & Scorpio

  • Retro – from 18 April @ 8 degrees Sagittarius
  • Direct – from 30 June @ 23 degrees Scorpio
  • Out of Shadow zone – 23 August @ 8 degrees Sagittarius

JUPITER in Virgo

  • Retro – from 9 January @ 23 degrees Virgo
  • Direct – from 9 May @ 13 degrees Virgo
  • Out of Shadow – 7 August @ 23 degrees Virgo

SATURN in Sagittarius

  • Retro – from 26 March @ 16 degrees Sagittarius
  • Direct – from 13 August @9 degrees Sagittarius
  • Out of Shadow – 19 November @ 16 degrees Sagittarius

PLUTO in Capricorn

  • Retro – from 29 April @ 17 degrees Capricorn
  • Direct – from 27 September @ 14 degrees Capricorn
  • Out of Shadow – 18 January 2017 @ 17 degrees Capricorn

Revise with a couple of articles on the Retrogrades : 



ERASURE : Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn | ASTRO ALL-STARZ

ERASURE : Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn


SURVIVIN’ N THRIVIN’ : Mercury Retrograde+


SURVIVIN’ N THRIVIN’ : Mercury Retrograde+

imageLive Periscope #2 up now…

“Survivin’ n Thrivin’ Mercury Retrograde …and Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto….ALL RETROGRADE”
Have a listen For the WHAT THE HELL is HAPPENING insider insights….


To keep updated on soon to be daily LIVE

 Join Periscope, look me up/Astro All-Starz  to ‘follow’ and tick for notifications so ALL YOUR QUESTIONS can be answered!
Please let me know in the comment section what you’d like to hear a live session on...or come over to Facebook and join the session, I’d love to hear what you’re curious about!

Cheers, V


FRESH NEW IDEAS : Mercury in Aries 

22 March-6 April

While Mercury, indicator of all things communication is in fiery, impulsive and combative Aries, it’s a great time to brainstorm. Cast your mind into uncharted territory, you’ll have less fear of breaking out of your box and could come with some fresh new ideas and perspectives.

You may tread on toes or sensitivities so be prepared to apologise later! This is the fearless mind, not the most tactful of placements but it can be incredibly rewarding if you just go with it. Harness the direct flavour and pitch well above your usual batting average.




Your Genius Moment : Mercury in Aquarius 

Mercury in Aquarius14 Feb-5 March 2016
After a retrograde back through Capricorn, Mercury has today hit the light..the point at which it turned retrograde. Which means the retro is officially over and all that had to come to light, now have all the info and revision  you need to move forward…literally, into ‘forward thinking’.

Are you thinking in a more liberated and detached way already since Jan 3rd? Any big blasts from the past that showed how far you’ve all come?

Here you get a second chance to break out of limiting ideas or crusty old mindsets that no longer serve you.

Mercury rules communication, thinking, messages, the rational mind…while Aquarius lends a breeze of fresh air, and if you’re lucky a high voltage strike of genius to uplift your thinking and shake off old stale perception loops. This is really your chance to change the game, use the sense of detachment that Aquarius lends to not just shift gears but radically change lanes, by changing your thinking.  A good way to kick off is to change the questions you ask, which gives new answers resulting in new solutions.

Apply your mind to tech if you’ve had issues in that area, you may come up with some genius ideas and improvements that have a wider ranging application and potential. Think humanitarian.

What serves the greatest number of people? And you’ll be in a much faster lane and in a whole new game.

The area of your life Mercury went retro in and is now direct in is indicated by its placement in your personal natal chart. You can check this for free at or book a consultation with me to really get your game on and play to your strengths.




FYI Mercury Direct : in Capricorn

After reflecting on and reworking plans, changing ideas, re-working a strategy
it’s time to look at how you can really implement those changes.

Mercury is completely out of shadow by Feb 15 so you’ll be clearest then to implement as more aha moments are likely to come your way between now and then.

Being in Capricorn there is an overlay of re-assessing how you express your authority, organise and structure your communication, learning, including tech and systems for those.

Short trips for business or professional reasons would be timely now.

After Feb 15 go ahead to initiate new ideas, contracts, sign, purchase etc.

New information tends to come to light during retrogrades, as well as people and ideas from the past that can be re-worked or re-visited to compliment today, especially in terms of profession, authority, business, planning and strategy, or even something you’ve decided you’d like to work at and master. A startup or business course would appeal to many as well as refreshing yr blog or website to look more professional.

Have you noticed how Mercury Retrograde has impacted your life over the last few weeks?

Any new bright ideas, reworking of plans or just things gone totally awry..communication breakdown, or breakthrough??


Recapitulate Your Master Plan : MERCURY RETROGRADE 

Jan 6-Feb 15

Mercury just made it into Aquarius but heads back over familiar ground in Capricorn.

Before we can push ahead with any genius ideas (Aquarius) we need to review our strategy, positioning etc. During a Mercury retrograde we tend to see things in a different way as well as access new information.
Old friends may show up or new connections may inspire us. Gather Intel and move forward once Merc goes direct, particularly when it’s past the degree where the retrograde began.

Traditionally there are communication and transport issues and delays…anything tech, so back up data, be mindful with yr tech and if you book tickets make sure they can be changed if needed.
When I sat down to write this post, of all posts, the keyboard was suddenly flat. Standard issue, Mercury Retrograde.

There is often a natural pause and reflect. Consider how our thoughts shape our actions, outcome and therefore reality..

What are the nature of your thoughts, the quality?
Are they for or against your very best interests?
What do you feed your mind?
What is the quality of conversation you immerse yourself in?
What is it you’re actually telling people about yourself when you speak?
Time to reconsider?



Like a high voltage greenie with an aristocratic past life, it’s time to get your FREQUE ON, smash through glass ceilings and save the dolphins wiith SUN, Mercury, + VENUS  new to the group happenings in humanitarian AQUARIUS.

Enjoy the prevailing sense of detachment, cool headed calm, and possibly some off the wall ideas light years ahead of their time.

Mercury in SCORPIO

Mercury  has been retrograde in Scorpio

Purging and transforming ideas/the mind..
Intense and probing super sleuth..
secrets found out!!

Any insights via dreams of late??

Any Secrets uncovered, slipped out??!!

Now that Mercury has moved direct again you can begin to put ideas into action that you have been working over or reconsidering.