LET’S GET RADICAL ⚡️ New Moon in Aquarius + Eclipse

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging our conscious and unconscious aspects. Energy drops into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mode.
This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher self/subconscious. Get that 95% of your brain on board for future goal setting and planning.
Write down what you’re releasing, then burn as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting so plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions / affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in AQUARIUS. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.


To take it a step further draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Feel and see your vision as if in the present. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that AQUARIUS rules, such as;


Brilliance is


I easily keep up with and utilise technology to my best advantage.
I easily embrace revitalising experience, allowing it to shift my energy when needed.
I easily embrace change for my highest good.
I easily connect with and express my unique genius in service of others, for my highest good.
I easily move with the times, embracing the new in a way that supports my evolution.
I easily find myself courageously and successfully following my dream of…………
I easily have clarity in seeing and implementing long range goals that give meaning to my life and are in my highest interests.
I easily participate with others to create win/win situations.
I easily find myself in the right community for me.
I’m easily clear and objective in my perceptions and responses.


This New Moon in social air sign Aquarius is accompanied by a solar eclipse. The eclipse resets our ego, identity, what we identify with and sense of self. The detachment, global community vibes of Aquarius go a long way to help us break out of old limiting paradigms and concepts. Mercury and Venus are in the mix encouraging us to change and open our minds as well as how we relate to others. Venus in Pisces encourages us to see the highest potential in everyone, find the beauty and relate in a loving way without judgement. How we see and relate to the world we find reflected in how others relate back to us..win/win!

Feminism, one of my fave F words is trending. Groups, equality as well as whats on the contemporary edge of the larger social radar all come under the Aquarian banner. Astrology is gender fluid. Venus is largely what society deems as a ‘feminine’ archetype. Males have this inner archetype as do women equally. Society puts a divide down who can do what and who’s worth more doing it. Lets reset how we express and relate to beauty, art, charm, relationships and money without considering gender, regardless of yours.

The ‘house’ (area of life) the new Moon falls in your birth chart points to the particular area of life this reset will be most apparent. Eg, in the 9th house of the gypset, higher ed and personal philosophies you’ll be wanting to pack your bags and make tracks if you’ve been holding back. In the 10th house of career you’ll be ready to set up your unique personal image, get up to date on tech for your career and ready your unique contribution to society via career.

If it’s not making you feel slightly nervous, you’re probably not pushing your radical enough. Aquarius is about breaking off the crusty status quo, rules and shoulds you’ve let accumulate in your life. Turn the t.v off, clean your inner antennae and tune in.

In Union,
Vanessa Montgomery

Geek Facts ;

New Moon Conjunct Sun in Aquarius 27 degrees
7:04 a.m

Conjunct Venus in Pisces 6 degrees
Conjunct Mercury in Aquarius 25 degrees
Sextile Uranus in Aries 25 degrees




YOU DO YOU 🦁 Leo Full Moon + Eclipse

🔥Oh that burnin’ ring of fire🔥

🌑    🌒  🌓 🌕 🌖  🌗  🌘    🌑

I went down down down as the flames grew higher 🔥

This Full Moon is the culmination of the 2 new Moons in Fire sign Leo from last August. Look out for what’s manifesting for you from seeds planted then. (you’ve been writing yr New Moon intentions right?!)🦄

Of course this La Luna has to make a grand entrance, she’s a Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse vision of Luna light. Expect theatrics, grand entrances, solos, monologues and High drama ala LEO. ⚡️☄️⭐️💫 The best night of the year for a party ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Also a time to shamelessly self promo. Get your money maker up in lights! ✨✨✨✨✨say it loud and say it proud.
Focus on the area this Moon lights up in your birth chart.

Thanks to a series of eclipses, last August bought some change that may have burnt at the time, yet cleared the way for new growth. Or it may have ignited the spark that’s now a full bodied creative child thats being birthed.
Leo rules creative self expression, our inner child, romance and a warm loving open heart.

Where are you at with that in your life? Look to find evidence already existing in your life that reflects your hearts desires, and feel gratitude for it. That way the universe (and your subconscious) knows what to keep delivering ❤️🔥💋💃🏼💃🏻🎶🎸🎨work from the positive and give thanks to the benefits in all the change and challenge that made it possible. 🦋

Full Moons ask we balance our emotional and security needs with our conscious development  of self. The Sun sitting in polarity to me oriented Leo Moon requests we give awareness to our group and humanitarian contribution. Who are we in a group context as opposed to our raw unadulterated creative selves.  This month the Sun is linked to both the South node and Venus (conjunct) suggesting we share our ability to create love and beauty infused with detatchment and space.

An itchy glitch to the Moon from wounded healer Chiron (semi-square) may have us raging about a thorn in our paw. Slow down and step aside for a moment to reflect on what that past hurt is thats nagging at you for attention. Let it go and move forward. Take your destiny clean and drama free.  Let your  inner child off the hook and let go of ghosts of the past.  Get creative and change your story.  See how free and liberated you really can really be. You’re the artist and designer of your own life. What kind of art will it be? In every moment you have a multitude of choices available to you, you choose!

The ‘house’ this Moon falls in your birth chart reveals more information about what area of life is highlighted by these lunar beams.


Happy full Moon Lion Hearted 🦁X O

Vanessa Montgomery



Geek Facts:
Full Moon exact @ 11:26 PM AEST, 11 degrees Leo. 31 Jan.
Conjunct north node in Leo.
Sun Conjunct south node Aquarius, and Venus
Sun Semi square Chiron (apply self love and compassion)



ON STRANGER TIDES ⭐️ Aquarius Full Moon + Partial Lunar Eclipse

It’s FULL MOON FEVER again with a lovely n large La Luna calling for us to shed our flotsam and jetsom to better focus on what’s real and most essential.

Like sea life drawn up from the depths into view by lunar light, our instinctual, emotional nature presses in. Feels are at full beam.

Full Moons are a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in AQUARIUS. What harvest are you reaping? How are your emotional and safety needs being met? Are you being nurtured? Is it a Full Moon feast or famine?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for Jan 28, 2017.

Click Here : Genius Peculiarity : Aquarius New Moon



This Full Moon involves a partial eclipse that asks us to reset our relationship to groups, tech or just emotional detachment. Is your safety mechanism to split and run? It may be time to access your leadership potential by either mentoring or modelling more healthy and sustainable ways of handling our emotions. Perhaps lending some detachment to a situation thats been super intense.


Take the Helm

Action is required (Mars conj Sun in Leo) so don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Is it time to introduce new precedents in your emotional connections? Relate differently? Truely be yourself so connections are authentic? Perhaps something hasn’t met your expectation. How can you re-invent the situation to serve the needs of those involved? How can you do things differently to gain better results?


Strength in Numbers

The cost of living has skyrocketed with so many western countries pricing out new home owners and job markets crushing traditional career paths and ways of earning a living. I’m so passionate about people, especially women, pooling resources. There’s strength in numbers. In terms of buying land and co-op sharing facilities, time share work on the property etc more people could be living far more rewarding and interesting lives. How about pooling finances for investment or pooling other resources, talents etc. Rather than think solo and vertical, think group and horizontal. Just think about it, brain storm the potentials, you could radically change your life if you can radically change the way you think. All it takes is that one genius shift. Get outside of the ‘how its always been done, traditional’ box.  Lucky planet Jupiter adds extra positive energy for equal partnerships so give it all you’ve got.


Geek Fact Checker :

Sydney – Aug 8, 2017. 4.10 a.m  |  California – Aug 7, 2017. 11.10 a.m

New York – Aug 7, 2017. 2.10 p.m | London – Aug 7, 2017. 7.10 p.m

Moon 15 degrees Aquarius,

opposite Sun 15 degrees Leo, conjunct Mars 11 degrees Leo

Moon Trine Jupiter 17 degrees Libra

Sun Sextile Jupiter 17 degrees Libra


In solidarity,
Vanessa Montgomery



On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, both their lights blocked from our sight, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative and quiet mood. This makes rich soil for contacting your inner/higher self, planning and setting foundations for your path.

Write down what you are releasing, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.

New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in AQUARIUS. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other at their extreme ends of mutual polarity.


Focus on areas and approaches that AQUARIUS rules, such as:

  • High/New Technology
  • Innovation
  • Sci-Fi
  • Science
  • Humanitarian efforts
  • Equality
  • Peer Groups
  • Community
  • Detachment
  • Innovation
  • Revolution
  • Shock
  • Sudden change
  • High voltage energy
  • Exciting experiences and ideas
  • Unique expression
  • Genius/light bulb moments
  • The Mad Professor/Inventor


  • “I easily express my genius in ways that others accept and support”
  • “I easily give myself and others permission to fully express our unique individuality”
  • “I easily have and act on inspiring, new, genius ideas”
  • “I easily find innovative solutions to new and old problems”
  • “I easily find myself revolutionising my life”
  • “I easily create the change I need in my life”
  • “I easily yolk what is best to me with what is best for the greater good”
  • “I easily feel a sense of equal ground with everyone I meet”
  • “I easily maintain freedom in my relationships”
  • “I easily find myself open to others points of view while maintaining my own”
  • “I easily find myself enjoying exciting, revitalising experiences”

Aquarius rules both detachment as well as group efforts that involve a common ideal.

While the Sun and Moon, aka, our conscious and subconscious minds, are in unison this is the perfect time to set your goals on ‘being the change’. With Politics devolving into farce, the power of the group to make change is no more relevant than now. The rights and freedoms we enjoy everyday have been hard won by people banding together in common cause, standing up for what they know they deserve at both a personal level, and for the greater whole.

Where in your life do you need to stage a revolution? Your finances, career, relationship, your community? Is it time you pushed your mind outside of your daily routine/rut to beat a new path with a different way of thinking and feeling?

Since thoughts create a chemical response we experience as feelings, and feelings tend to work as a feedback loop to creating similar thoughts to the ones that made them, then hacking this system = different results in perception, behaviour and action, at this point, you just changed your reality.

In the 70’s, part of the womens movement for gender equality involved ‘consciousness raising groups’. What kind of group can you experience or even form that would help you change your reality to something more in line with what your heart knows it needs?
Chiron is conjunct Venus and in a slightly uncomfortable position to the New Moon. So this is a time to set intentions in terms of healing wounds of the feminine principle. With Mars conjunct Venus theres likely to be actioning, albeit surreptitiously and behind the scenes as Chiron, Venus and Mars are all in Artistic and gentle Pisces. Meditation group anyone? Art for change?

Trumps election has catalysed women into non violent gatherings, making a show in numbers that are too large and plentiful to ignore. How can you catalyse and consolidate your own natural resources to make the change within yourself and your life that free you to reach your potential. Eg, mind mastery, lean into the positive, expose yourself to new ideas with an open mind, start your own consciousness raising group, make your personal statements public etc.

This is a great opportunity to focus on empowering yourself and others by embracing your own authority. Don’t wait, check information and beware of blindly accepting fiction as fact or other peoples realities as your own. This is where change can start.
In unity and solidarity,


Vanessa Montgomery

New Moon at 8 degrees Aquarius

Inconjunct Chiron/Venus in Pisces

Inconjunct Saturn in Sagittarius


The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.

Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months prior on the AQUARIUS New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?
For your revision, this was the post for the New Moon in AQUARIUS…

At Full Moons the polarity of the opposite sign, in this case, self expressive Leo comes into play.

We need to balance our cool, non personal, intellectual detachment, as well as humanitarian awareness with personal time, honouring gut instincts and our own specialness. True rewards and accomplishments are found at a centre point, encompassing the entire spectrum so balance the polarity and you’ll strike personal harmony..ie, have your needs met.


The area in your chart with Aquarius on the cusp reveals the area of your life where you’re humanitarian, scientific, unorthodox and probably ahead of your time.

Technology could be a feature, as well as distance communications. Some archetypes for Aquarius are ; the mad scientist or inventor, the oddball, super quirky fashionista/blogger, the bookworm/nerdy superbrain, Astronaut, tech maven, ultra modern architect. Can you think of any others? Please share in the comments!


For example Aquarius on the 10th house cusp of career and public image would suggest your career is unexpected, perhaps unacceptable, shocking or ahead of your time (until the rest of humanity catches up with you that is), science or tech based (internet mogul any one?). There would be benefits to humanity or groups rather than individuals or sheer self aggrandisement and you may be anonymous rather than known as Ms Big. In which case this full Moon should bring some flowering to your career sector. Perhaps a fantastic contact, epiphany/breakthrough, or information you’ve been searching for. The Moon generally represents women, esp the matriarchal type, so watch for her in which ever area this Full Moon falls for you…and notice if you become that person for someone else. 

These days I’m wondering where the edge is since what was edgy when I was younger is now mainstream. My question is “so now what’s radical, where’s the edge?” If everyone’s up to speed it’s time for me to move on. Questions of identity are intertwined, of being unique and individual while remaining part of, and contributing to the group. I’m up for having my mind blown and expanded. Do you need to make moves to find your edge? Or are you currently mapping the terrain of hitherto unexplored horizons? Tell me all about it in the comments or p.m me!

This Lunation there are easy flows to both the Moon and Sun from Hi Tech Uranus (which rules Aquarius) so be prepared for ‘sudden change’ and be open to new high voltage experiences. You may surpass your current intellectual horizon…or have a unique paradigm shift..what ever the case may be, it’s bound to be an interesting full Moon if you let it!

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change”

Albert Einstein

Vanessa Montgomery



What’s your Astro SUPER POWER?

Do you use it for Good or for Eeevillll?

watch video HERE to FIND OUT

We all have certain traits shared by our Zodiac signs.  These traits need to and will be met, however it’s your choice to have your needs met in a way that sustains and serves you while serving others in win win scenarios.  If you can make a career out of your superpower, even better.

We visit each zodiac sign from Aries to Pisces for a look behind their Lycra, then interview Pisces Super Hero Cherry about how she has made a great living and lifestyle from her natural SuperPower.

Your Genius Moment : Mercury in Aquarius 

Mercury in Aquarius14 Feb-5 March 2016
After a retrograde back through Capricorn, Mercury has today hit the light..the point at which it turned retrograde. Which means the retro is officially over and all that had to come to light, has..you now have all the info and revision  you need to move forward…literally, into ‘forward thinking’.

Are you thinking in a more liberated and detached way already since Jan 3rd? Any big blasts from the past that showed how far you’ve all come?

Here you get a second chance to break out of limiting ideas or crusty old mindsets that no longer serve you.

Mercury rules communication, thinking, messages, the rational mind…while Aquarius lends a breeze of fresh air, and if you’re lucky a high voltage strike of genius to uplift your thinking and shake off old stale perception loops. This is really your chance to change the game, use the sense of detachment that Aquarius lends to not just shift gears but radically change lanes, by changing your thinking.  A good way to kick off is to change the questions you ask, which gives new answers resulting in new solutions.

Apply your mind to tech if you’ve had issues in that area, you may come up with some genius ideas and improvements that have a wider ranging application and potential. Think humanitarian.

What serves the greatest number of people? And you’ll be in a much faster lane and in a whole new game.

The area of your life Mercury went retro in and is now direct in is indicated by its placement in your personal natal chart. You can check this for free at http://www.astro.com or book a consultation with me to really get your game on and play to your strengths.




Shock Treatment : New Moon in Aquarius

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you.

Write them down, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.
New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action.

Focus on areas and approaches that Aquarius rules, such as
New/High Technology

Humanitarian thinking










Sudden change

High voltage energy

Exciting experiences and ideas

Unique expression

Genius/light bulb moments

Eg ‘I easily find innovative solutions to new and longstanding problems’
‘I successfully express myself in unique and independent ways’
‘I find myself accepting and accepted into groups sharing common interests that benefit me in the area of …….(Place yr group interest here)’


The area of your life (as indicated in your natal chart) this New Moon falls in indicates that part of your life and perception you need to make like that strange Scientist Frankenstein and apply some SHOCK TREATMENT… like lightening can charge and invigorate the air, we need quantum leaps in thinking to propel not just ourselves but humanity as a whole to meet the future successfully.

Groups can be lonely places, and sometimes we do need a certain distance and detachment to connect in like a trolley car to the overhead voltage…There is more power and energy in the universe than we could ever harness or even know what to do with. So tap in, revolutionise any area of of your life you feel may be stagnant or need that extra jolt.

What is your relationship with high technology? This is the perfect Moon for solving problems or just making friends with tech. It can be of great service, connecting us all as well as contributing to humanity as a whole. Eco tech can help us as much as it can cause problems. It’s not the tech, it’s our use of it. Which reminds me, what ever happened to electric cars in Australia??!! This is an opportunity where we can also find solutions to problems that affect not only humanity but every living thing on this planet.

As a group we’re not just humans, we are connected to and dependant on the Eco system from huge Wales in the sea, to tiny ants and microscopic plants. We are all dependant on many levels for life, including the electrical voltage that we call an energetic field, or our ‘subtle body’, as equally as the next species of animal or plant. Thinking like a scientist, objective and not sentimental, emotional or subjectively, we are all, right down to the base of it, vibrating energy. Therefore this new Moon, revive your most unique of ideas, dreams or wishes, and put power behind them to blast your experience from the tiniest quantum functioning to intersteller experience. In a nutshell, how and where can you contribute to and serve humanity at the same time as participating in and growing personally.


Shock of the New : Sun in Aquarius 

The Suns month long sojourn through the zodiac sign of Aquarius begins today.
The Sun represents conscious illumination, how and where we SHINE.

Our conscious self, our ego and ego drives, the personal will, the will to live, the person we identify ourselves to be.

Our path of personal evolution.
In Aquarius we are asked to make like a scientist and apply the filter of emotional detachment, Intellectual scrutiny and a conscious will to change anything outmoded in our lives. This is where we ‘break all the rules’. Who made those rules anyway, and who are they serving after all? On inspection you might find you have adopted rules for living and being that really belong to someone else, so it might be time to say ‘no thanks’ and make your own.

Aquarius is forward thinking, right outside the box, and can be supercharged, bringing in change so suddenly it can shock. It’s often associated with Universal concepts, the whole group of humanity rather than the individual, and even Aliens..which is a metaphor for the new being so very different it seems alien to what currently constitutes our personal and collective known universe. The Universe it’s self is in constant expansion and it’s in our best interest to do the same on an intellectual level as well as a social one.

So why not experiment with this solar month and really see how far you can extend yourself outside of your comfort zone?
The area a planet is transiting in our personal birth chart indicates the area of our lives this illumination is currently applied to. Check the “transits” to your “birth/natal chart” for free on http://www.astro.com or book a session with me to take a look at how you can make the most of your strengths and play to not only heal and evolve, but win.




High Voltage : Moon in Aquarius

When the Moon is in Aquarius it’s time to amp up to a higher voltage. What area of your life do you need to apply more charge to kick start it.

This energy is techy, futuristic, visionary, social and often accompanied by flashes of genius.
Due to the unique flavour Aquarius brings, it’s always a great time to express yr own personal flavour, as well as make random connections along the way.
In the truest sense of a scientific mind, keep it open and you will be surprised at who you meet, or the flashes of insight that you make.