LET’S GET RADICAL ⚡️ New Moon in Aquarius + Eclipse

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging our conscious and unconscious aspects. Energy drops into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mode.
This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher self/subconscious. Get that 95% of your brain on board for future goal setting and planning.
Write down what you’re releasing, then burn as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting so plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions / affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in AQUARIUS. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.


To take it a step further draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Feel and see your vision as if in the present. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that AQUARIUS rules, such as;


Brilliance is


I easily keep up with and utilise technology to my best advantage.
I easily embrace revitalising experience, allowing it to shift my energy when needed.
I easily embrace change for my highest good.
I easily connect with and express my unique genius in service of others, for my highest good.
I easily move with the times, embracing the new in a way that supports my evolution.
I easily find myself courageously and successfully following my dream of…………
I easily have clarity in seeing and implementing long range goals that give meaning to my life and are in my highest interests.
I easily participate with others to create win/win situations.
I easily find myself in the right community for me.
I’m easily clear and objective in my perceptions and responses.


This New Moon in social air sign Aquarius is accompanied by a solar eclipse. The eclipse resets our ego, identity, what we identify with and sense of self. The detachment, global community vibes of Aquarius go a long way to help us break out of old limiting paradigms and concepts. Mercury and Venus are in the mix encouraging us to change and open our minds as well as how we relate to others. Venus in Pisces encourages us to see the highest potential in everyone, find the beauty and relate in a loving way without judgement. How we see and relate to the world we find reflected in how others relate back to us..win/win!

Feminism, one of my fave F words is trending. Groups, equality as well as whats on the contemporary edge of the larger social radar all come under the Aquarian banner. Astrology is gender fluid. Venus is largely what society deems as a ‘feminine’ archetype. Males have this inner archetype as do women equally. Society puts a divide down who can do what and who’s worth more doing it. Lets reset how we express and relate to beauty, art, charm, relationships and money without considering gender, regardless of yours.

The ‘house’ (area of life) the new Moon falls in your birth chart points to the particular area of life this reset will be most apparent. Eg, in the 9th house of the gypset, higher ed and personal philosophies you’ll be wanting to pack your bags and make tracks if you’ve been holding back. In the 10th house of career you’ll be ready to set up your unique personal image, get up to date on tech for your career and ready your unique contribution to society via career.

If it’s not making you feel slightly nervous, you’re probably not pushing your radical enough. Aquarius is about breaking off the crusty status quo, rules and shoulds you’ve let accumulate in your life. Turn the t.v off, clean your inner antennae and tune in.

In Union,
Vanessa Montgomery

Geek Facts ;

New Moon Conjunct Sun in Aquarius 27 degrees
7:04 a.m

Conjunct Venus in Pisces 6 degrees
Conjunct Mercury in Aquarius 25 degrees
Sextile Uranus in Aries 25 degrees




HOLY CA$H COW : Full Moon Taurus

The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.
Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the TAURUS New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

For your revision, this was the post for the New Moon in TAURUS…
NEW MOON TAURUS-click here

This Moon illuminates resources…and self worth. Your self worth often reflects what you’re willing to demand for your income as much as your income can inform your self worth! Better to work on the former than experience the vicissitude of the latter.
What are you willing to accept and demand for yourself and what are you willing/happy to swap in terms of labour or effort for said resources. Look around right now, this Full Moon illuminates your current circumstances, there lies the answer.

My prediction is that in some way personal resources, income or money in general will be under the spotlight.

Sitting here in Kerala, India, cup of fragrant steaming chai on the desk as I write, Taurus Full Moon has kept her promise. Countries have a chart based on when the presiding Governing body was officially formed, signed and sealed. In this case the full Moon falls in Indias 12th house of hidden enemies. The current hot topic being, counterfeiters and the black market.

Recently the Prime Minister announced on national t.v that 2 major Rupee cash notes in the currency are now worthless, and must be deposited in the bank before Dec 31st or they will no longer be accepted. No stores are taking the notes at all. This financial affair has caused MAJOR disruption as banks are focussed on taking back the notes and NO-WHERE has ANY cash to give, no atm, no bank, no foreign currency exchange. No idea when they’ll have fresh new notes to distribute. Maybe four days, maybe a week…Chaos.

Its all in an effort to purge the cash system of counterfeit notes, of which there are many, banks struggling to identify them from the real notes. In my case for the first time I decided to travel without my usual wads of cash and travellers cheques to keep me feeling secure. I was finally coming into the modern era, traveling with only a plastic card representing my worldly liquid assets. So as I am here on an Ayurvedic detox to jump start my bodies filtration system and clean my blood, the Major banks are doing the same with Indias currency.
(If you have 500 or 1000 IRP, cash them in at your local exchange before Dec 31 or they may as well be dust).

Which part of life does this full Moon fall in your chart (for those that know their natal chart).
Personally I have Taurus rising/ascendant, with this full moon falling just after my ascendant. Lesson learnt? Cash is KING, and gold is better. Be PREPARED and hold onto those resources (enforced savings) to shop another day…In terms of outlook, keep looking for a better investment and a fabulous Summer wardrobe. (Summer in Australia of course).
Have any cash issues been highlighted for you? Self worth? Or are you reaping a lux and sensual Harvest this full Moon?

Taurus also rules the senses, a love of good food, natural and organic..red wine, gorgeous scents, beautiful craft as well as nature. This could be a fest of sensual indulgence, I highly advise it!
I would join you if I could get my hands on some wads of Rupees!
Taurus is all about body, and make it natural.

If you’ve never experienced Ayurveda (or even heard of it), its Indias natural health science system, thousands of years in the making. Pancha Karma is the 21 day detox that promises to heal most of what could possibly ail you. Its so simple and of course natural (and 100% organic). Thoroughly Taurean in nature it uses a variety of herbs made into powders, poultices, liquids, oils that are rubbed, poured and pounded on you, into you, lets just say it’s thorough. It’s about rebalancing the body and mind, leaving you calm, peaceful and restored. Just how Taurus likes it.


Enjoy your harvest and the sensual pleasures of the flesh

Peace, Love and Harmony

Vanessa Montgomery



On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you.

Write them down, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.
New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write down up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in Taurus.

Focus on areas and approaches that TAURUS rules, such as:

  • Values…what are your highest values?
  • Resources/resourcefulness
  • Cash! …items of value
  • Things that endure/built to last
  • Things that embody quality
  • Senses..
  • Beautiful & useful
  • Craft
  • Bricks and Mortar
  • Nature
  • Security


  • “I find and utilise resources that benefit me while serving others”
  • “My work is meaningful and in alignment with my highest values”
  • “I easily enjoy beauty and sensual pleasure”
  • “I easily attract the resources I need, when I need them”
  • “I easily let go of greed and worldly distractions that are not in alignment with my highest values”
  • “I easily build wealth and financial security”
  • “I am wealthy and financially secure”
  • “I easily attract wealth while operating in alignment with my highest values”
  • “I am surrounded by beauty”
  • “I thoroughly value myself as well as others”
  • “I easily enjoy the pleasure of my body”
  • “I see and utilise opportunity to build wealth based on my highest values”

Your natal chart reveals the area of your life this New Moon falls, and where these intentions are best placed.

(Check it out now at astro.com)
Taurus is an Earth sign and rules the natural world, Earth, nature, our bodies.

Touch. Taste. Smell. 

Natural, organic food that nourishes the body..beautiful scented natural oils..you get the picture.
A hangover from Christian, if not many religions generally, is one of distrusting the natural world, and especially our bodies. If you’ve internalised any of this body shame, or find you project it onto others, this is the time to reclaim your power. Value your body as the microcosm and our Earth as the Macrocosm for what it truly is..the vehicle and temple that houses our soul and allows us to experience this material realm. In short, a world where individuals can love themselves is a world where that respect is passed on to all around us. It’s no coincidence that our world is as polluted and disrespected as our bodies. When as individuals we can be happy with, and accept ourselves exactly as we are, well, hello liberation!

In terms of resources, how can you be of service to others if you can barely get by yourself? Another religious hangover is the concept of duality…to be abundant spiritually is perceived as separate to being abundant on the material plane. As long as duality exists we will continually strive away from, or toward, rather than encompass the entire spectrum that is true reality. Use this New Moon energy to be in the NOW. Appreciate and be open to the flow of creative energy that powers all material things so you can allow it into your life, and therefore be a great resource for service on a scale that can make the kind of difference you know you would love to make.

For the more adept Astrophiles, look at the sign on your 2nd house, plus the aspects to its ruler…you’ll be able to pin point exactly why your highest values are what they are.

Eg I have Gemini on my 2nd house cusp, so information and ideas are high on my values list, the ruler Mercury is conjunct Venus, so I want to inform women..that Venus/Mercury (in Sag) conjunction is square Pluto..so I want to empower women through information and education…and it’s true, life long wish right there.
The sign on your second house cusp points to your values, natural resources and self worth. It’s your ‘money’ house.

What are your highest values, and what do you need to do to bring yourself into alignment with them?
With warmth and regard,

Vanessa Montgomery



Total Eclipse of the Heart : New Moon Pisces+Eclipse 

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you.

Write them down, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.

New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write down up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in Pisces.

Focus on areas and approaches that Pisces rules, such as:
The Cosmic Mind/Mystic

Universal Love


Super sensitivity/psychic awareness

Dissolution and refinement of the material

No Boundaries

The Artist


‘I easily find myself replacing fantasy with constructive action to bring about the things that I want in my life.’
‘While stable and grounded in my earthly life I open up to the intelligence of the Cosmic mind, experiencing and knowing complete oneness’
‘I let go of all past hurts, and allow pure bliss to fill me’
With the New Moon in Super Sensitive Pisces, and the additional reset action of a Solar Eclipse, we have a potent cocktail for manifesting our dreams.

Pisces rules the most subtle and all encompassing of spheres, the oneness of all things. It’s mystic to say the least, hence why great art and revelation often comes with this sign.

The area in your natal chart that is ruled by Pisces indicates the area of your life you can tune into the faith and belief that is associated with the Mystic Mind and Universal Consciousness. Go to find out where that is (free site) or book in with me for more illumination.

Aspects adding detail to this New Moon also includes letting go of perceived wounds, grounding yourself in your body and taking both the control and responsibility for your own spiritual journey. It’s ok to have some sort of boundary or structure in place to support the part of you or area of your life where you feel the urge to merge with Universal Consciousness, or at least beyond your everyday, acquired personality and ego based identity.
Cheers, and Happy Manifesting,

Astro All-Starz



Moon in CAPRICORN…2.5 days

Pisces Sun+Capricorn Moon = Magical manifesting

With the Moon in hardworking, ambitious and organized Capricorn you could find yourself working hard to achieve your plans..The Mood combines well with the current grand Earth trine (easy flow).  It would be wise to sort out what you want to achieve and start the ball rolling once Mars goes direct (See Mars in Virgo)..shoulder the boulder and it may move with surprising ease.

Capricorn rules structure, therefore in the body it rules the skeletal system, and in particular the spine (and knees as flexibility is important) to moving forward). Use this time to formulate the structure (Moon/Pluto) of you dream (Sun Pisces).  Jupiter, lucky planet of optimism and expansion is in Earth sign Taurus, helping you to make the most of resources..Mars is in Earthy Virgo adding grunt, ambition, motivation and energy.  Review, plan and structure while it’s retrograde then move on them when it goes direct so your dreams may become a reality.

Your Personal Natal Chart – The houses of your own natal chart transited by this Earth trine (easy flow)  indicate the area of your life where some solidifying will be taking place naturally. If you choose to amp it up you could really make the most of it. What area of life is this for you?