CAPTAIN: Capricorn Full Moon

It’s a full Moon in Earth sign Capricorn today. Re-visit intentions if you set them when the moon was new in Capricorn, 6 months ago. Where are you at with them at this stage of your journey? If not, send them out now to be revealed under the bright light of this full Moon- at the 1/2 way point, & peak of its cycle.

Capricorn is a sign of career, ambition, hard work and working toward accomplishment of long term goals. Use this energy to set your goals and make a practical plan on how to get there. Reverse engineer to a point that you can get some traction on now.

The Moon as we know, governs our emotional life, what makes us feel safe, nurtured and a sense of belonging/family & home.

The Moon is in a challengeing aspect (square) to wounded healer Chiron in sensitive Pisces. What do you need to heal in order to have those needs met? This includes needs for your own ambition and career, as these things can give us a great sense of personal accomplishment as well as security. Being in an Earth sign, that includes material security, as well as the credit we have from our reputaiton. position and skills.

Saturn rules Capricorn, and its currently merged (conjunct) with the Moon. Saturn can limit and isolate as well as focus. Today could feel a little lonely or like hard work unless you embrace the opportunity it provides for focus. Uranus is an a favourable aspect (trine) suggesting we lean into change and try something new. Saturn is retrograde, (as is Mars, Jupiter and Neptune). Don’t be surprised if you need to go back and do a fresh take on a few things. You may need to re-visit some old habits in order to clear them, now’s the time. While Saturn is usually more like hard work than fun, it does reward any work done, so do the emotional work and it will be worth it. What kind of tangible action can you invest and what tangible results will you  accomplish?

Potential is all around you, yet if its not congruent with your beliefs you wont even see it. Opening up your mind and setting intentions helps get your unconcious on board to navigate a new pathway. Doing the emotional work, and opening up your beliefs about what you deserve & can achieve is key to this process. Do the work, as Byron Katie says, and you’ll reap the benefits.
Happy Full Moon!

Vanessa Montgomery


Full Moon 6 Capricorn 2:53pm 28 July AEST

Conjunct Saturn retrograde 5 Capricorn

Square Chiron 2 degrees Aries

Trine Uranus 1 degree Taurus

EMPIRE 🌙 New Moon in Capricorn

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging our conscious and unconscious aspects. Energy drops into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mode.
This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher self/subconscious. Get that 95% of your brain on board for future goal setting and planning.
Write down what you’re releasing, then burn as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting so plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions / affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in CAPRICORN. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.


To take it a step further draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Feel and see your vision as if in the present. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that CAPRICORN rules, such as;

  • Authority
    Self discipline
    Social Status
    Hard work
    Utilising opportunities


  • Eg:
    I easily find myself taking charge in every area of my life
  • I easily experience healthy self respect and respect for others in all situations
  • I easily embrace each level of success as it arrives, stacking the benefits
  • I experience positive recognition, a sense of authority and mastery in my profession as a …..
  • I easily find myself listening to and following the authority of my own inner being and higher mind
  • I easily see how I can support my collaborators in a mutually beneficial way
  • I easily find myself taking those actions that lead to an enhanced social status
  • I easily pursue and see which goals, when attained, will bring me the most happyness
  • I easily accept responsibility for my situation in a way that empowers me to make the most of every advantage.
  • I easily commit to those things, people, actions and beliefs that are in my best interest and serve others the most.


I had no choice but to BOSS UP and create my own lane

Play the BIG Game

Capricorn is the 3rd Earth sign, concerned with the professional realm in society, creating structure and highly ambitious. This sign knows the way the world works and likes to build her influence.
With 6 planets (Venus, Sun, Moon, Pluto, Mercury, Saturn)  currently in Capricorn you’ll get a whole lotta professional bang for your buck this month.  It’s time to build on Success and consider transferable skills if you’re building Empire. Is it time to step out and up in your career or business?

Where in your life do you need to draw in her power boss attitude, self discipline, focus and competence? Under New Moon in Cap its highly advisable to load up on what ever it takes to get that social status where it needs to be. If you’re afraid of heights aim for the peak and don’t look down because Caps like to be on top baby.

This New Moon pulls Venus the planet of love and finance into its pragmatic mix. Set your sights on those you want to emulate or rub shoulders with. Lubricate your social ascent all the way to the penthouse with charm, diplomacy and the right contacts.

Pluto the brooding intense power planet of extreme makeovers aka transformation combines to power shift if you’re willing to let go of anything holding you back. Be ready to strip back structures that are outdated, ready to start from the ground up.

You’ll need to shake it up and do things differently. Push through and challenge yourself to let go of aspects of your professional life that no longer serve you and usher in change. A difficult aspect (square) to Uranus compels us to think far beyond the limits of our current box. If you’ve been resisting tech in your business, career or public image now would be the time to get a handle on that. Bring your business into the future and you’ll be ahead of the pack.


Geek Facts:

12:17 pm, 17th Jan 2018 AEST
New Moon conjunct the Sun at 26 degrees Capricorn

Conjunct Venus 28 degrees Capricorn
Conjunct Pluto 19 degrees Capricorn
Sextile Chiron 25 degrees Pisces
Sextile Mars 24 degrees Scorpio
Sextile Jupiter 19 degrees Scorpio
Square Uranus 24 degrees Aries


MASTER BLACK ⭐️ Capricorn Full Moon

It’s FULL MOON FEVER with a lovely n large La Luna calling for us to shed our flotsam and jetsom to better focus on what’s real and most essential.

Like sea life drawn up from the depths into view by lunar light, our instinctual, emotional nature is more apparent and conscious.

The full Moon is a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in CAPRICORN. What harvest are you reaping? How are your needs being met? Is it a Full Moon feast or famine?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for Dec 29, 2016.

Just do your BEST Darling : New Moon Capricorn 

Urge to Purge

Pluto the planet of transformation flanks this Full Moon in Capricorn. Pluto is the ultimate truth sayer. It foretells of razing everything unessential back to the absolute bone. If your emotional scaffolding isn’t build on sure ground, Pluto will get to work. If you no longer need your scaffolding or crutches, yet havn’t shed them to stand strong in your own right, the’ll be torn down with or without your permission. Let them go, you are ready.

The urge to purge or let go in order to transform is a strong theme this month. Have you realised you’ve let something go in your life (or have been resisting), or a foundation stone of your life has been removed? Capricorn is about stepping up, with Pluto in the mix you’ll be stepping up into your power in some way, taking the baton, the mantle. You don’t need to lean on or rely on the past, this is the beginning of your first apparent steps at your next level. Move forward.


The Devil Inside

In traditional Astrology Pluto is seen as a ‘Malefic’. As evil doom and gloom because this phase of life can be confronting and challenging,  the more we resist the more painful, even terrifying it can be. Lets face it, life in the comfort lane is safe because we know what to expect, even if we know its not right for us anymore.

In modern Astrology, planets represent a psychological aspect of our nature as well as timing in terms of cycles of personal growth. The Area this Full Moon falls in your birth chart represents the area of life you’re ready to get down to some serious business in.

Capricorn is the Devil card in Tarot, as Christianity demonised previous values on natures intelligence and abundance. We hold the key to our own chains. This Moon could see us facing and accepting some well repressed taboo truths about ourselves, our true nature and our needs so we may walk free.

If someone were to give you permission to do that, who would it be, and what would they say? Write it down as if they were speaking to you. This could also be a dialogue between your adult self, your inner child and even what you would say to you now from your death bed, at your oldest and hopefully wisest.



Since Full Moons are always in polarity with the Sun in the opposite sign, this month the Sun in Cancer is conjunct Mars. So Pluto Moon and Mars Sun are in a bust up that needs to find some sort of harmony between authoritarian dictatorship and tight yet warring clan like consciousness.

Pulling the tension into a ‘t-square’ configuration is Jupiter in Libra demanding we spread our wings in relationships. Break out of old patterns of the past. The tension could come from relationships or it could be the urge for more freedom, equality and justice (think the fight for equal marriage vs outworn concepts of family units, power hierarchies extending out to our own governmental system designed the way a hierarchical business or old school family unit is designed. Theres an imbalance of power which wastes an incredible amount of resources and favours the few).

How are you noticing this in your own life? How could you introduce more freedom and equality into your life without throwing out the baby with the bathwater in terms of your own security, family, home in a way that better balances work/career and vice versa?


Through the Looking Glass

Using my life as an example, the Full Moon/Pluto combo has fallen in my 8th house of death, sex and regeneration, also seen as other peoples resources that we benefit from like inheritance, working with others resources like an investment banker.
Literally one of the foundational people from a most impressionable time of life (15) has passed away. Johnathon was both patriarch and matriarch, a focal point for generations of a creative community who may have been disparate and less cohesive as a community without the pivotal base and personality he provided. He shone a light on an unlit path by modelling a way of living authentic to ones creative self expression while embracing others for theirs. I wouldn’t be who I am today without having known, and being greatly influenced by him and the community he had a hand in building.

At the same time I’ve let go of a partnership in which I needed more space than it had to give. Jupiter in Libra is in my 5th house of creative self expression and romance. Rather than let the Pluto/Mars bust up bruise, batter and waste resources (Sun Mars in my 2nd house of personal values, resources, security and $), we’ve brought in the grace bestowed by Jupiter in Libras luck by negotiating a fair deal thats a better fit, while maintaining absolute stability in terms of security and home. Letting go entirely of the past (Pluto Moon), of expectations (fantasy and delusion) and keeping what works, and what’s real (all we have is the present and potentially the future). The cycle of Jupiter in Libra in my 5th house can now be met without restriction, with some changes that challenge how things ‘ought to be done’, yet suit our individual personal needs.


Geek Fact Checker :


Sunday July 9, 2:06pm AEST

FULL MOON 17 degrees Capricorn
Conjunct Pluto 18 degrees Capricorn
Opposite Sun 17 degrees Cancer
Sun Conjunct Mars 22 degrees Cancer

Moon opposite Sun forming T-square Jupiter 14 degrees Libra


In Truth & Loving Kindness


Vanessa Montgomery





Just do your BEST Darling : New Moon Capricorn 

“If you put your name on something, it better be the best…you only get one shot”

– George Foreman, 2 time Heavy Weight world champion boxer and Olympic Gold medalist.

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, both their lights blocked from our sight, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative and quiet mood.

Write them down, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.

At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, both their lights blocked from our sight, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative and quiet mood. This makes rich soil for contracting your inner/higher self, planning and setting foundations for you path.

New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in CAPRICORN. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other at their extreme ends of mutual polarity.

Focus on areas and approaches that CAPRICORN rules, such as:

  • Status
  • Status Anxiety
  • Career
  • Ambition
  • Credentials
  • Personal Authority
  • Personal authenticity
  • Reaching Goals
  • Success
  • Responsibility
  • Maturity
  • Time
  • Discipline
  • Focus
  • Hard work
  • Commitment
  • Recognition
  • Respect
  • Accomplishment
  • Self Mastery


  • ‘I easily assume authority’
  • ‘I assume responsibility for my own choices and their outcome.’
  • ‘I easily find myself consciously using time to my best advantage.’
  • ‘I easily take the steps that lead to career success’.
  • ‘I easily handle money and assets in a way that supports my future.’
  • ‘I easily recognise which goals are in both my best personal interest, and for those I’m responsible for’.
  • ‘I easily and successfully reach my goals.’
  • ‘I easily find myself welcoming and enjoying the hard work that leads to success.’
  • ‘I easily surpass the expectations and achievements of my family/tribe.’
  • ‘I easily find the discipline to master the skills that lead to successfully achieving my goals.’

This New Moon is travelling with the Retrograde Mercury so plan and then plan again, knowing there could be some adjustments still to make..think course correction, out side the box, and that new information is most likely going to come to light with in the next few weeks if not six months.

The Retrograde Mercury suggests communication needs some work, study or even incorporating some short trips for career, business or to improve your social standing/status.

Check out this recent post on the current Mercury Retrograde for further details and consider how you can work that into your personal New Moon Intentions.
Click here for MERCURY RETROGRADE info

One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals….”

– Michelle Obama, needs no explanation.

Your natal chart reveals the area of your life this New Moon falls, (Eg career, relationships, money mastery etc) and where these intentions are best placed.
For example if the New Moon falls in your 11th house of social networks, peers and groups then you already like to have some sort of leadership or authority in that area.

How can you further your status as an ‘expert’ among peers? Leading workshops in your field is a great example, as well as organising and holding events generally. Can you write an e-book that shows off your specialisation and positions you as the go to person among peers? Or perhaps join a public speaking program/group or speak at events?

For example, if I as an astrologer had this Moon in my 11th house(of peers and groups) I’d be choosing a key specialisation in Astrology I wanted to be known for and signing up to speak at Astrology conferences. That way I’d be speaking to peers rather than the general public. The aim would be to build my name and business as ‘an Astrologer for astrologers’ rather than the general public. As it turns out I don’t have to book flights to the next International Astro conf as the New Moon is in my 8th house of sex, death, occult and other peoples resources..sounds good!

If you need further certification, learning or information for any endeavour, then plan for that. I recommend you hold off signing up for another 2 weeks minimum. Use the time to work on your master plan.



New Moon 7 degrees Cap.  29th Dec AEST.


Cheers and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017!🎉⭐💫
Vanessa Montgomery


Re-MASTERED : Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn


Time to CULL ideas, re-assess and come up with your most sturdy, water tight plan yet.
In Capricorn, Mercury (ruling the mind and particularly all forms of communications) likes to get serious, plan and make sure everyone is accommodated for.

Use the holidays to really let go of your day to day mundane logistics to gain a birds of view of what you really want to achieve for 2017 and beyond. Think enduring ideas and plans.  Stay open to a complete revision of what you thought you were going to do in 2017.
Work backwards and write up a step by step for how to, then stick to the plan. Capricorn is less flights of fancy and more cranking of gears and delegating.

Consider how you can get your ideas out and into the ring. Evaluate how you can you deliver inspiration as well a maturity and authority? Or is there study you need to complete to get you to the next level? Mercury travels back to late Sag where it seems we’ve missed a step or left something behind we need to bring back into our game play.

What will it take to be taken more seriously? Time to expand your vocab? Get on top of particular languaging? Or just get your site/social media looking more professional and purpose based.

The area of life this retrograde takes place in indicates the area of life needing planning and strategy.


This Retro may have us all regretting some shopping decisions made while the Sun’s been in impulsive and ‘more is more’ Sag, however you can always return, exchange or spread the love in a re-gift. Keep only what you really need to help achieve your top goals.


AEST-Mercury 15 degrees Capricorn Retro from Dec 20 to Jan 8th, back to 28 degrees Sagittarius.

Mercury clears the point it began retrograding on Jan 31. (Out of ‘shadow’).

I’ll be drawing up my goal, reverse engineering it in bullet point steps and writing it up like a pro geek on my white board. How will you re-vision you dreams, then reverse engineer, tips are always welcome!

Vanessa Montgomery


Drink from the Skull of your Enemies 

Client quote of the day

‘You know what’s wrong with society today..

No one drinks from the skull of their enemies anymore’.

In light of the recent full moon in Capricorn, I expect such a display would send a definite message of personal and professional BOUNDARIES.

Are your boundaries impermeable, do you Sally forth with the confidence that comes with aforementioned impermeable boundaries? 
Capricorn rules both boundaries and the skeletal structure.

How could you interpret this motif in a modern day setting that in no uncertain terms let’s others know where the line is so they don’t even ‘try it’.


THE HORN OF PLENTY : Full Moon in Capricorn 

The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.

The Full Moon sees the fruition of seeds planted 6 months prior on the Capricorn New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

Check in, this was the post for the New Moon in Capricorn…

Like a BOSS : New Moon in Capricorn

The Area of your birth chart that this Sun/Moon Axis falls in is the area of your life affected..Look at which ‘houses’ of your chart have Cancer and Capricorn on the cusp.
The polarity with the opposite sign, in this case, security and family oriented Cancer comes into play. We need to balance our need for external references of success, authority and power, with internal cues. True rewards and accomplishments are found at a center point, encompassing the entire spectrum so balance the polarity and you will strike your personal, have your needs met.

The area in your chart with Capricorn on the cusp reveals the area of your life where you are ambitious, industrious and search for external success. You need recognition, some sort of autonomy, control or power, and can be somewhat conservative. The archetype for Capricorn would be ‘the Boss’ or the professional climbing the corporate ladder.


The opposite sign/house polarity is Cancer, the archetype of the Mother/carer/nurturer. There is always a delicate balance between what it takes to conquer the world or the biz/corporate ladder, and having a good solid foundation, strong roots, as well as internal reflection and guidance. In traditional heterosexual partnerships this polarity has been split between the male going off to work and the female taking on the home, children and nurturing. She misses out on all the great things that come with being out in the world, and he misses out on a wealth of love and connection. In truth we each need to meet the full extent of our needs, following our natural dispositions, regardless of what culture decrees for our gender, age, skin colour or heritage.


What area of life does this Full Moon fall in for you? If you have Capricorn on your 7th house cusp of Relationships you’d tend to prefer older partners (as does Angelina Jolie) as well as be somewhat upwardly mobile in your dating strategy.  If you have Capricorn on the Cusp of your 9th house of higher education, teaching and international travel, an opportunity or strategy in those areas should come to light over the next few days.

The secret to successful teamwork, from Google.

This link will take you to a New York Times article that illustrates the balance between Capricorn efficiency and how Cancerian care, empathy and shared personal stories are the key to the most consistantly successful teams.  Seems like a no brainer but illustrates how far the polarities still need to re-balance in Corporate Biz environments.
This months Full Moon is Square freedom-at-any-price Uranus in Aries, so just watch the foot on the accelerator if you’re thinking of making any fast moves for power or control. Make sure you don’t throw out any babies with the bath water. Think Moses, they come back back years later serving up a better-late-than-never dish of cold, hard, karma. Dot your i’s and cross your t’s, make sure you’ve got everything signed and sealed.

Anything to do with Capricorn is best done properly.   You won’t want to but innovation, doing things differently and sudden deviation from course will cause you tension until you go with it. The more you resist the more tense it gets and the more extreme any course correction will seem.
Cheers and I hope you enjoy (and make the most of) the industrious and hardworking energy of Capricorn!

Vanessa Montgomery



SAGITTARIUS, it may not be all systems go just yet but lock n load, your ruler, Jupiter has just gone direct. While Mars is still retro in your sign, dramatic course corrections will continue to take place, go with it. You may feel like your wheels are spinning, but smoke usually preludes a fire so be open to change. Once these two planets go direct you’ll know exactly where to head and what to do.

VIRGO, since Jupiter is in your sign this means there’s some systems that are ready to go now..yet with Action planet Mars and task master Saturn retro in Sag, Squaring your sign, there are still hoops you need to jump through. However, luck is on your side so you’ll notice some positive forward motion in plans that have either been stalling or eluding you. Your ruler Mercury is retrograde, there’s more information that needs to come to light before all roads are clear and you can make a strategic move for the gold.

GEMINI, your ruler Mercury is still retro. Don’t stress out, just send your call into the deep space that is your higher mind and be open to what comes back. You’ll get your answer. Also Mars and Saturn retro in sag are opposing your sign. Once they go direct you’ll spot your direction.

CAPRICORN, your ruler is still retro, so hold on there, keep reviewing, restructuring and rebuilding..tear down what’s not authentic or working and be ready to rebuild an empire that reflects who you really are and what you know you have been put on this earth to craft.



What’s your Astro SUPER POWER?

Do you use it for Good or for Eeevillll?

watch video HERE to FIND OUT

We all have certain traits shared by our Zodiac signs.  These traits need to and will be met, however it’s your choice to have your needs met in a way that sustains and serves you while serving others in win win scenarios.  If you can make a career out of your superpower, even better.

We visit each zodiac sign from Aries to Pisces for a look behind their Lycra, then interview Pisces Super Hero Cherry about how she has made a great living and lifestyle from her natural SuperPower.

ERASURE : Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn

Pluto represents where we have unfathomable personal resources and power..a bit like our inner atom bomb. We can remain in the depths of unconsciousness and implode from within, annihilating ourselves or we can utilise its immense energy to completely transform ourselves, think sustainable energy V’s dirty energy.
Globally Pluto in Capricorn is dismantling outdated government and big business structures, whilst Big companies wrestle for power over people, resources and patents.

In the personal zone the area of life we find Pluto transiting in our charts is where we may be resisting deep and lasting change, or just letting dead wood go and courageously starting afresh from ground zero.
For example, if Pluto is in your 7th house of equal partnerships and marriage you’d be facing your darkest aspects of self through your one to one relationships, obsession could be a feature as well as the difficult feelings of betrayal. All to force you to step up and take back your own personal power, and let go of outmoded beliefs that are actually dis-empowering you.

If getting into a relationship over this period, a magnetic, powerful and possibly older, financially established person could be attractive and in the end, bring you to your knees.

We each experience transits of planets in our own unique version of what is often ‘textbook’ scenarios. For me I have Pluto transiting the 8th house of shared resources, esoterica, and deep I’ve spent the last few years investigating psychotherapeutic techniques for the most efficient and practical, as well as trawling my own psyche, releasing the garbage as well as learning how to make the most of the benefits.

With this retrograde near the end of its 8th house journey I’ve found the best of the fest, so the retrograde will be all about trialling and perfecting it.

Check out for free to see which area of life Pluto is razing to the ground and resurrecting for you…What area of life is affected for you? How is it manifesting itself? Leave a comment in the comments section as I’d love to know how you’re going with this.

Pluto is a very slow moving force, therefore the change we experience is thorough and complete, and why resistance is useless.
During a retrograde we experience either a time out for reflection or the shifts happen and we know just what we need to do..possibly due to aforementioned reflection. Old news or people may come back into our lives for a fresh take or for closure. Expect some unfinished business that may be uncomfortable to face but worth putting it bed, as it were.



  • Retrograde from 19 April 2016 – at 17 degrees Capricorn
  • Direct from 27 Sept 2016 – at 14 degrees Capricorn
  • Out of Shadow 18 Jan 2017 – at 17 degrees Capricorn

And we’re good to go.


Vanessa Montgomery