CHARMING 🌸 Libra New Moon


On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.
This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher self/subconscious. Get that 95% of your brain on board for future goal setting and planning.
Write down what you’re releasing, then burn as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in LIBRA. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.


To take it a step further draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that LIBRA rules, such as;

  • Equal partnerships
    High Art
    Polite society


  • I easily attract partnerships that compliment and support the highest version of me.
  • I easily create fortuitous collabs.
  • I easily maintain working partnerships that create both abundance and joy in my life.
  • All of my partnerships bring me joy, love, health and peace.
  • I easily negotiate with others, finding the best solution/outcome/strategy for both parties.
  • I easily create peace, beauty, harmony and love in my environment.
  • I easily co-operate with others in a healthy way for the best possible outcome.
    I am at ease in social situations.


Relationship balance

This month it will take some balancing to maintain harmonious partnerships. Uranus is the planet of surprise factors, sending bolts out of the blue when we’ve become stuck, complacent or have just plain ‘settled’. Exactly opposite the New Moon brings changes to relationships. We need to make sure we’re following our own unique and courageous path. Are you liberating your genius? If you’ve been holding back to keep the peace then I suggest you make some moves to have it both ways or your apple cart will be tumbled for you! It’s time to update your relationship operating system.


I did it my way

If you’ve been avoiding relationships to maintain your precious freedom, this Moon asks you to consider your own unique approach to cozying up. One size doesn’t fit all so why not go bespoke in the Bae department.

Oppositions tend to represent inner conflict. One part of ourselves wants bae times, the other total independance, for what ever reason. Avoiding relationship can look like chasing someone who is unavailable. Own the part in yourself that needs independance or personal space, so you can find balance and partnership.


In the shadows

Both Jupiter and Mercury in Scorpio are conjunct the new Moon so anything you’ve been brushing under the rug is likely to come out. Deal with it or out yourself before someone else does it for you. This is a great opportunity to clear the air so you can have your cake and eat it too. Make friends with any shadow parts of yourself in terms of the hidden benefits of co-dependancy and let them go. Negotiate a fair deal as well as take any needed action on your own terms. Get clear on what you need to grow in terms of partnerships so you can get on with popping corks and pouring the bubbly.


Let’s get controversial

The ‘me too’ social awareness campaign is exposing how prevalent sexual harassment and abuse against woman is in society. We’ve all endured our boundaries imposed on in some way, countless times. On the topic of what’s right and wrong for us individually, I hope this campaign goes next level. So what can we do individually? Considering new Moons are prime time to plant intentions I would think we pre plan some strategies to whip out when we notice something is either not quite right, or totally off the Richter scale.


Rather than focus on the victimhood of feeling powerless, what can we do in some of these situations? Rather than taking a perspective that its not safe externally ie ‘Men are dangerous’ (disempowering), I say we own our power and take the perspective that we are strong, we are safe and we are willing to do what it takes to protect ourselves and each other (empowering). That kind of commitment comes across in body language and says ‘don’t even try’. When you have the actual skills and strategy to take action, the ‘back off’ sign goes neon.


So who do you call out and how? Uranus in Aries could certainly represent sudden and shocking unwanted advances. It can also represent the action we need to take when we know our line is being crossed. Psychologically when you fight rather than take a passive role putting trust in the abuser, you will come out miles ahead. Uranus in Aries suggests we bring the fight in, throw them off, make it totally not worth their while to mess with you (if possible).

Most women aren’t taught how to be loud, forward, make waves, upset people, let alone fight and be aggressive. In fact that part of our nature tends to be heavily criticised and repressed. In the law of balance, unless we level up this part of ourselves we’ll continue to be seen as easy targets that don’t fight back, and guess what, harassment will continue. It’s about balance, if we don’t own it, it comes at us externally (I’m speaking generally here). I’d love socialpreneurs to see the business opportunity in this campaign and come up with some serious hacks that teach women how to bust out their scary spice when they need to. Let’s keep the conversation, and action flowing. And remember, demonising others continues the unbalanced polarity, continuing the cycle.
Own. Your. Power.


Lets get really honest with ourselves

Is there any kind of shadow component we can own in terms of having harassed, abused, dissed or disrespected another person in our lives? Any time we’ve not protected another person that may have needed us to speak up on their behalf? Another woman? It’s important to consider these angles in self reflection to help liberate ourselves and break patterning.


In co-operation, peace and harmony,
Vanessa Montgomery

Geek Facts:


Sydney 5:12 a.m,  20th Oct. ’17

New Moon conjunct Sun at 26 degrees Libra
Opposite Uranus 26 degrees Aries Retrograde
Conjunct Jupiter 2 degrees Scorpio
Conjunct Mercury 3 degrees Scorpio


AFTER GLOW : Post Aries Full Moon

How was it for you?

It was definitely good for me!

That URANUS conjunction to the Moon, delivered a SONIC BLAST that disintegrated stubborn emotional crap I’ve struggling to break free from. FINALLY. Uranus tends to liberate, Emotional Liberation was the order of the day.

In the after glow I’m feeling a sense of achievement as well as relief.
The Moon fell in my 12th house of endings so it was truely my chance to dissolve emotional baggage that had crusted over time.

A fellow long time friend came to stay, also with Moon in Aries and the same rising sign (hows that for chance?), hence sharing the same areas of life in which we needed to get ground clearance in order to forge ahead. In the spirit of Mercury conjunct the Libran Sun I’m sharing more on a personal level than usual, but isn’t that how we learn?..communication, hearing others experience that we resonate friend and I had some great convo, getting conscious and getting a handle on intangibles.
Did any serendipitous opportunities present for you over the weekend, in retrospect?

In the pre full Moon write up (here) I said its time to break free and surge forth into unknown territory. Post full Moon I see the break free really begins internally, 100%, absolutely within ones self. Thankfully because lets face it, the most control we have is over our inner lives, perceptions, thoughts etc rather than the constant and often ineffective effort to control our environment and those in it. Begin with the internal and work out from there.

Moving straight into grounding Moon in Taurus there should be less fall out and more smooth transition with a lighter load. Plans in place to action new directions with a clearer map and understanding of your now broadened territory. Are you ready? Feeling good? Or is there some more work you need to do in order to make like Lara Croft and fearlessly sally forth into your next adventure which awaits???

Angelina Jolie also has Natal Moon in Aries. This months Moon blasted her natal Chiron (represents our wounding) in her 10th house of Career and Public image, opposing the 4th house of Home and family.  I wonder if she experienced a life changing emotional liberation.  We may see her let go of her baggage and heal some serious wounds around her very public custody battle. If not, her rebellion may rival the French Revolution, heads may roll.  Lets hope the former rather than the latter.

With both feet on the path, all in

Vanessa Montgomery



TAKES 2 TO TANGO : New Moon in Libra

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you.

Write them down, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.
New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in LIBRA.


Focus on areas and approaches that LIBRA rules, such as:
1:1 equal relationships ie partnerships of all kinds – Biz, Marital, BFF

  • Both sides of the coin
  • Beauty and Harmony
  • Art and Design
  • Balance/equilibrium
  • Justice
  • Negotiations
  • Flirting
  • Charm


  • I easily find the win win in all my relationships
  • I easily create peace, beauty and harmony in my environment
  • I find myself easily making decisions for the best possible outcome
  • I easily find working partnerships create both abundance and joy in my life
  • I easily find fortuitous collaborations
  • I easily express myself in all situations as well as hear others
  • I easily negotiate with others to find the best possible strategy/outcome
  • I easily attract others that support and compliment the highest version of me
  • I easily see all sides of an issue/situation and therefore find the the right path for me


Libra is ruled by Venus, whose area of interest is all things relational, Beautiful, Harmonious and finding that middle point.  It also concerns what to reject in order to preserve the principle choices. Discernment, in the most charming way of course.
One of the most famous examples would be Libran Ghandi, who managed to rally his people using non violent protest. The other of course is John Lennon, you get the picture.


This new Moon is conjunct Jupiter, giving largess to all things Libran. Essentially rocket fuel on partnerships and negotiations, which the world seems to need right now so do send some extra vibes/action toward that if you’d care to contribute. Also a great time to plant seeds for bringing in new relationships, putting a ring on it, or just adding some beauty and grace to your life.


It’s also square to Mars in Capricorn, giving it a tense edge. You’ll want to make a break for free ranging independence, but do take that extra time to use the strengths libra shares which is to consider all options available before rushing in/off half cocked, as they say, do it for your public image if nothing else!

A square represents virtually ‘irreconcilable differences‘. So how can you be that part of yourself that wants to be completely free to act on your public image/career/mission statement, to make things happen in the world and to be responsible only unto that vision AND keep the happy heart and home fires burning bright? How can respect and authority permeate both areas of your life? This is the crux of Mars square the Moon/ Capricorn square Libra. Authoritative action V’s emotional stability and safety. How can you either give adequate time to both parts of your life or even better, integrate the two?

‘Business partnership’ comes to mind. The partnerships in Biz and the business of partnerships or marriage.

If you find out, let me know!!!!


Peace, Love and Harmony

Vanessa Montgomery


SUGAR LIPS : Jupiter heads toward Libra

SUGAR LIPS…I’m liking this as a philosophy..and with Jupiter heading toward Libra this is my go to mantra. More on this once the big boy hits the scales of beauty, equality and justice.

You can start now to get ahead of the pack. No offence Jups in Virgo, but I am seriously ready for change!

So, when one catches ones self in a perception that’s neg, make sure to find the exact opposite to the same degree to see the whole truth. Since it’s the truth that sets one free. Make sure u feel it. No matter how right u think yr original view/perception is….make sure u FEEL it, in your body. Identify what that feeling is and where, the quality of it, that’s what helps make it real.

Example: hating something/someone :

find the love, you might not want to but just find that feeling within yrself and feel that damn love. Experience the change that takes place and see how you and only you have the power over yourself.

Fearing :

feel the courage to the same degree. Find it within yr self. It’s your birthright to dictate your own emotions, thoughts and perceptions, at this point you begin to become a creator.
Unless you’d rather stay a victim to your perceptions of external circumstance?

Vanessa Montgomery



What’s your Astro SUPER POWER?

Do you use it for Good or for Eeevillll?

watch video HERE to FIND OUT

We all have certain traits shared by our Zodiac signs.  These traits need to and will be met, however it’s your choice to have your needs met in a way that sustains and serves you while serving others in win win scenarios.  If you can make a career out of your superpower, even better.

We visit each zodiac sign from Aries to Pisces for a look behind their Lycra, then interview Pisces Super Hero Cherry about how she has made a great living and lifestyle from her natural SuperPower.

BUT WHAT DO YOU THINK? : Full Moon in Libra + Lunar Eclipse

This Full Moon lights up partnerships, particularly career partnering and the public image you cut together as a dynamic duo.
What have you been wishing for, particularly what seeds of intent have you sewn and watered with action and attention over the last six months since the New Moon in Libra? Now we see the harvest. Is the resulting fruit succulent and juicy? Full of flavour and verve? Or is it rather stringy and barren? Is it even the variety or indeed what you thought you’d planted?
The Full Moon brings to light the truth of your efforts so look closely, does it FEEL right? Does it meet your needs and nurture you? Decide weather to formalise your alliance. You have the chance to hit the reset button if any mistaken identities can be built upon, reframed or negotiated, or if it’s time to scrap it and go back to the drawing board. Balance communication with the wisdom of your own gut instincts and action that.
There is a lunar eclipse which tells us to take charge or take more lead than we normally would as the polarity of Sun in Aries gains more ground. Don’t let indecision or the needs of partnerships take too much precedence.Take affirmative action to counter point them, particularly on foundation work that supports the team. It should turn out to be mutually beneficial in the end.


Vanessa Montgomery




Date Night : Moon in LIBRA

Time to team up with your best buddy or SIGNIFICANT OTHER.
Libra rules one on one relationships with an equal, while the Moon influences our emotions, what makes us feel nurtured, and safe.

So plan activities that are mutually beneficial, fun, bonding and pleasurable. Steer clear of the deep, heavy or somber…think tennis, Sorbet, tea, champagne.
If you have new friendships, love interests, or even a prospective new business partner, this is the time to meet up and get to know each other more.
Planning a wedding or proposing? The best Astro timing would be when the Moon is in the sign of Libra. Luckily the Moon travels through each sign for 2.5 days, each and every month, so you have plenty of opportunity to break out the diamonds and vows.
Once the Moon travels into Scorpio you can take it deeper, but for today keep it light and bright.

MOON in LIBRA…2.5 days

Libran Moon+Pisces Sun = Get out with your camera & have some fun

With the Moon in beauty oriented Libra and the Sun in creative Pisces this would be a great time to get out your camera and have some fun…open your creative eye and look through the lens of beauty…try to capture what you see..can you find the visual communication in a scene rather than via your usual channels?

Fashion week is on in Melbourne…enjoy the sociability of an industry based on glamor, beauty  and harmony of design…not to be taken too seriously, but for what it is..the world of Venus (rules Libra) and Neptune(ruler of Pisces). This is not the week end for solving the worlds ills, but enjoying the brightest and best it has to offer.  Finding some sort of conflict resolution or harmonizing in a way that works for you would not be out of order long as it creates more balance and beauty in the world it’s of value under todays astro*climate.

Your personal birth chart – Libra ruling a house of your birth chart indicates the area of your life in which balance and harmony are important aspects.  Beauty, one on one communication and relationships as well as a natural diplomacy would also be apparent here.



Sun in Aquarius + Moon in Libra = Powder for your Puff

…Equates to a mood which although not the best for the tough decisions, is a fine set of intellectual scales for weighing up any decisions pending..catch up with a friend one on one or do something nice with your special someone…with Venus in straight shooting and lusty Aries, it shouldn’t be hard to fill the role if need be! ; )

Natally – The house cusp ruled by Libra in your birth chart is an area in your life where beauty and harmony are essential.  You may also compromise too much to keep the peace.





Capricorn Sun + Libra Moon = the Business of being Social…

If you haven’t already, do enjoy some convivial social activity, do say YES to Champagne and do keep it one on one to get the most out of this moon phase.

There’s a note of the serious and a stabilizing aspect to the Moons transit through Libra each month up until Oct 2012.  Saturn in Libra asks us to make commitments and lay down foundations in our one on one relationships.  Our social circle is constricted and weeded so that only worthy long-term stayers are kept on the books.  Look closely at who you spend your time with, and who you’d like to spend more time with.  The Key here is QUALITY.

In Your Natal Chart -The ‘house’ where you find Libra on the cusp in your birth chart is the area being affected by this long Saturn transit, as well as the Moon for 2 1/2 days each month. It is also the area in your life where you need beauty, harmony, and balance (and perhaps more champagne and bubbles)  in order to thrive.