CHARMING 🌸 Libra New Moon


On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.
This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher self/subconscious. Get that 95% of your brain on board for future goal setting and planning.
Write down what you’re releasing, then burn as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in LIBRA. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.


To take it a step further draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that LIBRA rules, such as;

  • Equal partnerships
    High Art
    Polite society


  • I easily attract partnerships that compliment and support the highest version of me.
  • I easily create fortuitous collabs.
  • I easily maintain working partnerships that create both abundance and joy in my life.
  • All of my partnerships bring me joy, love, health and peace.
  • I easily negotiate with others, finding the best solution/outcome/strategy for both parties.
  • I easily create peace, beauty, harmony and love in my environment.
  • I easily co-operate with others in a healthy way for the best possible outcome.
    I am at ease in social situations.


Relationship balance

This month it will take some balancing to maintain harmonious partnerships. Uranus is the planet of surprise factors, sending bolts out of the blue when we’ve become stuck, complacent or have just plain ‘settled’. Exactly opposite the New Moon brings changes to relationships. We need to make sure we’re following our own unique and courageous path. Are you liberating your genius? If you’ve been holding back to keep the peace then I suggest you make some moves to have it both ways or your apple cart will be tumbled for you! It’s time to update your relationship operating system.


I did it my way

If you’ve been avoiding relationships to maintain your precious freedom, this Moon asks you to consider your own unique approach to cozying up. One size doesn’t fit all so why not go bespoke in the Bae department.

Oppositions tend to represent inner conflict. One part of ourselves wants bae times, the other total independance, for what ever reason. Avoiding relationship can look like chasing someone who is unavailable. Own the part in yourself that needs independance or personal space, so you can find balance and partnership.


In the shadows

Both Jupiter and Mercury in Scorpio are conjunct the new Moon so anything you’ve been brushing under the rug is likely to come out. Deal with it or out yourself before someone else does it for you. This is a great opportunity to clear the air so you can have your cake and eat it too. Make friends with any shadow parts of yourself in terms of the hidden benefits of co-dependancy and let them go. Negotiate a fair deal as well as take any needed action on your own terms. Get clear on what you need to grow in terms of partnerships so you can get on with popping corks and pouring the bubbly.


Let’s get controversial

The ‘me too’ social awareness campaign is exposing how prevalent sexual harassment and abuse against woman is in society. We’ve all endured our boundaries imposed on in some way, countless times. On the topic of what’s right and wrong for us individually, I hope this campaign goes next level. So what can we do individually? Considering new Moons are prime time to plant intentions I would think we pre plan some strategies to whip out when we notice something is either not quite right, or totally off the Richter scale.


Rather than focus on the victimhood of feeling powerless, what can we do in some of these situations? Rather than taking a perspective that its not safe externally ie ‘Men are dangerous’ (disempowering), I say we own our power and take the perspective that we are strong, we are safe and we are willing to do what it takes to protect ourselves and each other (empowering). That kind of commitment comes across in body language and says ‘don’t even try’. When you have the actual skills and strategy to take action, the ‘back off’ sign goes neon.


So who do you call out and how? Uranus in Aries could certainly represent sudden and shocking unwanted advances. It can also represent the action we need to take when we know our line is being crossed. Psychologically when you fight rather than take a passive role putting trust in the abuser, you will come out miles ahead. Uranus in Aries suggests we bring the fight in, throw them off, make it totally not worth their while to mess with you (if possible).

Most women aren’t taught how to be loud, forward, make waves, upset people, let alone fight and be aggressive. In fact that part of our nature tends to be heavily criticised and repressed. In the law of balance, unless we level up this part of ourselves we’ll continue to be seen as easy targets that don’t fight back, and guess what, harassment will continue. It’s about balance, if we don’t own it, it comes at us externally (I’m speaking generally here). I’d love socialpreneurs to see the business opportunity in this campaign and come up with some serious hacks that teach women how to bust out their scary spice when they need to. Let’s keep the conversation, and action flowing. And remember, demonising others continues the unbalanced polarity, continuing the cycle.
Own. Your. Power.


Lets get really honest with ourselves

Is there any kind of shadow component we can own in terms of having harassed, abused, dissed or disrespected another person in our lives? Any time we’ve not protected another person that may have needed us to speak up on their behalf? Another woman? It’s important to consider these angles in self reflection to help liberate ourselves and break patterning.


In co-operation, peace and harmony,
Vanessa Montgomery

Geek Facts:


Sydney 5:12 a.m,  20th Oct. ’17

New Moon conjunct Sun at 26 degrees Libra
Opposite Uranus 26 degrees Aries Retrograde
Conjunct Jupiter 2 degrees Scorpio
Conjunct Mercury 3 degrees Scorpio


YOU HAD ME AT HELLO ⭐️ Venus in Taurus

Venus has moved from her fiery Warrior Goddess incarnation in Aries to Earthy Goddess vibes in sensual Taurus.

From an Astrological perspective, the planet Venus signifies how we relate, & what we’re attracted to. In general she has ‘rulership’ over areas such as values and therefore finance, art, romantic love and what we find pleasurable. (Know this and its a great way to win hearts and therefore minds 😉❤️). The sign hosting Venus adds a filter or overlay. In Taurus the overlay is one of both pleasure and the practical hard work that goes into setting up a solid material foundation for your flavour of pleasure. Taurus Venus likes to indulge in and enjoy all those things she’s worked so hard for.

This month Venus in Taurus can help us plan and make practical steps toward manifesting our desires as well as enjoying the many pleasures in our daily lives. Since Taurus is co-ruled by Venus, this combo is as smooth and creamy as melted Belgian chocolate.

Venus begins her sojourn by reigning in the fire from a grande trine (super cosmic ease & gifts) from Make-it-happen Saturn in Sagittarius & The North node of Destiny in self expressive Leo. This cosmic hook-up enables Venus to ground some solid moves so make the most of the cosmic energy and either say yes when opportunity knocks or knock on doors and make your own!

It’s all about the collab with Venus, who can you partner with to move you both toward your dreams? Uranus is still conjoined with Venus, hot wiring a jump to the next level. Push your usual comfort zone, 💫 TIP- do things differently for new and different results.

The ‘house’ Venus is gracing in your birth chart shows us where to expect this smooth operator to be serenading us, for example ; either we’ll meet her in the form of a neighbour (3rd house) colleague (6th house), or we’ll be the one working the charm with networking career moves (10th house). I’m hosting her in my 12th house so I’m expecting some fab dreams, smooth progressive meditations and practical/financially viable downloads from the collective conscious.
With pleasure,


Vanessa Montgomery





SUGER HIT : Libra Full Moon

It’s FULL MOON FEVER again with a lovely n large La Luna crooning for us to over-do the sweetness this month.
The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of the water by lunar light.

Look for the fruition of seeds planted 6 months ago on the LIBRA New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for then? What is your harvest looking like now?

Refresh your memory, heres the last New Moon LIBRA Post..

Refresh your Memory, click HERE

Libra loves partnering up, weather its a romantic twosome, a dynamic business duo or just a regular dance partner, look for your complimentary equal under the light of this full Moon.

Excessive and optimistic Jupiter is partnering up (conjunct) La Luna, pushing that partner seeking into over drive. Watch you don’t overdo the sugary sweets 🍭 in the perception that you lack enough sweetness in life.

The full Moon is always in polarity/opposite the this month as independent solo woman Aries. As she beats her chest and announces ‘Me FIRST’. Remember to find your sweetheart you need to balance that inner need for relationship, with the independent you. To be equal to another you need to have the distance and centerdness (is that a word??) to meet that special other so the see-saw doesn’t swing up and throw one of you out of the saddle! To be TWO you can’t fade into ONE. Libra is about balance, not merging, leave that up to Pisces!


Competition vs Collaboration

“Competition makes us faster, collaboration makes us better”.  Fyrefly.

The Sun in Aries is conjunct super sci-fi future oriented and electrifying Aries. How is that truely independent part of yourself? Getting ahead of yourself I hope..rocketing forward regardless of who you freak out with your intrepid path.

Transformer Pluto is tying into this Sun/Moon twosome as a 3rd wheel determined to rock the status quo and bring maximum stress to the party in a way that will make or break you into pushing through and owning your power. Own your personal power of self as well as self in partnership.


I’ll leave it on that note!


Vanessa Montgomery




Geek Fact Checker :

Full Moon exact at 4.07 pm, 11th April 2017 AEST

Full Moon 23 degrees Libra

Conjunct Retrograde Jupiter 21 degrees Libra
Opposite Sun 23 degrees Aries, Uranus 24 degrees Aries
Square Pluto 27 degrees Sagittarius
The ‘house’/area of life the planets fall provide extra information on where to expect events or perceptions to play out. Eg Full Moon in the 3rd house of mind/local environment could mean, find a local study buddy you feel emotionally connected with, while the opposite Sun in Aries in the 9th house of expansion could compel you to pursue some independent study or experience that expands your mind or world view.

LOVE : life’s sweetest reward

The sign VENUS is in your birth chart describes your LOVE & FLIRT style, as well as what you value.
What sign is YOUR Venus in?…