FIRE BRAND 🔥 Aries Full Moon

It’s FULL MOON FEVER again with a lovely n large La Luna calling for us to burn our baggage to better focus on what’s real and now.


Like sea life drawn up from the depths into view by lunar light, our instinctual, emotional nature presses in. Fiery feels are at full beam.

Full Moons are a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in ARIES. What harvest are you reaping? How are your emotional and safety needs being met? Are you being nurtured? Is it a Full Moon feast or famine?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for
28 March, 2017

BLAZE : Aries New MOON 


Burn Baby Burn

This months Full Moon is in a super awks position that calls us to transform or die trying. (Square Pluto in Capricorn). Box your way out of inner emotional broils if there’s any baggage pulling you back into an emotional pit you thought you’d cleared a few rounds ago. Fight the good fight and be prepared to face some tar babies. That deeper gunk can be gruelling to shake off. You’ve got to feel it to heal it as they say. At least with Aries it’ll be a quick fight, altho it may be deep, dark and dirty with Pluto in the ring.

The key is to shred what no longer serves emotionally. Step up to the plate and take on responsibility for your deepest evolution. This Full Moon is about being self made, you’re worth the extra mile. Get some grit, find traction and take your best shot!


The Sun in the opposite sign of Libra demands a balanced account. That bat sh*t cray with tar on its wings needs closer inspection. Look at both sides and all points of view. Mercury conjunct Sun in Libra is about a fair analysis. How can you bring into balance the part of you that wants relationship harmony and lilting melodies, with the final-countdown-solo-extreme-Me-Me-Me-ME-f*ck off- part of you? Pluto will force release regardless.


Further highlighting the theme

Jupiter is rallying in favour of dynamic duos in a show down against Uranus cattle prodding nuptial bliss in favour of solo one up man ship – I’m joining a gym to blow off extra steam! Essentially, find the balance and don’t see saw between togetherness and blazing independence.


Shadow Boxing


Check for secondary gains..if you’re bemoaning being single, or chasing the unavailable = still single, are you avoiding fears around losing the benefits of being solo? Sometimes there’s a reason we unconsciously avoid relationships. There may be fear about the drawbacks of relationships or we may go from extreme Miss independance and loving it to married and bickering (or much worse),  pining for free wheeling solo good times (or at least sanity). It’s as if only one side can ‘win’ at a time.

The solution is to honestly appraise your beliefs about both sides and see how you can have the best of both worlds. How can you keep your love of independance alive while also enjoying  the wonders of coupling up? Poke, prod and tease the truth from your heart and mind, it’s easier to see under the light of a Full Moon…failing that I’m a huge advocate of the therapists chair.


If nothing else this week will be high energy and rather exciting vibes.

Fierce Love,

Vanessa Montgomery



Geek Fact Checker :

Sydney 4:39 am Oct 6 | L.A 10:39 am Oct 5 | N.Y 1:39 pm| London 6:39 pm


Full Moon 12 degrees Aries

Opposite Sun 12 degrees Libra, Mercury 10 degrees Libra

Square Pluto 16 degrees Capricorn




FIRE POWER 🔥 2nd Leo New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse

If it doesn’t make you feel fabulous – Don’t do it – Don’t buy it – Don’t keep it

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, both their lights blocked from our sight, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.
This makes rich soil for contacting your inner/higher self/subconscious, planning and setting foundations and goals for your path.
Write down what you are releasing, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in LEO. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other at their extreme ends of mutual polarity.


To take it a step further, draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive, see and feel like you’re already there, rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.


Focus on areas and approaches that LEO rules, such as:


  • Love & Romance
    Creative Self Expression
    Celebration & play/fun (unleash your inner child)
    Tempering arrogance


I easily attract and experience happy, healthy romantic relationship.

In Romance I easily find myself in relationship sharing honestly with one who resonates with my true inner spirit.

I easily find myself expressing my creativity for its own sake, regardless of end results.

I easily find myself following the path dictated by my own inner joy and happiness.

I easily find myself involved in activities that evoke my passion and vital energy.

I easily find myself taking the steps that bring more vitality and joy into my life.

I easily find myself putting others on centre stage in a way that creates positive mutual energy.

True self confidence permeates every facet of my life.

I easily allow the inner radiance of my being to shine outwardly in all situations.


Burn Baby Burn

Two New Moons in Leo in a row, line up your ducks, that’s a lot of fire power..
Review and tweak your last list of intentions, you get a second shot at this.

Be open to going out on a limb past your usual comfort zone as lightening strikes you creatively, romantically or in terms of leadership. If you need to put something to rest in those areas, this is the time to cut loose an anchor that may be holding you back. Uranus, planet of sudden change and great leaps forward is in a favourable (trine) aspect to the New Moon, embrace the shock of the new.


Total Eclipse : Will Trump be TRUMPED

This eclipse has been at the tips of everyones lips across the Astro inter web as it’s path will be visible across the U.S. It also hits Trumps chart at a critical point (Conjunct Ascendant). I’m not going to guesstimate what that will mean, however its interesting that Trump has proven to be a loose cannon in terms of some Leo key words, ego, self promotion and leadership (for better or worse). A solar eclipse means the Moon, which represents our emotions and what we need to feel safe, for a short time trumps the light of the Sun which of course represents consciousness and ego. Will Trump be trumped?


Spotlight on your Inner Creative

For the rest of us, solar eclipses can reset our ego and perceptions. When you turn the light out, whats there in the dark?
The more intangible yet just as valid part of ourselves that we’ve learnt to give less value to can become more apparent.

This could be a wonderful time to reset emotionally, let go of the constrictions of ego, get in touch with your feels and open up to flow. How can you truely express yourself authentically from the heart? Music, art, dance, writing, inspired leadership? Can you love with the pure open heart of a child?

Those that cling to outward symbols of success and control could be facing some home truths. If you have avoided this area of life or find your inner self hard to face it could all be feeling overwhelming if not a little cataclysmic. If you’ve denied yourself the balance of shining your light externally, you’ll have a few home truths to face and release as well. Don’t let the world miss out on your personal brand of creative contribution!

Eclipses run in cycles of 19 years so what ever theme was happening for you around 22 Aug 1998, and 22 Aug 1979 will continue to unfold under this eclipse.


Captain your own Ship

By using the sensations of our body we can anchor into the present moment as our body only exists in the now. This is the basis of mindfulness. Our mind however has deep memory into the past. By linking into memory we can anchor it into the present via our bodily sensations and emotions, building a positive into the present moment. This simple method and theory puts you back in the drivers seat, in creative control of the present, past and future. Try the following..

⭐️If things get a little to hot to handle remember to breath, long deep breath in, long sloooow breath out, from your diaphragm.
⭐️Get into your body and feel into your solar plexus area, think of a time you felt really centred in your power, really in flow, everything felt right, feel that feeling and let it grow, grow that feeling of confidence, let it radiate out like a golden light. Stay with it and build on it as much as you like.
⭐️Next feel into your heart, remember a time when you felt loved unconditionally, this can be with a person, a pet or an admiring audience! Feel how that felt and bring it into the present by bringing it into your body..let it expand out. What sensations are you feeling? Stay with it as long as it feels good and know the world loves you, and you can love the world.


Geek Fact Checker :


Australia 4:31am 22 Aug | Los Angeles 11:31am 21 Aug | New York 2:31 pm 21 Aug | London 7:31pm 21 Aug

Sun Conjunct Moon 28 degrees Leo
Conjunct north node Leo 24 degrees, Mars Leo 20 degrees, Mercury Retrograde Virgo 8 degrees
Trine Uranus 28 degrees Aries


Love for all your dark, hidden and rejected parts as much as for your celebrated light and golden parts,

Vanessa Montgomery



P.S hug your inner child!!

ON STRANGER TIDES ⭐️ Aquarius Full Moon + Partial Lunar Eclipse

It’s FULL MOON FEVER again with a lovely n large La Luna calling for us to shed our flotsam and jetsom to better focus on what’s real and most essential.

Like sea life drawn up from the depths into view by lunar light, our instinctual, emotional nature presses in. Feels are at full beam.

Full Moons are a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in AQUARIUS. What harvest are you reaping? How are your emotional and safety needs being met? Are you being nurtured? Is it a Full Moon feast or famine?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for Jan 28, 2017.

Click Here : Genius Peculiarity : Aquarius New Moon



This Full Moon involves a partial eclipse that asks us to reset our relationship to groups, tech or just emotional detachment. Is your safety mechanism to split and run? It may be time to access your leadership potential by either mentoring or modelling more healthy and sustainable ways of handling our emotions. Perhaps lending some detachment to a situation thats been super intense.


Take the Helm

Action is required (Mars conj Sun in Leo) so don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Is it time to introduce new precedents in your emotional connections? Relate differently? Truely be yourself so connections are authentic? Perhaps something hasn’t met your expectation. How can you re-invent the situation to serve the needs of those involved? How can you do things differently to gain better results?


Strength in Numbers

The cost of living has skyrocketed with so many western countries pricing out new home owners and job markets crushing traditional career paths and ways of earning a living. I’m so passionate about people, especially women, pooling resources. There’s strength in numbers. In terms of buying land and co-op sharing facilities, time share work on the property etc more people could be living far more rewarding and interesting lives. How about pooling finances for investment or pooling other resources, talents etc. Rather than think solo and vertical, think group and horizontal. Just think about it, brain storm the potentials, you could radically change your life if you can radically change the way you think. All it takes is that one genius shift. Get outside of the ‘how its always been done, traditional’ box.  Lucky planet Jupiter adds extra positive energy for equal partnerships so give it all you’ve got.


Geek Fact Checker :

Sydney – Aug 8, 2017. 4.10 a.m  |  California – Aug 7, 2017. 11.10 a.m

New York – Aug 7, 2017. 2.10 p.m | London – Aug 7, 2017. 7.10 p.m

Moon 15 degrees Aquarius,

opposite Sun 15 degrees Leo, conjunct Mars 11 degrees Leo

Moon Trine Jupiter 17 degrees Libra

Sun Sextile Jupiter 17 degrees Libra


In solidarity,
Vanessa Montgomery


HIT ME WITH YR BEST SHOT ⭐️ Sagittarius Full Moon

The full Moon is a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior on the NEW Moon in SAGITTARIUS. What harvest are you reaping?

To refresh your memory look back on the New Moon post (link below) or check your calendar for Nov 29, 2016.

CLICK HERE for previous New Moon in Sagittarius


Sagittarius Full Moon illuminates new horizons, expansion, adventure and friendship. Conjunct manifesting planet Saturn in Retrograde my educated guess is that while you may be pushing out of your comfort zone, (like it or not), remember to be humble and that corners you’ve skipped in the past may have you feeling you’re going backward to move forward. Saturn adds a serious note, conspiring for the chips to fall in a way where we have to do the work. Consolidate your knowledge.  Draw on prior learning, experience while taking it on the chin and doing the work, it can pay off greatly with an excellent flowing aspect (grande trine) hooking in Uranus and Venus with the North and south nodes of destiny. If you need to get with the times and step up online, do the work.

Feel nervous about expansion? Remind yourself that trying new things means moving into the unknown. The unknown triggers our fear mechanism. Hence the saying ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. If you don’t have some trepidation mixed with excitement you need to cast your goal further. Think of it as an adventure or quest on the path of your personal holy grail. Invest in a coach if you need extra support or know how.
A tense aspect to Neptune in Pisces tempts us to either bail or don the rose tinted glasses (millennial pink in these times), don’t. Instead draw on your creativity to reinvent. Think Madonnas transformations and how consummately she owned each role she cast herself in.

The area or ‘house’ of your birth chart in which this Full Moon is transiting will be the area of focus for you. The chart for this Moon tells us career and public image is significant. By being ahead of the game and pushing yourself into larger more challenging roles that you know you’re ready for, you can establish yourself.

Accent your public/career image with a dose of authority and you may find a surprising and welcome addition to your bank balance.



Full Moon in Sagittarius. |. 11:09 pm AEST. |. 9 June, 2017


In comraderie and friendship,

Vanessa Montgomery



YOU HAD ME AT HELLO ⭐️ Venus in Taurus

Venus has moved from her fiery Warrior Goddess incarnation in Aries to Earthy Goddess vibes in sensual Taurus.

From an Astrological perspective, the planet Venus signifies how we relate, & what we’re attracted to. In general she has ‘rulership’ over areas such as values and therefore finance, art, romantic love and what we find pleasurable. (Know this and its a great way to win hearts and therefore minds 😉❤️). The sign hosting Venus adds a filter or overlay. In Taurus the overlay is one of both pleasure and the practical hard work that goes into setting up a solid material foundation for your flavour of pleasure. Taurus Venus likes to indulge in and enjoy all those things she’s worked so hard for.

This month Venus in Taurus can help us plan and make practical steps toward manifesting our desires as well as enjoying the many pleasures in our daily lives. Since Taurus is co-ruled by Venus, this combo is as smooth and creamy as melted Belgian chocolate.

Venus begins her sojourn by reigning in the fire from a grande trine (super cosmic ease & gifts) from Make-it-happen Saturn in Sagittarius & The North node of Destiny in self expressive Leo. This cosmic hook-up enables Venus to ground some solid moves so make the most of the cosmic energy and either say yes when opportunity knocks or knock on doors and make your own!

It’s all about the collab with Venus, who can you partner with to move you both toward your dreams? Uranus is still conjoined with Venus, hot wiring a jump to the next level. Push your usual comfort zone, 💫 TIP- do things differently for new and different results.

The ‘house’ Venus is gracing in your birth chart shows us where to expect this smooth operator to be serenading us, for example ; either we’ll meet her in the form of a neighbour (3rd house) colleague (6th house), or we’ll be the one working the charm with networking career moves (10th house). I’m hosting her in my 12th house so I’m expecting some fab dreams, smooth progressive meditations and practical/financially viable downloads from the collective conscious.
With pleasure,


Vanessa Montgomery







Full of Ideas
Like Chatting

The Full Moon in Gemini has us feeling more open to communication. So many thoughts bubble to the surface and messages come to us from all sorts of places. Our emotional energy is to share the knowledge/love.
Phones will be ringing, digi devices dinging.

Take advantage of the Gemini flavoured mood over the next couple of days to jot down any great ideas that come to mind and schedule social engagements.


Sagittarius Solar Month..burn baby burn


Get yr leg warmers out and your yoga body on…The Sun is in Sag for the next month, illuminating truth and it’s seekers.

This fire sign expands all that it comes in contact with, applying generosity, humour, and a positive perspective.

Enjoy movement for the joy of it, nature for the connection beyond self that it brings, and seek to expand your horizons.

Above all have a good laugh, preferably at yourself and enjoy the uplift.


Jupiter in Virgo = Luck!

Jupiter the Lucky planet is in Virgo. What does that mean??   Check out the video link to find out how you can make the most of the next 13 months..


Moon in SCORPIO…2.5 days

Sun Pisces + Moon Scorpio = Magical Alchemy

With the Moon in transformative Scorpio and the Sun in Pisces, the sign of magical reality, follow the yellow brick road, any thing could happen and you’ll find it will be rather pleasant.

 TheScorpio Moon, seductive, intense and emotional is opposed by Venus during this brief transit, don’t be surprised if you fall in love, if only for today…

Long buried grievances of past hurts,  involving old loves or close friends, especially women friends/partners, may surface from the deep past..try not to just air the laundry, but notice what it is, notice the feelings, then let go and allow them to be washed away.  This is the transformative gift of Scorpio. She likes to wash your emotional dross up onto your shore, it’s her gift to dredge up what you’d rather not see, in order for you to transform it and be truly free.   Also notice if you are annoyed because of something you yourself are not living out, yet they are/were at the time…like a mirror..what is your part in the way you are feeling?  Can you take back your unlived parts, integrate them and give them and yourself new life?  A great time for re-invention!

Your Personal birth chart – Scorpio ruling a cusp of your personal birth chart points to an area of your life where you need privacy, trust and perhaps some secrecy…intimate close relationship as well as shared resources could also be a feature.