MOON in CANCER: I’ll Cry if I Want To



When the Moon is in the Zodiac sign of Cancer our emotional consensus turns homeward toward our family of origin. The things that make us feel safe and nurtured are the things we feel make a home.
Therefore, enjoy a big shared meal with your closest and dearest that either are or feel like family. Go back to your roots and tap into some emotional sustenance. The flavours, sounds, smells of youth and childhood are very comforting at this time.

Because Cancer is a sign of nurturing and caring for those closest whom they love it, is a sign that is nousey in growing business as well. If you have any area you’d like to nurture, now’s the time to give it the love and water it needs to see it sprout.

Think Cancerian Richard Branson who has made his fortune on providing and making accessible what others have needed. He treats his clients as special people that are familiar and close.

Bon appetite !




Full of Ideas
Like Chatting

The Full Moon in Gemini has us feeling more open to communication. So many thoughts bubble to the surface and messages come to us from all sorts of places. Our emotional energy is to share the knowledge/love.
Phones will be ringing, digi devices dinging.

Take advantage of the Gemini flavoured mood over the next couple of days to jot down any great ideas that come to mind and schedule social engagements.



Aquarian Sun+Piscean Moon = Out of this world!

The Moon takes 2 1/2 days to move through each sign of the zodiac, completing the cycle in a month.  A general feeling or mood can be gleaned by knowing which sign that Moon may be in.  As it moves so fast the effect is more fleeting than the much slower moving planets, which tend to leave lasting change.

Currently, the Moon is traveling through watery Pisces, the sign of ultimate spiritual perfection.  Pisces are highly sensitive, can produce inspired art, music and just about anything those tuned into it care to channel into this material world from higher sources.  Due to it’s rarefied and ethereal nature, mundane life on planet Earth can sometimes be too much for such a delicate and emotionally broad-ranging, idealistic energy.

When the Moon transits through Pisces each month, it’s a great time to let your self-have your spiritual bliss.  It may be by listening to inspiring music while doing yoga, simply contemplating in a beautiful garden, going to the ocean..what ever allows you to immerse in something greater than yourself.  The short and low road is often drugs, or just not coping with life, feeling victimized or searching outside of self-ending in unhealthy addictions.  The high road is to be in the center of the seat of your emotions and radiate out from there.

Natally – The house cusp of your personal birth chart ruled by Pisces indicates where you can find your bliss.  This can be an area of life where you have the desire to merge and approach with compassion and empathy.  It can also be an area in your life where you can be susceptible to less scrupulous folk, or just give too much of your self, giving too much away and not having clear boundaries.