
Full of Ideas
Like Chatting

The Full Moon in Gemini has us feeling more open to communication. So many thoughts bubble to the surface and messages come to us from all sorts of places. Our emotional energy is to share the knowledge/love.
Phones will be ringing, digi devices dinging.

Take advantage of the Gemini flavoured mood over the next couple of days to jot down any great ideas that come to mind and schedule social engagements.


Moon in GEMINI…

Sun in Aries + Moon in Gemini = double barreled and loaded, say it straight.

The Moon in Gemini is a happy team mate to the Sun in Aries Solar season, they both love to go faster!  Gemini Moon denotes a mood for communication, clever ideas and spreading the word, whatever that may be.  The Sun in Aries favours initiating new ideas.  Use this energy to go back to the drawing board (Merc Retro) and see what comes out..create the space, or just use your drive time to allow something glittering to emerge..make sure you write it down before forgetting.

Quick calls, texts, visits, emails, and trips are all favoured under Gemini Moon, get out and about…As Mercury is retro, those texts etc could be lost, so double check everything and be prepped for some misfired communication as well.



Sun in Aquarius + Moon in Gemini = High voltage Networking or unusual ideas…

With 5 out of the 10 major planets currently in Air signs, this Gemini Moon is in good company.  The mood is for talk..and lots of it!  Networking, gossip, googling and catching up on the latest is what it’s all about..

High octane coffee dates would be a fun way to enjoy the current astro atmosphere.

With 3 planets in Air sign Aquarius, arguably the Dux of the zodiac, ideas will be fast, sharp and interesting.  If you have any thinking or planning to do, talk out ideas in order to expand them, you’ll get great results under this Moon/Mercury/Sun/Neptune/Saturn line up. From the personal Planets to the big guns, tap in to channel some bright sparks.

Natally – The cusp of your own personal birth chart ruled by Gemini is an area of your life where communication is important.  You may approach this area of your life intellectually, rationally and with clever ideas.  This would also be an area of your life you give a lot of airtime to in your thoughts.