BLAZE : Aries New MOON 

On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, both their lights blocked from our sight, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.

This makes rich soil for contacting your inner/higher self/subconscious, planning and setting foundations for your path.

Write down what you are releasing, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.


*photo by Jay Roeden

New Moons are about Manifesting, plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in ARIES. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other at their extreme ends of mutual polarity.
To take it a step further, draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date.

Focus on areas and approaches that ARIES rules, such as:

  • New Beginnings
  • Initiating new ventures
  • New Directions
  • Blazing trails
  • Blazing trails out of your field/comfort zone/area of familiarity
  • Solo ventures
  • Independence “
  • Taking Risks
  • Self focus
  • First impressions
  • Action
  • Assertiveness
  • Taking the lead, Aries waits for no one
  • No Fear, or feeling the fear and doing it anyway!
  • Courage

Eg ;

  • ” I easily find myself consistently asserting myself in healthy ways”
  • “I easily find myself taking the lead when it’s in my best interests to do so”
  • “I easily find myself engaging in healthy activities that increase my energy and vitality”
  • “All fears of being ‘the first’ are totally lifted from me”
  • “I easily find myself initiating in ways that create mutual trust and support in my relationship with…”
  • “I have total confidence in simply being myself”
  • “I easily find myself acting on my constructive inner impulse”
  • “I am the hero of my journey”
  • “I easily find myself being straight forward in all my relationships”
  • “I easily find I’m fearless in all areas of my life”

Aries rules the Warrior part of ourselves. The initiating spark of energy that’s in every new beginning or seed, the strength and self assurance it takes for a seed, alone in the dark soil to bust out and push through. Aries waits for no one, if it cared what the crowd was doing it would rot and moulder, still in the ground. That first burst of fire out of a furnace when the door is opened, thats the Aries quality.

Go within to get in touch with that part of yourself, apply it to what you’d like to accomplish. Choose your top goal and make it count.

This New Moon is square to taskmaster Saturn in Sagittarius.  Busting out has a caveat. Saturn in Sagittarius signifies that the old guard, especially concerning freedom has a restraining order in place.

For example, you’re changing careers, you’re leaping into the void…Saturn says cover yourself, make sure you have planned and are provided for over this period in case you fall short. Eg, use past experience in hospitality to secure a waiting or barista job to get you the final yards while the new endeavour launches. Your new to be found freedom is as stake, as well as what you’ve already worked for and stored. Work ethic, as well as boundaries protect your freedom. You wont want to, you may feel its beneath you, and it will humble your ego, however Saturn provides when you do the work. He’s here telling you, do the work, go the extra mile or you’ll run out of gas before you hit the freeway.

You may find yourself in one of the two positions here…are you the one supporting someone elses way forward with what you’ve worked hard for? Then get some boundaries and reflect on your own wishes for new beginnings. Or you may be the one asking for someone else to foot the bill while you chase your own self expression. Time to take responsibility and it will serve you better than any short term couch surfing ever could. You’ve skilled up in the past, time to hack your own well built resources, they are there and ready to provide.  You have all you need to push on.

Integrate the child within yourself with the adult, without compromising either, rather than taking one role and pitting yourself against an external agent you’ve cast in the other role.

Entrepreneurship is trending this decade. This new moon is potent for would be Entrepreneurs. There is struggle and challenge in this Moon, however it marks a turning point so keep at it and you’ll surface to the next level.
Is there something you need to let go of in order to move forward. A dream or fantasy of freedom thats actually more of an anchor in reality. Time to cut the rope and liquefy those assets!

Nothing says Aries vibes like Supersheros.  Heres wonderwoman to show us how. In this movie W.W steps up to her responsibilities and serves others by expressing everything she is.  Where in your life do you need to be your own superhero?

Watch the trailer here > Wonder Woman, just watch me.

Retrograde Venus is in the mix bringing a new twist on relationships….and how you relate to yourself/your own self worth. 
How can you relate differently in your fast and furious mad dash to new life/career/relationship/travel etc. Time to mix it up, step it up and use a different approach, you’ve outgrown your old way of relating. This could be as simple as working out the perfect selfie angle/filter, being more direct, validating yourself instead of waiting for others approval or even illustrating your vision in a creative medium. Venus rules values, self worth as well as money so take a closer look at how you’re functioning in this area.

Own your authority if you find you look to authority figures to decide what you’re worth.  Then do the work to make your vision, income and freedom happen.

Mercury is conjunct Uranus, lending genius spark to fresh and creative ideas…stabilised by a trine (easy flow) to Saturn in Sagittarius..take your genius moment and apply to any challenges you face. Communications will be a way forward, use yr grey matter.

Geek Fact Checker : 

New Moon conjunct Sun at 7 degrees Aries

Conjunct Retrograde Venus at 4 degrees, orb separating

Square Saturn at 10 degrees Sag,orb separating
Mercury 25 Conjunct Uranus 23 Aries, separating

Trine Saturn 20 degrees Sagittarius

As always the house placement of the New Moon and other transiting planets, as well as any aspects they make to your natal planets (where the planets were at your birth time and location) provides more information as to make the most of this time personally and get the insights gleaned from Astrology to bat in your corner.


Vanessa Montgomery



How are ya’ll finding this tense planetary ‘3’s a crowd’ at the moment?
Saturn conj Mars in Sag for a power headache, aggressive boundary control or just really tight thighs and hips?

All pushed to a head by the unattainable ‘shoulds’ and expectations indicated by the square to rarified Neptune in Pisces that has us wanting the ultimate everything.

I for one have all of the above plus sudden bad skin..Mars is heat and anger, Saturn is boundaries, hence, the skin as boundary between our perceived self and rest of creation.

Saturn is the ultimate in manifest creation and the boundary we are able to perceive that enables us to function rationally in this world, total left brain function…Neptune is like the ultimate in non manifest and the ability we have to also operate beyond this rational, logically perceived right brain unity consciousness (see this blog for more deets on unity consciousness Get these two in harmony and you have a beautiful balance of left and right brain platforms that you can toggle between, thereby achieving a more whole experience possible for a human being.

Both bliss and worldly comforts/success. These two in square mean the two polar opposites are blindsiding each other in our consciousness, yet pushing for integration.

The areas in your chart these two are found indicate which areas of life you’re experiencing the conflict. The problems will most likely reveal as expectations, and shoulds.

It’s worth the battle to get these two parts of self and areas of life into some kind of mutually beneficial operating platform.

The book ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ could be applied to these two parts of self, or operating systems preference of left over right or right over left brain outlook.

The area of life Saturn and Mars are currently affecting for you is where you’ll be patrolling the perimeter like a muscled up Doberman with a bloodlust for freedom. Any perceived threat to said freedom will set you off and have you cuffing intruders, interrogating and your best impression of police brutality. Best you put out a warning sign, enter at your own risk. Fire signs will be particularly prone to combustion. If you get your head bitten off, back away slowly, let them cool off and don’t lock horns unless chargrilled looks good on you.

The area of your life (house of your natal chart) transited by Neptune will be where you expect nothing less than unity consciousness, unicorns, goddesses/gods and the ultimate nature of reality to just explode all around you. Or at least what ever your ideal of perfection is in that house, with out any actual effort from you. You’ll also be very sensitive, empathetic, and loving, finding the bliss in everything and one, a channel for artistic or spiritual endeavour.. or the shadow side, questionable boundaries, drained or draining it, or victimy/martering yourself or just failing at mundane reality ie, income and daily life, escapism through addiction (drugs, alcohol, t.v, virtual reality/internet, food).

And these two sides of your life are currently competing for you to favour one, when in fact you’re evolution calls you to  balance them to win the lotto on life.

Watch for justifications you might be using to OK your own behaviour while blaming others that do similar..look deeper under behaviour and actions for the values you’re trying to achieve, and why who ever is upsetting you isn’t meeting those values. This enables you to become more aware of what you really want, so you can find healthier ways to communicate and achieve what’s important to you.  This approach allows you to let go of needing to control others into meeting your values and appreciate theirs.

Let me know how you go and what works best for you!

HOW: I look through the biggest pity party stories I’m currently running on loop and work through the list from the Sobbiest or angriest one down, breaking them apart, pulling out the ‘shoulds’ and opening up the polarities to see the real picture in its entirety. From where I realise my original position was just a speck on the radar of reality and feel gratitude for regaining my position in true reality. (Yes there are super simple techniques for doing this).

‘The truth will set you free’ as they say.

Ain’t that the truth!

Cheers to team effort!

Vanessa Montgomery


As above, as below….as they say

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves”Carl Jung.


There are so many roads to truth…and this is one of the easiest yet difficult to navigate, especially at first.

How does this relate to astrology?

Your birth astrology chart is like a psychological map, as well as a map of your external environment and events. It can show us what we reject, find difficult, hence tend to disown..all those bits and pieces of ourselves we find difficult to embrace and own need to find expression, so we relate to them as if they are external, projecting them onto others to re-experience them Until we finally surrender. Sounds complicated? It doesn’t need to be!

Jung found astrology a valuable tool and utilised it to better understand his most difficult cases.

Here’s how Dr Nima, developer of the Cognitive Somatic psychotherapy ‘The Overview Method’ describes it.


People can be so irritating. The things they do.

One of the most irritating things I saw throughout my career was this concept of people feeling “entitled”.
I saw it every day in my Chiropractic practice. People getting sick and injured and feeling like the world owed them something. Car insurance compensation, workers compensation, boss, family—you name it. The world OWED them something. This button of entitlement I saw in others left a very bitter taste in my mouth.
It wasn’t until very recent where I realized it was myself I was looking at. Entitlement in my profession. Entitlement with my staff. Entitlement in my relationships. Entitlement with my ex-wife. Entitlement with finances.
The most humbling realization of my life. Carl Jung’s words slapping me right across the face.

This was exactly why I was so triggered when I saw it.
What’s been triggering you in other people? What do you actually DESPISE when you see in others?
I’m going to go so far to say that the greater the trigger—the more blind you are that you’re doing it yourself.
One of my clients was so angry with her mother for cheating on her father when she was a child (she witnessed it)—that her resentment was blinding her from the realization that she had done the same with her own husband years ago. She was judging herself.
Does lying trigger you?

Look closely—where are you lying to yourself? Your partner? Your family? Your taxes?
I asked this question in a workshop one day—and the lady who answered “I hate it when people are so disruptive!”

It just so happens that this woman was causing the most disruption during the entire workshop—papers falling all over the place—coming in late—constantly having something to contradict everything that was said.

(It was irritating the crap out of me ☺ )
Take a look at what’s pissing you off in others.

Use it as a mirror to understanding yourself.

Why bother?

The whole point is to become more conscious. More aware. To change the perception of superiority and self-righteousness and separation from each other to the humbling possibility that we are in fact, one. That there is no separation.

That when we start to see bits of ourselves in others, we have a greater chance of solving the divisions that are tearing our world apart. We approximate rather than divide.
Awareness actually heals.
And it starts with observing our own reactions to things—and going INSIDE rather than out.
AKA (Ass Kicking Action step) for today:

Observe what you are triggered by and call yourself out on it.

Transcendental Time : Moon in Pisces


Non local



The Moon is in the the final zodiac sign of Pisces. This means wind down, allow all this past lunar month has bought to integrate.

See what comes to you, you could be surprised if you keep an open, non judgmental mind..make sure not to limit any nuggets that come through.
To do this allow yourself to find that sweet dream touch base with yr higher power/higher mind..this is where art and nature can help.
Listen to music that takes you beyond your everyday self, situation, mind…watch the ocean waves and bliss out..get out yr pencil n paper and just draw what comes to get the picture.

Also altruistic acts take us beyond our immediate everyday needs, so you could go help out at an animal shelter or soup kitchen, it’s win win.
This way you’ll b ready to start the new lunar cycle fresh once the Moon moves into Aries the initiator.